
Submitted into Contest #231 in response to: Write a story in the form of a list of New Year's resolutions.... view prompt


Lesbian Friendship

Chia’s New Years Resolutions for 2012!

  1. Attempt to use positive affirmations
  2. Find out what exactly positive affirmations are and why everyone thinks you need them
  3. Find a job— preferably full time
  4. Try out volunteer work (shelter by our old house?)
  5. De-clutter your room (spring cleaning? Mom would appreciate that)

New Years Resolutions for 2013

  1. Get that raise! (You deserve more than $9 an hour working in customer service)
  2. Learn a new language
  3. Stick to a budget
  4. Try to make new friends
  5. Maybe pick up a hobby (something stress relieving? Painting, hiking, gardening?)
  6. Manage your time better (move around volunteer hours to have more time for work?)

!Chia's New Years Resolutions for 2014!

  1. Find a second job
  2. Save money— less junk food
  3. Eat healthier— also less junk food
  4. Keep practicing Spanish— aim for B2 CEFR (AKA be kinda good at it)
  5. Try spending more time with friends! (Jason likes the movies, Aster really likes that one museum, etc etc)
  6. Try to pick up painting again

New Years Resolutions for 2015

  1. Stick to New Years Resolutions
  2. Move out (at least start looking for an apartment)
  3. ACTUALLY eat healthier. More fruits and veggies
  4. Start practicing Spanish again
  5. REALLY try to talk to friends more (anything would be good at this point)
  6. Improve painting skills (maybe start selling a bit?)
  7. Learn to drive (it would be nice to not walk everywhere)
  8. Try out dating again
  9. Find more time for side jobs (like pet sitting)

Resolution for New Year 2016

  1. Keep trying to date
  2. Try to find new friends
  3. Keep looking for an apartment
  4. Work more hours (look into full-time instead of part-time at the deli? And take the night shift at the pharmacy)
  5. Sell more paintings
  6. Try to find time to volunteer again
  7. Work on managing relationships— maybe find a book about it?

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2. Try to find new friends (don’t understand what went wrong)


  1. Try for at least 1 date a month (Katy mentioned going to a concert together?)
  2. Start another side hustle!
  3. Read AT LEAST 3 books!
  4. Read AT LEAST 1 book IN SPANISH!!
  5. Become a master of gift giving (what to get Katy for Valentine’s? For her birthday? For Christmas? etc etc)
  6. Reach out to old friends! Make new ones! Life is good
  7. Try running a marathon!

Resolutions for NEW YEARS!

  1. Settle in to apartment with Katy!
  2. Take an interior decorating class? Settling into apartment more difficult than anticipated
  3. Find a hobby outside of work
  4. Try to find time for more dates exclamation oh my God stop stop hah. You know I’m using speech to text to make this. Yeah yes it can stay but only because it’s funny only because you’re— only because you’re funny.
  5. Take breaks more often!
  6. Drink more water
  7. Work on tutoring side hustle (maybe offering it for a lower price to attract more people?)
  8. Keep your New Year Resolutions (at least 3!)


  1. Fix up the new house with Katy!
  2. Be better at communicating (IMPORTANT)
  3. Go on more dates with Katy (she loves camping!)
  4. Request raise (it’s been almost 5 years at $10 an hour)
  5. Take a photography class (with Katy? Good way of spending more time actually doing stuff together)
  6. Do your best to talk to more people (Katy and your coworkers shouldn’t be your entire social life)
  7. Try to prioritize self care over work
  8. Prioritize Katy over work

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Talk to coworkers outside of work? Try to be friends instead of coworkers?


  1. Go on vacation
  2. Work on fear of intimacy
  3. Spend less time on phone (“try to leave work at work” like Katy says)
  4. Make up for missing that concert with Katy (date ideas: another concert if you can find tickets, stargazing (find a good spot!), couple’s painting party)
  5. Try to enjoy painting again
  6. Be a more attentive partner (maybe write more things down?)
  7. Stop being a workaholic

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3. advance career

4. work more overtime


  1. Go for walks with each other
  2. Cook together
  3. Go for monthly dates
  4. Talk to each other more (Chia likes painting, photography, Katy likes camping, concerts, knitting, wildlife documentaries, fishing)
  5. Do nice things for each other outside of Holidays
  6. Air out frustrations before they blow up into arguments


  1. Be more focused— only think about work at work, and only think about home at home
  2. Save money— invest smarter, look for cheaper products, spend less on gifts (Risky? A bit rude)
  3. Work more overtime
  4. Try to be more optimistic
  5. Try to be more grateful
  6. Talk about couple’s therapy
  7. Become a better cook (even if it’s just not burning eggs and bacon anymore)

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5. Try to be more grateful hey Chia oh sorry. It’s fine. I was just— yeah I was just making a New Years resolution list again. It’s fine. Just don’t come in here again I guess. No no it’s fine.

2022 New Year Resolutions:

  1. Try to make more environmentally friendly choices
  2. Work on becoming a better painter (good way to mix hobbies and work) (try selling them for more so you can spend less time at work?)
  3. Take up Spanish again (maybe try learning another language?)
  4. Try to read at least 1 book of any kind
  5. You need to spend at least 1 day with Katy (and JUST with Katy) a month
  6. Practice healthier ways of venting out anger/ frustrations
  7. Find a couple’s therapist with Katy (call back Doctor Allison?)

New years resolutions for 2023

  1. Hang out more with Katy
  2. Be more positive/ less argumentative
  3. Be more patient
  4. Be better at communicating (NOW EVEN MORE IMPORTANT)
  5. Find a better couple’s therapist
  6. Spend less time at work— maybe stop working on Sundays? (Urgently need to talk to boss about taking on less hours)

Resolutions for 2024

  1. Use moving back in as an opportunity to spend more time with parents
  2. Help mom in the garden more (year round, not just in the spring when she asks)
  3. Finish getting your stuff back from Katy’s (Maybe ask someone? Mom and Dad are already doing enough)
  4. Get outside more (gardening with Mom, hiking, NOT camping)
  5. Try for a better sleep schedule (no more waking up at noon on Sundays)
  6. Eat less junk food (no more eating an entire tub of ice-cream at once)
  7. Stay away from alcohol and smoking (THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO COPE)
  8. Start journaling

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Reach out more uh hey dad. Yeah I’ll. I’ll be there in a few. I’m just— yes I’m just making a New Years resolution list. No it’s this thing on the phone where you— yes on the phone. Where you say it out loud and it writes it down. I um I should really stop using it. Yes because— because half of my resolutions becomes stuff like this. Okay yes see you in a bit.

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  1. Try looking for a therapist
  2. Use more positive affirmations

January 05, 2024 05:44

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