Romance Drama

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, or at least that's what they thought. Earlier this morning his wife over cooked the meat that they were supposed to enjoy, yet they finished it with non left.

 Later on, they had received the wrong coffee from what they ordered. 

 After finishing their usual coffee, they went straight to the place that they've been aching for. He left the pile of work that he had, she left the laundry untouched.

 Rain then falls, more cars are in sight. They went from 80, 60, to 20. They couldn't make a left or a right turn. They just smiled at each other and laughed about it. 

  They are set, they brought a bottle, a pacifier, diapers, clothes,and their sealed documents with them. Suddenly their car was out of gas, they couldn't find the nearest gas station. He then decided to phone his brother for help.

 Good thing that there's a spot to park his car. All the anxiety that he had before vanished, They were going to take their newborn baby home. They never thought that this would happen to them. 

  "So have you decided?" She asked.

   "Decided?" He was confused.

   "On her name of course," she answered.

   "R-right, her name," he stuttered.

   "So, you haven't figured it out huh?" She was disappointed. 

  "Hey is that his car? Oh it was a similar one," he tried to deflect her question.

  "Don't change the subject! You're her father for god's sake," she slapped him.

  "Sorry," he said.

  "How about anne?" He asked.

  "Dear, are you taking this seriously?" She was pissed.

  "Charlotte, Samantha, Ruby," he suggested.

  "Will you give more thoughts into it?" She demanded.

  "Well what names do you have then?" He asked. 

  "Something like Jane, Emma, Elizabeth maybe?" She said as she yawns 

 "Those are boring names too!" He grumbled. 

  "Well the ones you suggested are no better than mine!" Just like a child, those two won't even look at each other. 

  "So, what to do now?" A few moments had passed, her husband started to play around with the car. He'd pull and push his seat, he would make a beat using the steering wheels. 

  "Hasn't this happened before?" She remembered. 

  "Those good old times, it was our third date wasn't it?" He added.

  "You suddenly caught a cold but you still came," she told him.

  "Yeah, guess I love you too much huh?" He teased her.

  "How rude, you having a cold means bad luck," she replied. 

  "Well if I remembered correctly, your birthday, school festival, our prom, thank god that our graduation went well," he said. 

  "Don't tell me," she stopped midway.

  "Tell you what?" Snot runs down his nose. 

  "Ugh, should've guest it," she shakes her head and sighed. 

  "I'm sorry," he apologized.

  "This explains all of it," she said. 

  "So for the name, how about Michelle?" He suggested.

  "Well I guess that's the only thing we could do now," she said.

  "Michelle's too weak," she told him.

  "Layla, Lily?" 

  "What's with those Ls?" None of those could satisfy her.

  "Names a side, I think that we should think of her future,"

  "You're right," he said.

  "So, what do you want her to be?" She asked him.

  "She could be a chef, a manager, a secretary, a doctor, or a housewife even. I don't care, as long as she lived her life to the fullest that's all that matters," he answered.

  "So, what about you?" He asked.

   "Well I agree with you, as long as she remains strong and gentle for the rest of her life. I have no qualms about it," she replied.

  "We're similar huh," he let his thoughts go.

  "Well if we don't get along why would I marry you in the first place," she said.

  "About her love, what should we do about it?" She asked.

  "Love huh, I'm no expert. But I think that as long as her man of choice is a hard worker then I'm all set," he said however.

 Ring ring.

 "It's him," he informed.

 "So bro, where are you?" He asked.

 "About that, I suddenly had a flat tire," his brother said.

 "F-flat tire?" He dropped his jaw.

 "I'm really sorry, I think that I couldn't make it in time," he apologized.

 "W-well, it's an accident after all. Take your time with it," he laughed.

 "So, what are we going to do now?" She asked.

  "For the first time in my life, I have no idea," he said. The two of them then sighed, the rain had stopped. Compared to before, more cars were able to move. The traffic had gone down, he then exited the car. He opened the fender and started to repair the engine.

  "Hey, you sure that you know what you're doing?" She asked.

  "You doubt me?"

  "Of course," she replied.

  "Just you wait, I'll make this car go 100!" He challenged her.

  "About the names," he said as he fixed the engine.

  "I think I found a good one, remember that time when we were lost and our car broke down?" He asked.

 "Oh right, this is not the first time," she said.

 "That's not the point, I want to name her after the woman that saved us," he told her.

  "So you remembered a woman's name other than mine?" She teased him.

  "It's not like that," he clarified. 

  "So you want to name her Scarlet huh?" 

  "So you do remember her," he said.

  "Well of course, she saved us and it was the day that you proposed to me," she blushed.

  "Her cooking was delicious wasn't it?" He reminisced. 

  "Mine was better," she was pissed.

  "No way, I loved her wild salmons  after all they're pretty rare here," he disagreed

  "H-hey, speaking of love. When did you fall in love with me?" She asked.

  "Fall in love huh? If you put it like that," he then closed the fender.

  "I never realized it. But when I do," he paused.

  "By then it was too late," he smiled.

November 20, 2020 11:05

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