Pause before passing the judgement

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a cautionary fable about someone who always lies.... view prompt

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Kids Bedtime

Once upon a time in a jungle near the Nile , all the animals and birds lived happily and harmoniously. One day a crow named Kalu happened to pass from there. He was amazed to see that peace prevailed in such a big place. One bad habit of telling lies had already been proven disastrous for him. He had lost his family and friends and all relationships due to this one habit and he was kicked out of his own house by his family members. So he was searching a new place and wanted to build a new house and when he came across this jungle, he decided to live there. 

Parrot was the watchman and informed about anyone who came to the jungle and so when he saw the crow he straight away went to the lion's denParrot: " O my king ! Lion please come out . I've a news , a strange crow has come in our jungle. "

Lion came out and opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: " What! A strange crow ! But crows don't live here in this jungle. It has never been observed that the crows have lived here . They love the city areas . There they get cooked meals and many tasty dishes which are not available here at all. Please confirm your news and then come again. Go and look over and enquire as to why has the crow come."

Parrot:" As the Mighty orders , shall be enquired. I'll do proper research and then come again with full information. Till then have a good day."

Parrot went away thinking about the whereabouts of the crow and decided to talk with him and get the required information. 

He met a monkey on the way and the monkey just started to chatter about the crow , he said: " Dear parrot , you're the watchman of this jungle and you need to see who comes in it . A bad black crow has entered inside our territory and you're roaming about here and there, it's really irresponsible of you. And I have come to know from my resources that this crow is a very good liar.Our place is peaceful and happy and I won't tolerate any mischief done here . So please come with me to the lion and we'll talk about this."

Parrot: " I understand you , my dear friend, I've seen the crow and I went to the lion to inform about this but he said to know the matter fully and then come to the conclusion." 

Monkey : " I know the matter and I'm coming with you , let's go. " 

Parrot and monkey were going to the lion's den and on the way they met the cute little squirrel and she told them that she had seen a crow in their jungle . And said : " My friend who lives in the city told me about one crow who has been caught telling lies without any reason. His family has thrown him out and he's searching another place . It is possible that this crow is that same one."Monkey chattered: " Yes this is that same one. "

Now the squirrel also joined them. On the way further, they met beautiful Peacock and told him about the crow . 

Peacock:" Oh my God! What are you saying? We have to be careful not to listen to that crow at all and to maintain our harmony . I'm coming with you too."All of them went to lion and called him . The lion came out and roared: " what's all this noise about ? And dear parrot I told you to come to me after proper verification of your statement, then why have you come along so fast and that too with all of these?Parrot: " Your majesty we are here to inform you about the truth of that crow. As we have come to know from our reliable sources that the crow is kicked out off from his house as of his habit of telling lies and that can even prove to be harmful and he doesn't realize his mistakes. So when his own family doesn't want to live with him, then why should we risk our lives ? We must kick him out of here now ."Lion paused for a long time and then calmly said : " Listen to me , I'm concerned about all the members of our jungle from the smallest to the largest and as you all know that I'm kind and considerate so give me one chance to teach this crow a good life long lesson."All of them agreed . The lion told the parrot to keep a watch on the crow and see that the crow doesn't come near his den as they were discussing the plan of action for teaching the lesson to the Liar crow.After the discussion all dispersed. The next morning the cock woke up and to his surprise he saw that crow had been awake before him. He asked the crow: " I'm supposed to get up first in the morning and what's the reason that you're awake at this time ? Here in this jungle everyone wakes up after my voice is heard and you have broken this rule so you need to be punished. I'll go and complain about this to the lion ."The crow said sadly: " Go and complain and get me out of this jungle at once. I'm not scared of being kicked out from anywhere now as I have experienced it before and that has made me strong enough to handle all the odds. " as he said this he began to cry loudly and his voice getting louder with the next sentence. Soon the animals and birds of the jungle came there as they heard the sad voice and they were deeply shocked to see the crow crying. Parrot asked : " What's the reason for crying so loudly? Has anybody hurt you? Or something happened with you? "Cock uttered: " Nothing has happened. It's just the way God has made him to tell the lies and get mercy and make mischief thenafter. "Squirrel interrupted: " please, we need to listen to him first and please don't start judging him. We must have a kind ear towards all. We have been taught to be kind and merciful to each creature. "Monkey jumped out from the tree and shook the tree on which the crow was sitting. The crow was completely shaken off by such movement. He was scared and that was seen from his face. He began to cry more louder and this time too loud that it reached the lion's den. The lion came out , roared and as fast as he could, he came to that place. He was concerned about the crow and he thought that someone might have hurt him and so he was worried. When he came he asked the reason and when he was told that the crow was not hurt at all and that the lion's instructions were followed strictly , he became angry and asked the crow the reason for creating such a situation in the early morning. The crow started his story : " Your majesty, I have known from years that you're the world's most kind and generous king amongst all. I appreciate you and respect you and also that you have not kicked me out from this jungle. I am really grateful to you for giving me the shelter and allowing me to eat and drink as I wish . I wish that my family members too learn something from you and also the residents of the city area . If you allow me to tell my story , I want to share my life story in the city. " The lion agreed to listen and the crow started his story: " Dear friend, I know that you all have believed in your friend's information which they provided you about me, but believe me it's the half truth. I'm not a liar , I have a good sixth sense ability to know the future and so I keep helping the people around me and when they are helped and saved, instead of thanking me, they blame me for misguiding them but never try to understand that I didn't let anything happen to them by warning them in advance. As they were warned , they took care and were saved from the tragedy. "The lion asked him to go into detail of what he was trying to say . The crow began: " I would like to show with an example for the better understanding. Suppose I see misfortune coming in the life of the parrots living here and then I warn them of the hunters and those who make the parrots their pets. So after knowing this , the parrots will definitely keep an eye around so as to save themselves and when they will see the hunters or any such people around they will definitely hide and won't come out until they see that the hunters have gone and now they are safe. Isn't it true Mr. Parrot? What would you do in such case? Please come ahead and tell. "Parrot said : " Yes we have to save our life we will hide and see what happens and we would definitely thank you as because of your sense of seeing danger saved us. But then why the city people and even your family doesn't understand such a simple thing.?"Crow: " I explained them as I explained to you but they are biased and they only look for the bad things in all and not the good ones."

