
Vlad hurriedly undid his tie and threw it across the room, hitting the opposite wall. He was frustrated and boiling with rage. He had enough. He was tired of being used as his father’s errand boy in their company. Sure, his dad built the company with his own father before Vlad was born but he was sure he had earned his place. Vlad joined Ivanov Incorporated since he graduated with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Brown University. He juggled working as his father’s understudy and getting his masters for a year after that, accompanying his father to meetings, being his spokesperson but of course, only speaking by strict orders from his father. He took on all the dirty work of going to tiresome press conferences and firing those his father could no longer stand working with him, as well as many other chores for his father, only for him to be denied the COO position for the third year in a row. ‘I need a vacation’, he thought to himself. Buzzing the intercom through to his assistant “Alexa book a one way ticket to...Trinidad now” he spat out and disconnected the call without waiting on a response. He had no clue why Trinidad came to his mind first to say but he took it as a sign. He heard the intercom buzz followed by a muffled “confirmed”, at the same time his phone buzzed with an email. “I sent the flight details to you sir....” “Good” he dismissed. He made deep breaths, counting down from ten after each inhale. It wasn’t working. His therapist needs to be fired, he decided. Grabbing his coat, phone and laptop, he left his office to the car park and drove straight to his condo to pack a few things

        Vlad climbed aboard the company private jet and handed his duffel to the waiting staff. He flung himself on his favorite seat on the jet and emptied the glass of Champagne into his throat. He needed to get his mind off his disappointment. After taking another glass, he decided to rest his eyes and bit and the sleep he didn’t know he needed took him. “We have arrived sir” Vlad heard in between light taps on his arm. “Andrews,” he yawned out “thanks.” Stretching himself for a bit, he collected his duffel from the bell boy and strutted out of the plane. His phone beeped with a notification confirming his hotel reservation. He declined the car arranged for him. He wanted to walk and clear his head. He walked a few blocks and came upon an intersection of three roads where he met a crowd of people. He saw couples walking down the flower beds, children chasing the butterflies, ladies reading on the gazebos and men laughing together. Vlad had never been to Trinidad. It was a new experience for him. Growing up in the bustle of New York, it was a welcome change. He was taking in the new environment and smiling to himself until his eyes flickered on a lady reading by herself. She looked familiar but of course, he could not make out who her face was completely buried in the book. ‘Little women’ he read on the hardcover. A classic, he thought to himself. His eyes scanned her hair. She had the longest most luscious brown hair. He could swear that it smelt wonderful. He stared continually, trying to catch her face, for the longest time. She looked up and straight into his eyes. He could not believe it. 

        Vlad was met with the most beautiful big brown eyes he had ever seen. He told her this on their first real date of course, at lunch time in the school cafeteria. It was Meera. He walked up to her as she stood and dusted her skirt. They embraced for the longest time before pulling back. They stared into each other’s eyes and relished the feeling. It’s all making sense now, why Vlad had decided to come to Trinidad. He had always wanted to go there and had planned to with Meera when they were going to get married. “Vlad” Meera breathed out “what are you doing here?” She asked with a wide smile and a shocked look on her face. Vlad stared at the face of the woman he was once very much in love with. Her eyes were the same. Her under eyes had tiny bags on them ‘she hasn’t been sleeping well’ he thought. His eyes went to her lips. Oh those lips. The full lips that he craved every second of the day. He glanced at her outfit. A maxi dress. Her sense of style did not change a bit but something did change, he thought looking away from her breasts. His assessment was interrupted by her meek voice “Vlad, what are you doing here?” Vlad did not know exactly how to answer that, so he did not. “Meera. How are you? It has been the longest time. What are you doing here?” “I came to visit my family and...perform the rites” she said looking down shyly. “My mother passed away two weeks ago” Vlad felt his stomach sink. So that’s why she wasn’t sleeping. He wanted to hug her and tell her he understood, but he didn’t. He never met his mother. He couldn’t miss something he never had. “I’m so sorry to hear that” “It’s fine it’s fine” she cut off. It wasn’t fine. Her mother was her best friend. She couldn’t let him pity her, not after all these years. He was the one that left her. She had never forgiven him for picking his father over her. She never recovered. Meera felt her happiest with him now than she did all these years. Being in his presence alone was more than relaxing to her. No. She couldn’t fall again. She had to leave. “I need to leave” she said, grabbing her book and her handbag “I don’t want to leave my dad alone for too long”. Vlad was beyond hurt. “Sure. My heart goes out to you both. It was nice meeting you again” he said. “You too” she replied and offered a sad smile. She walked speedily away from him and crossed to the main road. Vlad had lost the love of his life. Twice. No. He couldn’t let that happen. He ran to her, abandoning his composure and called out to her. Meera stopped in the middle of boarding the taxi and turned back only to see Vlad running towards her. He had never been the fastest runner. “I never stopped loving you” Vlad said once he had gotten to her. Meera stared at him with confusion in her eyes. 

August 14, 2020 08:04

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