Romance Creative Nonfiction Funny

Emmy’s perspective

It was a friday morning.  When 22 Emmy Jones had just woken up to the sound of her alarm clock. 7am like every morning. “Sorry sweetpea, But you have to get up” She told her orange tabby that was covered in white swirly designs. She got up then put on her bunny slippers which were too big for her feet, then went to feed her cat. She got the food down from the counter, opened the lid and tossed it in the trash. Then set the food on a small plate. This was Emmy's favorite plate. She got it from the farmers market around 4 years ago. She glanced at the clock. It was 7:08, so she started to brew some coffee. After she had finished making her coffee she walked to the living room she grabbed her dark grey blanket with the white polka dots then sat down. She grabbed her coffee and sat there for about 10 minutes enjoying the peace. Then she got a text from her Best friend Liz. “Hey Girl you still Single?”

“And good morning to you too”

“ Sorry but there is this really cute, nice, and funny guy at my work.”


“And I just set you guys up for tonight at 9”



“I have work today.”  

 “Just show up”

“Fine but im not happy with this”

She got up, dumped out her half drunk cup of coffee and hopped in the shower. The wallpaper in her bathroom was the ugliest wallpaper you had ever seen. It was lime green and on the tops it was peeling. It had random brown stains that Emmy had no idea what it was. She warmed up her shower and while that was happening she brushed her teeth and plugged in her hair straighter. She got out of the shower about 10 minutes later. She dried off, put on her work clothes and makeup and did her hair. She straightened it then put it back in a slick ponytail. She said goodbye to Sweetpea then  grabbed her purse and was off to work. Her job was about 9 minutes from her home. She got to her job as a receptionist at a Dentist office. Around 10 minutes later a mom came in with her child who was screaming “I don't wanna go to the dentist, I DON'T WANNA!” 

“Jonah calm down, it’s ok sweetie.”

“Hi, Dentist appointment for Jonah Davis.”

“Ok Dr. Breyer will be with you shortly. You can sit down in our waiting room for now the toys and magazines are in the left hand corner.” Replied Emmy.

“Thank you so much!” The lady said and went to sit down. 

Dr. Breyer came out shortly after. The child named Jonah had calmed down and was sitting on his mother's lap swinging his leg while his mom was reading him a book. 

“ Ready sport to get your teeth clean!” Dr. Breyer came out of his office saying. 

“No not really” Jonah said quietly. 

“ It’s ok it won't hurt” Said Jonah’s mother.

8 hours later Emmy got off work she drove home then got into a yellow dress with a bow in the middle that went slightly above her knees. Emmy was very nervous while getting ready even thinking about canceling. She didn't know if she could pull herself together to go on this date. She had not been on a date since her fiance died in a car wreck on the way to the wedding a year and a half ago. Emmy decided it would be rude to cancel a half an hour before the date and hopped in her car and drove to Canlis Cafe, her favorite restaurant. When she entered there by the window boothe stood the most handsome man she had ever seen. He stood up and said “ You must be Emmy. Liz set us up?” Said the man.

“ y-yes im Emmy whats your name? 

“Graham. Graham Garcia.”

“Emmy Jones”

“Nice to meet you Emmy Jones” Graham said softly.

Emmy sat down and they had dinner and laughed. Emmy was happy she had not cancelled. Around 2 hours later the waitress came up and said  “were closing in 10 minutes”

“Oh my,”Emmy said.

“It’s already 10:30!”

“Well this was a lovely date can I get your number?” Graham asked.

“Yes of course it's 234-336-4321.

“Well i'll give you a call soon.” Said Graham

“Bye” Emmy called out.

Graham’s Perspective

7:20 Graham woke up. “Dang it, I'm late again.” He said to himself he rushed to the bathroom stripped of his boxers then hopped in the shower that hadn't even warmed up yet. After his cold shower he ran out of the bathroom to the laundry room where he pulled out his wrinkled work uniform. He grabbed his keys and bolted out the door. He got in his car and got to work. He got inside the vet clinic. “Graham, you're late again.” Said his receptionist Chloe. 

“Thank you for the information Chloe.” Replied Graham while being slightly snarky.

Then Liz came out of the operating room. “Hey Graham my friend is desperate for a date. We should set up a blind date.”

“Im not so sure Liz.”

“Come on.”

“Ok fine.”

“Meet her at Canlis Cafe at 9 PM she will be wearing yellow..” 

“Ok will do.”

After 8 hours of neutering animals, giving them shots, and surgery. Graham was off to his surprise date.

He got to Canlis Cafe at 8:45 and sat and waited on his phone.

“Please let her be pretty.” He thought to himself. 

Then the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life came though the door in a beautiful yellow dress. She had her light brown hair down in slight curls and not much makeup almost all natural.

“You must be Emmy”

Fast forward 3 years later.

Graham and Emmy are on a date. They had just finished having a picnic on the beach. The sun is setting then Graham gets down on one knee and pulls out a small black box and opens it. Inside the Velvet lining and in the center stands a diamond ring. Then Graham asks “Emmy  Marie Jones. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife. 


A year later Graham and Emmy Garcia get married. A  year later they welcomed children into the world Brittney and Malcolm.

70 years later Graham passed away peacefully. 2 days later so does Emmy. 

August 28, 2020 22:53

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Lee Jay
18:15 Sep 03, 2020

This was such a sweet story of such relatable characters. I like how you followed it through to the very end of their happy lives together.


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12:07 Aug 29, 2020

Wow! An beautiful plot told by very good writing. An enjoyable read. Good job go author Allison Haynes. —Aerin Reviews P. S. Okay, that was funnnn! But seriously, awesome job! Great first story! P. S. S. I read your bio, and are you sure you aren’t my clone???? I mean, I’m veeery close to your age, I’m obsessed with rainbows, and I adore writing. Woah... P. S. S. S. Would you mind checking out my story, “the Choosings—Part 1”? Thanks! P. S. S. S. S. Wow, that’s a lot of ‘s’s. Bye!


Allison Haynes
22:41 Aug 29, 2020

Thank you! I really appreciate the comment! Your story the choosings was super good! I'm so happy to know that there is someone out there that is around my age and loves rainbows and writing! Haha bye!


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