
Lara stands up and walks slowly into the silent woods. What a beautiful nature! Within a second, a bond- seems so strong. Whispering!!!! Lara, my dear; are you ok? Lara laughs and says- I'm absolutely fine. In fact, I feel that I can touch the eternal love. Thank you so much, my dear God; for such a meaningful sight. I don’t want to recall the past. I have enough to endure all. I want to live in this serene place.

Lara belongs from a poor family. She completed graduation at philosophy. Life turns a new angle, after the marriage. A Love marriage!!! She married Raj, who is belonged from an established family. Her story was starting by figuring the terrible truth of life. Nobody likes her. She tolerates all, without any adverse reflection. Time goes so fast. 7 years are passed. Still, there's not a single ray of affection, in that family, for her. Now, she can't move on. Outbursts of her emotions . She can’t talk with anyone. She talks with mirror:


   Can you plz tell me truth

   Am I not beautiful 

   Why all want to avoid 

   I'm really heart broken


   Can you show my identity 

   Am I a deity or a witch

   Why there's only suspicious thoughts 

   I'm really in a sorrowful zone


  You know all the best

  Reflection at each segment 

  God's grace in earth 

  Each living creatures are beautiful 


  Are you annoyed by me

  Hearing all silly words

  I want to talk someone 

  Who really realize essence of life"

“I can’t hold this anymore. I must break this shackle. I will make it definitely. I'm not a timid one. I know, I have the strength and I will do this, definitely...”

My dreamy Legendary realm !!! I write, all about in my personal notebook. My hidden dreams are visualized and invited me to go there, for a new life…

“May I welcome in thy realm 

Wisdom of a legend

Not a drop of tear for regretting 

Thy wisdom embracing 

May I welcome in thy realm 

Seeds of existence blooming onward

Uplifting the majestic visions 

Not a single chance for daring invasions

May I welcome in thy realm

Tip-toe stepping merriness lane

Cosmic site acts as roof

Spiritual powers sparkling all times

May I welcome in thy realm

Always cherishing for mythical reign

Throwing all surreptitious thoughts 

Making a new divinely abode”

I feel so relax, now. My decision is finally accepted by mind. Raj ! I have no restrictions upon you. But, you never support me. You always disrespect me. I feel that you don’t like me anymore. Ok. You can go on as wish and I will go on my own way. At least, we can make the upcoming times better. Be happy at your new life. I have no regret . "I have some little dreams. To do something with the orphans and special children. I will be happy there. They are the angels, symbol of precious jewels. I want to spend my life with them. Some tiny friends in my life, making time- a remarkable one."

“Raj is always in absent mind. Neither defeat nor accept. Now it's my own choice. Nobody can desolate me. I moved from that house. Now, searching- a new job.”

I'm back in a youthful life !!! I’m so excited. I can’t control myself. Amidst the natural sights, I’m reciting and dancing…

“All of you ready to accept 

It's the time to hold breathe 

A stagnant moment of life

Don't be shocked at a glance 

I'm back in this verse 

No more shade or crease require

Are you all so surprise

How can I get this attire 

Earth gives me a lot of tears 

Bouncing effect of my life

No way to look backwards 

One step ahead with a new sphere 

Still some ques peeping in mind

How can a withered flower be bloomed

Bouncing strikes at inner sites

Making to realize the meaning of life

Regretting only the wasting of time

Passionately move on by robustness of mind

No need to worry what's happening 

you are a hidden flame 

Now should be ignited overall 

Wearing the crown of love

Showing boldness is thy pride

Touching all hearts in the earth”

"After, I sit beneath azure…Breathing!!!!!"

I'm writing some tiny stories. All are the reflection of my life. I want to Express my feelings and a story is risen. I don't want to recall my past. As a new year, want to a fresh start. Most of  the times, now passed by writing and playing with poor children. They love me a lot. I love them as my soul friends.

 “I try to find out my inner child...my inner child. I miss you so much. You must be hidden in the subconscious mind.” I want to talk with you, dear !

“How are you-inner child !!!”

"My dear friend, my beloved one

You are the most important part in my life

You, in mind always help to wake, to encourage

Give me fabulous ideas to proceed dreams in real life

I love your existence in ethereal life

You make me to feel the essence of eternity

Recalling the past, I see how myself-the child was passed every days gleefully 

No restrictions to do anything, mind was easily pleased

Arguments with lot of affections to pursue little urges

Tricky smirking touching the heart easily

Now that time was framed as a snapshot

Time make me to feel that you are aged now

 But still those incidents swirling my ways

You then call by mesmerizing tunes - get up, don't be sober in kind

Just chill and joyous with enthusiasm

If you don't whisper, then I will be muddled in life

You reflect within me

Your existence show me to perceive all the angelic innocence, that was provided by you once

Still I can sing, I can dance, I can jump

 I can run, I can enjoy drenching at the rains

 I can make tricky trips, I can eat street foods 

 I can make all of the deeds to encourage myself

Skin may fragile, time may go , age may increase

But the existence of my inner child can never be vanished

So many experiences are gathered in this lengthy life

Yet the youthful moments cherish always in our mind

Thank you so much for your lovely touch

To reach , to sail my boat smoothly, enjoying

 trip with full of heart"

I want to love this life, a gift from God. Life never promises to anyone. So, it’s essential to lead a wonderful life. My thoughts come as a new verse…

“Life in earth a mystery,

Always writes a story,

Want to make history.

Life in earth a treasury,

God gives this image of flowery,

It's so funny & flurry.

Life in earth a destiny,

To make all things as majestic, 

To sketch heaven in earthly .

Life in earth God's blessing,

Making each time worthful, 

Giving gracious thanks to God .

Love thy life unconditionally,

Not cherish sadness for anything.

Time never promise to anyone,

It's ridiculous losing life without hilarious.

Don't need to take so seriously-

Life is a blooming flower,

Nourishing by pouring drops of love.”

This is my new year gift. The most precious, from God. I am thankful to God and also all the dear ones , for helping me, to create such a wonderful life.

January 04, 2021 13:41

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