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Fiction Fantasy

I was reading at three am, as usual. I had just finished overtime, and was now relaxing in the living room, snacks and hot coco resting on the end table.

When the clock struck three twenty, that is when I heard it. Those light odd taps outside. Squishy dice were falling, like usual. The dice rain last until around four am. It had been three years sense it began; four years sense we all found out magic was not just some folk lore they tell us as children.

While hearing the odd taps outside, I stood to put the book away. Like clock work, It rains from three twenty to four every day. Each day sense it happened, I had gotten a journal, writing down everything. From beginning, to this date.

Pulling the oldest journal from the floor to ceiling shelf, I moved back to my seat. After taking a long sip from the chocolate drink, I began to read.

Four years ago, war started approaching strong and fast. Country vs country, government vs government, humans vs humans, and people vs government. It seemed that nobody could agree. Those in high class getting greedy, those in low class getting desperate.

It was by pure chance, luck or curse, nobody is sure, but one thing lead to another and Mount Everest was hit with multiple bombs. Destroying landscapes, killing animals, and obliterating trees.

When the dust had settled, monsters had emerged. Angered, distraught, and most of all curious and amazed, it was as if they had never seen a life outside of that tall mountain. Which could not have been true, tales and stories had been spread about these creatures hundreds of years ago. Hundreds of years of which they had not been seen either.

When I spoke to Alice, my neighbor vampire, she informed me that we had been their folk lore and tales. I did not wish to know what stories had been shared. Alice and the others, werewolfs, vampires, even skeletons didn’t exactly have magic, despite the tales. 

Vampires only really had fangs, and needed to fest on blood for survival. They kept to themselves, claiming human blood was far too metallic, using vacant churches for their monthly fest.

Werewolfs, sure they shape shift, but it was more like something forced upon them every full moon. Mason, the barista, explained it as painful and needing to get pain medicine. He also complained about the hair growth, going through multiple razers every two months.

Skeletons, they were harder to explain. Magic had to be keeping them together, but other than that, they were almost more human than humans. We don’t know much about them, just that they hide more than hermits and show up unexpectedly.

It had been an entire year before the real magic had shown itself. It was small, but almost as hilarious as it was a middle finger to weather stations.

With the new audience and the world changing from the sudden release of what some call Pandoras box. Meteorologist were having a harder time figuring out the weather and the weather stations began to charge for the knowledge of what today or the weeks weather would be. Meteorologist were more than happy to share this knowledge for free, but the people they worked for were also more than happy to take hush money and sell the information to the weather stations.

Almost a week later, the universe had heard our cries. It was at this point, I started to depict the universe as a fox or genie. Having fun being a trickster. 

At three twenty am on my birthday, I had first heard it, the sound hard to explain, but nothing I had ever wished to hear again. Taking a peak out the window, I saw it, small little colorful dots littering the ground. I waited for it to stop and when it did, I went out to see what had happened. I moved to the one that looked the most… appealing. I almost gagged when I picked up the mint twenty sided dice. It squished like gelatin, but the air smelt like the usual after rain.

I was confused, looking at the dice all around me. Slightly upset as I would have to clean them as well. The only thing that stood out was, yes it had twenty sides, I counted each side of it, but all sides were numbered in marron, paprika font, tens.

When I looked around, every dice was the same; squishy, twenty sided, Marron, Paprika font, tens. Their only differences being the colors.

At the time, I didn’t know what this entailed, or even if it meant something at all. For all I knew it could have been some odd elaborate prank, by someone daring enough to hop up on the roof.

When the next day came, the same thing had happened. Only this time it was a sixteen, in comic sans, and blue.

The system is hard to figure out, but it seemed that every number, font, and number color had a play in how the day would be. With such a vast majority of things playing it, I started to guess. Maybe number was that days luck, the color was for the weather, and the font was just how to universe felt at that time.

Day by day, I felt like I was going insane. Journal after journal, charts, grafts, papers scattered on all flat surfaces of my house, some creeping up the walls. It was so bad my lover sat me down and we had a come to the gods talk.

Playing in a game you don’t know the rules to made things complicated. I was just glad I did not actually have to clean up the little dice. As soon as the sun came up, they started to melt like a bunch of ice cubes, and by noon they were all gone.

Even now, like me, everyone else in the world had no clue what each thing meant. Just a gist of it. If it was comic sans, the next day would be cold but sunny, color red it would storm. High numbers were a good thing, less chaos would happen those days. Low numbers were a bad thing, it was as if something snapped in people and animals. Most deaths and rabies spikes would happen on a day the numbers were below ten. Paprika font would only show up on a ten, but a ten was not normally paprika font. Paprika font was once a year, specifically on the day it all began, as if it was a message from the universe them self.

Today was no different from the rest. Waiting for the rain to stop, then going outside to check the daily dice. Comic sans, red, nineteen. It sounds like a fantastic day for cleaning up early morning, then watching horror movies while drifting off to sleep.

March 01, 2024 03:35

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1 comment

Re La
00:52 Mar 19, 2024

Discord! Nat 1! (If I can get my DnD references straight). What a crazy world that was build. I want to know more about the Vampires and Werewolfs and there things of tale. I think it be interesting to see more of how this character goes through their day. Brainstorming things like with the Vampire and Werewolf friends/people have the character interact with them, even if briefly, with exchanges of dialogue, and let the character reflect on it afterwards? Also good job at getting one done. I am not sure if I am speaking for myself but I...


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