Crime Drama Historical Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Riley had examined the roll of film carefully. He knew that when he moved into this Victorian mansion, that was abandoned and recently revamped, he'd eventually find something that the previous owner had.

While rummaging through the attic to find old art supplies, he (literally) stumbled upon the roll of film. Since Riley had tripped over it, he thought that he had damaged the film. Luckily that wasn't the case, and he had taken the film to his photographer buddy George.

"This is some seriously valuable antique film; it'll show something from the historical era. Who knows what'll show up?" George looks around to make sure nobody was in earshot and whispers to Riley, "Do you think I could get a peek at this old timey merchandise?" Knowing that the film was reinstated, George usually charged an expensive fee. Riley arched an eyebrow, "Sure, if you lower the cost on it." George's eyes widen and he grins, shaking Riley's hand. "How about for free?"



They had set up an old camera and Riley puts in the footage. He takes a seat next to George who was eating a bag of buttered popcorn. "I'm so anxious to see what on the film. It could be anything we could ever imagine! Maybe it's a movie?" George says with a curious glint in his eyes. Riley nods, thinking of the odds and logic of what it could be. Finally, the camera emits a light onto the monitor, and it starts the countdown.


A young man and woman appear on the screen. The woman wearing an old timey reporter/scholar outfit, and the man wearing a newspaper boy outfit. She's holding a leather notebook; he's holding a cutglass.

The woman's name is Freya, and the man's name is Jasper. He's protecting Freya from assassinators by killing them himself. Both Riley and George were shocked to see that this was no movie, but actual footage of events happening. Jasper was being filmed while murdering assassins. Didn't that woman realize that what he was doing was wrong? Maybe those people weren't even assassins, but just regular citizens?

George takes the roll of film out of the camera and looks at Riley with a shocked reaction. "Should we report this to the police?" He asks but then Riley rolls his eyes, "What would they do? Arrest their unmarked corpse? Report this to the historians in town hall. Maybe they have some information on them." George nods and goes to open the door to leave but then the door wouldn't budge. He noticed that it wasn't locked, so it was probably stuck. "Riley, haven't you oiled your doors recently?" He looks over at him, confused. "Uh yeah...why do you ask?"

"It won't open."

"What do you mean it won't open?"

"It. Won't. Open." George vigorously shakes the doorhandle which clanks off the door.



Eventually they found out that all the windows were stuck too. Riley and George were cooped up inside the now eerie Victorian mansion. "Do you think that Jasper and Freya are haunting this house?" He suggested softly. Riley groans, "We jinxed ourselves by watching this stupid film."

"Jinxed yourselves?" A smart, dignified feminine voice quipped.

"More like cursed yourselves." A spunky, young masculine voice said in response.

"AND OF COURSE, THEY HAVE BEEN SPAWNED BECAUSE OF IT, NOW THEY'RE HAUNTING MY HOUSE." Riley ranted rather loudly while rubbing his temples then glares at George. "This is all YOUR doing." He accused.

"MY FAULT?! It was YOUR idea to watch the film! I only wanted to join in." George snaps at Riley.

Both of them go into full blown quarrel mode.

As they were arguing, Freya and Jasper just float there watching it crash and burn. "They bicker like an old married couple." Freya comments quietly. "I, for one, think it's adorable. Modern people are SO much more interesting than our era." Jasper chuckles. She nods in agreement, "Very true, too bad we were born in the wrong generation."

"Too bad indeed." Jasper sighs.


Only on occasion, George and Riley were let out of the house but to get groceries and such. Freya being the control freak, she made sure that they behaved and didn't report them to the historians because, and I quote, "They don't have any actual good files on us anyway. Since they were all burned after the massive town hall arson." Jasper on the other hand, felt like they needed more freedom. If Riley and George told them everything they knew about today's lifestyle, Jasper would tell them about his and Freya's life.

She felt like it was an invasion of privacy, but she succumbed anyways because she was also as curious as Jasper was. They were both intrigued and fascinated by George and Riley. It was quite the chatter going on whenever they decided to play 100 questions with them.

After an entire month had passed, George was on the verge of a mental breakdown. "Riley, I can't take any more of this...verbal torture and interrogations from them! If I stay here any longer than I have to, I will burn this house to the ground in order for us to leave." Riley stared at the ceiling, "Same here buddy, same here..." he replies in a tired monotone voice. George got and lit a candle, then throws it down the stairs while still lit. "GO BURN IN HELL!"

He should've had watched his words because soon, Riley and George had burned to crisp just like the Victorian mansion. They had ended up being ghosts too, forever being bound to that land. Unfortunately for them, the film was still safe. That meant that Freya and Jasper are still there with them as ghosts too. If you pass by that area, you can still hear them questioning George and Riley. At this point, George and Riley had basically gone mental all thanks to Freya and Jasper.

The lesson learned here today is: Be careful what you wish for, and if you find a supposedly cursed antique item, you should give to a museum so they can deal with it instead. To be frank, if it were me, I'd give it somebody I know as a gift so it can be forgotten on shelves, basements, attics, sheds, or garages. Which is probably covered in dust and spiderwebs.

May 02, 2022 23:53

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Graham Kinross
02:18 Jun 14, 2022

Just like your first your humour is written really well. Humour makes everything better in my opinion. Cursed items made me think of the Rick and Morty episode where Rick starts un-cursing items the devil was giving away.


Ace Quinnton
15:57 Jun 14, 2022

I was on a roll here with humor. At the time, I was feeling very comical, and sometimes, based on your mood, you write things similar to the mood you are having. It's weird because it goes the same way for art (because I am also a mediocre cartoonist), when you are drawing a certain face for your character, you subconsciously make the exact same face while you draw it.


Graham Kinross
06:46 Jun 16, 2022

What are you working on next?


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Moon Lion
02:34 May 05, 2022

Have you seen the horror movie Sinister? The whole idea of a roll of tape being connected to a mysterious body/murder is there too, and I loved it here. The attitude and 'voice' of your characters is hilarious and awesome, their interactions are absolutely the best part of your stories. I liked your use of the prompt too! You actually made them develop and watch the tape haha, and I thought it was pretty interesting.


Ace Quinnton
02:38 May 05, 2022

THANK YOU. Also, this is my favorite part of writing this story: "Riley, haven't you oiled your doors recently?" He looks over at him, confused. "Uh yeah...why do you ask?" "It won't open." "What do you mean it won't open?" "It. Won't. Open." George vigorously shakes the doorhandle which clanks off the door. "WELL NOW IT DEFINITLY WON'T OPEN."


Moon Lion
02:46 May 05, 2022

Ah yes, they remind me so much of iconic groups in animated series like Voltron or ATLA. I love the back and forth and the element of spookiness in this.


Ace Quinnton
02:52 May 05, 2022

I've always liked silliness in serious situations. Containing dark and moody auras are hard for me to keep because I have so many funny ideas to make people laugh!


Moon Lion
04:27 May 05, 2022

Which is awesome, we could always do with more laughter


Ace Quinnton
14:59 May 05, 2022

Yes, because a lot of people (and I mean a LOT) are depressed. Laughter is the best medicine after all.


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