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Mystery Suspense

    As I walked inside my house, I saw my parents and some kind of military figure standing in our living room. I had no idea who it was but something felt off about the whole situation . 

“ What is going on here? Who’s this Guy?”

“Emery this is Sergeant Carter, We had him over for dinner the other night while you stayed at your friend’s house, and we talked about sending you to boarding school” 

 My heart dropped to my feet, I stood there frozen, I started to feel dizzy and fell to the ground.

“It's time to inject him with the sedative,” said Sergeant Carter. 

I laid on the floor weak and helpless, “ No please, I want to stay here.” My voice was frail and my eyes became heavy. As I started to drift into a deep sleep I could hear my parents tell Sergeant Carter to take care of me and fix me up. It all seemed so unreal and I couldn’t understand what was so wrong with me that they had to send me away. 

I woke up all of a sudden in a room that had beds on each side. I had a massive headache and my memory was a bit blurry. All I knew was that I had been brought wherever I was, unwillingly. I could see that all my stuff was organized in the closet and dresser. The other side of the room was occupied too, I wasn’t too thrilled about having a roommate. I started to look around the room and saw a picture of me and this guy on my roommates nightstand. I was super confused, I didn’t know who the guy was and why that picture was on my roommates nightstand if I had barely gotten there. I sat there in confusion, and the door burst open.

“ Well look who’s finally awake.”

“Who are you and Where am I?” I said.

“Ohh Emery, you really did hit your head hard for you to be disoriented, but if it makes you feel better, I’m Luke and we’re students at Columbia Boarding School for Boys.”

“What do you mean I hit my head? I remember being at home, feeling dizzy, and waking up here.”

“Don’t be silly, You got here a year ago but yesterday we were messing around in the basement and you hit your head. You’ve been sleeping ever since.” Said Luke.

I didn’t bother to ask more questions because there was clearly something wrong. I remember what had happened to me and the things he was saying weren’t adding up. I feel like I would’ve remembered who he was and where I was even if I did hit my head. I was going to find out the truth one way or another. 

“ I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going Emery?” Said Luke.

“I’m going out and exploring the school so it can freshen up my mind and see if I remember anything else.”

“Alright but if you need anything don’t be afraid to holler at me.”

I headed out of our dorm and went down the long hallway.There were doors all throughout the end of the hallway. I saw stairs and it said they lead to the basement so I headed there to see if something could trigger my memory. As I walked down the stairs the room got extremely cold but I kept going. It was dark and dusty but there was a window and it let in a ray of sunlight. I looked around and saw a steel door, I went towards it to open it but I needed a pin to enter. I heard someone coming down the stairs and I hid behind a huge cardboard box. I was peeking to see who it was and it was some guy with a lab coat and he was heading towards the door. As he put the pin and went in, I ran towards the door to keep it from shutting. I waited a minute or so to make sure he didn’t see me and I opened the door and went in. It was a long narrow hallway that turned at the end. I went down it and looked around the corner to make sure there wasn’t anyone coming. I turned and I saw a door, there was a crack, and I could see a body laying on a bed and doctors or scientists surrounding it. I could see the body and it looked exactly like me. I was in shock and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It all felt like it was a nightmare. I kept peeking through the door crack until I accidentally bumped into it and the entire door opened. The guys in the lab coats looked over and came straight towards me.

“What are you doing here little boy?” Said one of the lab coat guys.

“You weren't supposed to see any of this, and now unfortunately we cannot let you go.”

“ No, Please let me go. I promise I won;t say a word of what I saw.’ I said.

“What you saw is private research and we cannot trust you. Guys strap him to the table.”

They proceeded to carry me and strap me down on a metal table. I was so scared, I didn't know what they were going to do to me. They started gathering their surgical equipment and started to unbutton my shirt.

“He will be a more efficient factor to our research than his twin.”

I was shocked at what he said. I never knew I had a twin and that explains why the body looked so much like me. I would why my parents didn’t tell me but if they sent me away the way that did then there’s chances they would do more. I felt the surgical knife puncture my skin and blood started oozing out of my wound. The pain I felt was excruciating and I slowly started to drift into the bright light at the end. I saw my twin brother and as we held hands, my soul left my body.  

October 23, 2020 02:10

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1 comment

Sally Lang
01:06 Oct 30, 2020

Brayan, you have a very creative story here. My favourite part is the ending, as you seem to take your time with details and use strong language. My advice would be to edit your story very carefully and try to vary your vocabulary. Also, slowing your pace by adding details would help as your story seems to jump from one thing to another and move very quickly. I hope this is helpful.


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