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This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, but instead they were stuck at some tourist trap in the middle of a nowhere town for a whole weekend. But i'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning. 

“Mom please stop, we are gonna be fine!” Cody crossed his arms and pouted as his mom licked her finger and smoothed back his messy brown hair.

“I know honey, I know” she paused and grabbed two little backpacks filled to the brim with clothes. “I just can’t help but be worried about you two”

Cody looked up at her “But you don't have to be worried about us”

“I’m your mom hun, it's what I do” She stood up and took a small step back. “I can’t believe my two little boys are getting so big”

Cody nudged his twin brother Max, the two were almost exact copies of each other but Max has big brown eyes while Cody was blessed with strikingly green eyes “We aren't boys now mom! We're men” Cody puffed out his chest and stood on his tippy toes. His mom laughed.

“Yah mom we are big strong men, who want to go home” Max glared at his mom.

“Yes you are, my little men” She looked over at Max, raised an eyebrow and shook her head.

Cody looked over at Max “Speak for yourself man! I love it here, I mean look at it!” 

Yah look at it Max thought The place looks like it's 200 years old!

Cody and Max had just turned ten about a week ago and as a celebration they got to spend a weekend with their great uncle Harvey who they called Pops. Cody had been looking forward to this day for months, Max on the other hand not so much. Max didn’t like anything out of the ordinary. And unfortunately for him Harvey was anything but ordinary. He owned a tourist trap called the Murder Hut in a small nowhere town called Meadow Creek, he was pushing 70 but acted like he was no older than 30. His goofy shop paired with his huge personality made him exactly what Max had been avoiding all his life, but it was what Cody had been looking for all his life.

“Do I have to go?” Max looked up at his mom, sticking his lip out and pouting like his life depended on it, which to him it did. 

“Yes you do” Their mom bent down to eye level with Max and held his hand“I promise you that you're gonna love it there”

Max rolled his eyes “I seriously doubt that” Just looking at the Murder Hut Max knew he wasn't going to enjoy his weekend there. Ugh why can’t I just stay home this is supposed to be a celebration for us turning ten but instead it feels like a punishment 

Their mom sighed in defeat. She clearly wasn't going to make Max like this place. So she picked up their suitcases and rolled them inside.

Shelves that were covered in souvenirs crowded the store walls, everywhere you turned all you could see was Murder Hut merch. Cody walked into the store his eyes filled with joy, to him this house was the most magical thing ever. He ran around touching everything he could see, books, bumper stickers, hats, and shirts, all listed at insanely high prices. 

“You like it kiddo?” Pops stood in the doorway to the shop leaning on the frame.

“Do I like it?” Cody pressed his lips together pretending to think about his answer.

“No” Max stood behind Harvey clutching his bag “I don't like it” I would have to be crazy to like this dump

Cody rolled his eyes “Don't worry Pops I like it!” Cody twirled around the shop, his eyes bright and his smile wide.

Max shoved past Harvey and marched up the stairs headed to the refuge of his room. Their mom touched Harveys shoulder, “Don't mind him, he's just…” she pressed her lips together “He's a little worried about staying here”

Harvey smiled softly and nodded. Taking a deep breath he walked over to Cody “Well, you best be on your way now I suppose! Me and Cody will take care of Max.”

Their mom sighed and smiled “I know you will, Cody be good and please listen to uncle Harvey” She paused in the doorway “Tell Max I said bye and please make sure he’s ok”

“I'm sure the kid will be fine” Harvey waved as she walked out the door towards her car.

Cody waved bye to his mom as he hauled his bag onto his back and marched up the rickety old stairs. “I’ll go get Max Pops, and then we can do something fun!”

Harvey chuckled “We have to eat some dinner first kiddo, the fun stuff will start tomorrow. Why don't I take you two to the diner for dinner?”

Cody looked down the stairs at his uncle and frowned “Why can't it start now? I wanna fight monsters and explore the woods!” He swung his bag like a bat and hit a painting off the wall. Cody froze where he stood as his eyes widened “I'm sorry! I didn't mean-”

“It's fine bud, I've knocked that thing off the wall more times than I can count”

Cody sighed in relief, he continued to haul his bags up the stairs and down a strangely long hallway towards his and Max’s shared room. The walls were covered in family photos from before he and Max were born to when they were 8.

 The faint sound of a car pulling out of the driveway made it clear to Max that his mom wasn't coming back for him no matter how much he pleaded to go home with her. He laid his head down on his bed and groaned, a whole week in this dump? I don't think I'll make it. He thought about running after her car and pleading once more to go home but by then it was too late.

November 17, 2020 19:01

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1 comment

Keith Edwin
04:15 Nov 27, 2020

While I liked the little bit of foreshadowing at the end (I love me some good foreshadowing), I felt that the rest of the story was rushed, like there was a lot there in a small amount of space. Was it all taking place in one spot, from the car into the building? Were there multiple locations? The beginning reads like she's about to travel with the children, but there's no distinction to let me know if they traveled. It was easy to follow and understand, which is good.


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