
When I first spoke to you, you were wearing a headphone. I had to wave at you to make you notice. You said " What!! Can't you see I am bussy" not even removed your headphones and turned your childish face in a rude way. I was awestruck the way you responded to my words. I wonder as if your headphone was so valuable or touch me not plant and if you remove it it not going to work or what, I just waved at you to ask my badminton cork which went into your garden while we were playing on the street road beside you house and somehow air wanted to play with it too! And air was a pro player as always he so took off the cork and blew it in your garden, anyway I fell for your garden. It was beautiful as you! But your behaviour was like thorns to the roses and pricked my senses!

She was becoming my daily ritual. Her home was on my way. Daily I use to pass by and with my litttle eyes use to search for her. She is so introvert I murmured . Many days passed without getting a glimpse of her. Without her presence I was transforming into a reluctant and over eager person to know her, in a hope for a yellow rose by atleast! One of the fine morning I was going for morning walk and luckily my charm shined out of her house. It's her! Her prettty face with those puzzled face I was able to figure it out. May be her mom was keen to let her out for morning walk too and what if she wants to sleep little more or like to dream longer. I just looked at her for few seconds then stands at the corner to see her for few more seconds. Corners always have this advantage to hide the real one so me!

One day I was returning from one of my friend's house.It was nearby so thought of being gandhi I went to his house by two legs, ah its not very funny. I was alone walking like nonsense crap and It was like dead walk so I decided to turn on the music on my phone. Wait a minute! I don't have headphones right now. Holy crap doesn't matter and turned on my playlist. I was enjoying the music and the scene of same people as usual doing chores, shouting at their children and many more! I was enjoying it too what else I had.

After few minutes of walks I saw that headphone girl. Yeah that childish girl, her name was yet not known to me. She was my Rudy Headphone Girl. When I looked at her she was looking as always innocent with a cherry face. I was falling for her. But her eyes was not the sane which I saw yesterday. It was having dark brownish layers with redness on her face. And it was shocking that she was wearing a bluish white long t shirt not the normal one but the one that patient wore. At the blink of my eyes some ward boys carried her to the big van. It was a van from asylum as the name of the hospital was written on that.

I was shocked extremely shocked.

Before telling her it was all over at a sudden. My sand castle of love was demolishing without getting a empror for it. It was all vanishing of. My heart was sinking. It was so painful. The fear was real to loose the one whom I have not even earned yet.

I asked out of concern. Sone of the locals told me that she was caught by some spirits as she did some non familiar actions which may be haunted them. But spirits and ghost in todays greenwich merridian was all out of my brain box. There were many stories started cooking and everyone has their own reciepe and ingridient. I was hurting more by their actions of spreading rumours and not knowing and believing the real fact. With teary eyes I somehow approached her father and tried to ask him. He told me that, "she was in depression, a silent killer of your hopes. For about so many years but we were not known about it earlier. Later when we attended one of the workshop awareness programme we got to know. We watched out for symptoms and seek medical help". I was helpless. It was so dreadful for her. She was suffering from bipolar disorder and mixed personality type. She had faced child abuse. She stood strong. She was a brave girl and this bravery let her to dig her grave deeper and sooner. She dried up her tears for years which others thought that whoa she is all fine and doing great but it was the silence behind the noisy gesture. She use to put on the headphones for hours and hours, roam and think and shout without turning on any music. Headphones without music was like beach without waves! So her life was.

She was leaving. I was so broken. I ran towards her and stood their looking into her deep communicating eyes. Her eyes responded to my heart. She hugged me as if she knew my heart . I can feel her heart beat which wants to scream loud and loud which may let her to relieve her pain to a decimal. My mind stopped working. I stood dumb and I was lost and drowned in the ocean of tears. What all roughs brought her to this situation. I was regretting for not being with her even I wanted to do so. I might have changed the situation. Her eyes was expecting me to reach her out and comfort her. I was not able to play with my mind and search some good reason to get rid of her childish face which I saw at first and thought her as a rude arrogant but the innocent one! I still have that piece of her true innocenct budd of her trust.

Posted Jun 24, 2020

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22 likes 9 comments

Avishi Perera
09:40 Jul 02, 2020

I liked the title, and knew I'm gonna like this story! And so I did!

Good luck!


Aditi Singh
11:02 Jul 02, 2020

It's near to my heart! Thank you so much


Shirley Medhurst
08:05 Jul 02, 2020

What a sad story, touching on some terrible subjects, Well done!
Keep writing Aditi....


Aditi Singh
08:35 Jul 02, 2020

Thank you! Such subjects are still a social stigma


Shirley Medhurst
08:51 Jul 02, 2020

Yes - that's why it's a good idea to talk about them I suppose.
By the way, if you get a moment, would you mind taking a look at my story and letting me know what you think please?


Batool Hussain
14:40 Jun 30, 2020

Good story!


Aditi Singh
14:41 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you!


Batool Hussain
14:42 Jun 30, 2020

You're welcome:)

Could you check out my recent story?


Alby Carter
21:39 Jul 07, 2020

Great story!


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