The small running river

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Set your story on (or in) a winding river.... view prompt


American Horror Lesbian

CONTENT WARNING: murder, language, and sex parts.

The wind was blowing and I was drifting in a river full of dead fish. I heard my girlfriend yelling my name. "AMY!...AMY!...AMY WAKE UP!!" but I couldn't wake up.

It was a bright Saturday morning and I was laying in bed cuddling my girlfriend who just woke up. She sat up and gave me my morning kiss.

"Are you hungry?" She had asked me as she got up to go make something to eat.

"Ya but, I'll make breakfast you go take your shower." I was walking to the kitchen behind her saying that.

She turned and looked at me and then smiled, "ok whatever you say." She giggled a bit and then walked to the bathroom. I headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Emily. I heard the water in the bathroom running. I started making eggs and then 15 minutes pasted and I heard the water turn off. I had breakfast ready for Emily. I heard the bathroom door open then I turned around from the sink to ask her a question but I was stopped. Emily was standing at the end of the hall, no towel, and no clothes. I could see the heat radiating off her body she started walking to me and she came around the counter.

I pulled her close to me and I could feel the heat from her body through my clothes and then I kiss her gently sliding my hands down to her bare flesh. She started making small noises and kissing me. I picked her up and took her back to the bedroom and I laid her on the bed going down kissing every inch of her body I could.

But all seemed to end when there was a knock at the front door. I rolled my eyes and told Emily to stay put.

I went to the front door and opened it. "Hel-" I was stopped when I saw Emily's mom standing there with a slap across her face and bruises all on her body. I opened the door more so she could come in then Emily came out with her clothes on and saw her mom then ran to her and helped her to the couch. "Mom what happened?!?!" I went to get her a glass of ice cold water and I came back and gave it to her. "Your father came home... From the bar." She took a drink then looked at me. I had rage in my eyes and her mother could see that.

I stood up and grabbed my keys "WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!?!" rage was all in my voice and it scared Emily. I looked at her mom and she told me where to find him. I ran out the door and showed up to Emily's parents house. I busted the door in and went right to where Emily's dad was. "YOU PIECE OF SH-" I was stopped when I saw he was dead. I looked around and then I heard someone behind me. I pulled my knife and turned around and to my surprise Emily's older brother was standing there with a gun in his hands. "Mike?" I asked questioned. "Amy?" He looked at me then I looked at him.

Emily showed up with her mom and they both saw what was going on. Emily raced over to me and grabbed the knife from my hand then she put it in her pocket. She hugged me tight and then looked at Mike. "Hey brother" she said scared to death, "please put the gun down. Mom is ok and you saved her. Now please put the gun down." Mike dropped the gun down and it went off and shot my leg. I dropped the the floor and held my leg. "PUT THE SAFETY ON BEFORE YOU DO THAT DUMBASS!"

I held my leg and then Emily went over and grabbed the gun then came back to me and helped me to the couch then grabbed a pair of tweezers and gave me a belt to bite down on. "This is gonna hurt." She warned me before going in with the tweezers and pulling the bullet out and I screamed. It hurt so bad I bit through to belt and left marks in it. She finally got it cleaned up and wrapped it. I sat her next to me then I started to hold her and love on her. Everyone got to talking but I stayed quiet and fell asleep.

I woke up in the car and we were driving back to my house. Emily's mom was at her own house getting help by Emily's brother. I placed my hand on Emily's thigh and she smiled. "Good morning sleepy head." She gave a slight giggle and set her hand on my hand. I smiled and winced at the pain that was still going through my leg. "How's your mom doing?" I asked, "she's doing better then before." Emily replied. I nodded then we pulled up to my house and I opened my door and got out limping to the door and getting my keys to unlock my door. I walked in Emily behind me helping me. I pulled her infront of me and I kissed her with my hands on her hips.

I slid one of my hands down her leg and up her skirt. "So where were we?" She took me to the bed room and then I laid her on the bed and I took her clothes off while taking my clothes off. She bit her lip and I went down. I heard her moaning and telling me not to stop.


I laid next to her breathing hard and she was to. I cuddled up to her and pulled her close to me, I looked at the time and it was almost dinner time. "What do u want for dinner?" Emily looked at me and replied with "can you make us sushi?" I nodded my head then got up and put my shirt and pants back on and then walked to the kitchen. Then it went black.


The wind was blowing and I was drifting in a river full of dead fish. I heard my girlfriend yelling my name. "AMY!...AMY!...AMY WAKE UP!!" but I couldn't wake up.

I didn't know what was going on. I woke up in the hospital and next to me was Emily and my parents. "Where am I?" I sat up and Emily hugged me tight. She answered all my questions and told me what had happened. I was hit upside the head by my step father and dragged to an old boat that was being pulled by a river. I held Emily in my arms then looked at my mom and my dad and step mom. They all smiled. My parents were christians but seeing how happy I am with Emily they approved of my sexuality and all my choices.


Three years passed and me and Emily were out eating dinner at a fancy restaurant and I dropped my fork on purpose and I looked at Emily then pulled a diamond ring out. "Emily Oak, will you marry me?" Emily tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and nodded her head and started crying tears of joy. I put the ring on her finger and hugged her while kissing her. Everyone in the restaurant was clapping for us.

June 13, 2021 20:14

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Weldon Knight
02:14 Jun 24, 2021

This reads to me like a "first draft". Being a writer and reading my own first drafts, I understand the undertone you are making with the storyline. It can be an excellent story with some fine tuning. My suggestion is to put it away for a month and forget about it. Then, reread it with an editing eye. The story line needs to flow. Establish meaningful changes between dream sequence, sexual impulses and actual events. Being hit upside the head and drug to a boat does not explain being shot in the leg, Emily's dead Dad or her . Keep writi...


Kodi Gehrig
07:46 Jun 25, 2021

Thanks for the tip


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Kiley Segale
04:15 Jun 23, 2021

I literally signed up to comment on how grammatically fucked this story is. I couldn’t get through it. This story should be retitled “and then...”. The premise isn’t off putting but the grammar certainly is.


Kodi Gehrig
18:50 Jun 23, 2021

This isn't ur story. I'm not retitling this so if u got a problem with it then idc I'm not gonna retitle my story just cuz someone told me to. If u don't like it then don't read it


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