"But what is bad in this example? " asked the lion.

The crow answered: " You have never visited the city area so you're not aware of their thinking patterns. They always see what has been wronged and not what is going right. As when I say don't eat that food as I have suspicion about that and they believe but when they don't get other food they blame me that because of me they have to remain hungry and that food could be eaten. And when they go there again the food is not seen so they say that someone ate and nothing happened and that also they have no idea who ate and where is he now and what happened but still they blame me for that reason but never say that because of me they are still alive otherwise nobody knows what would have happened. "The animals and birds of the jungle listened to the sad story and began to weep . The lion said to the monkey and the parrot: " My dear friends monkey and parrot you need to go to the city with the crow and explain this simple fact to them. "

The crow took the monkey and parrot with him to his house and knocked the door. The door opened and when they saw the crow they all tried to push him away saying : " You unlucky crow , you spoiled our lives . You just never stop telling the lies and harassing people and why have you come again? Go get out of here. We don't want to see your face at all. " The parrot interrupted: " May I come in ? " The crow's family asked why had he come with the crow? The parrot replied: " Please listen to me, as you all have faith in God so do we have and just tell me one thing that whenever this crow tells you about something bad that may happen in your life, don't you believe him? " they said : " Yes we do but now no more of that."Parrot said :" The crow just wants you to save from the troubles and you also get saved. But after that you blame the crow for telling lies because nothing bad happened with you. So do you want that something must happen in order to be proved that the crow is telling the truth? "They said : " What do you mean?" Monkey peeped from the hole and said :" Here I am, I'll destroy your nest. Do whatever you can to save yourself. "They were scared and thought that the monkey will really destroy their nest so they flew away to another tree with the kids.The parrot went to the tree with them and said : " Look , the monkey didn't destroy the nest . Now it surely means that he was telling a lie and so he must be punished and also to prove that he is telling the truth he must compulsorily destroy your nest and then you'll believe that the monkey is a true person. Isn't it? "The parrot went to the tree with them and said : " Look , the monkey didn't destroy the nest . Now it surely means that he was telling a lie and so he must be punished and also to prove that he is telling the truth he must compulsorily destroy your nest and then you'll believe that the monkey is a true person. Isn't it? "" Oh my God!" exclaimed all . They realized their mistake and felt sorry and asked for forgiveness and the crow did forgive them. They all thanked the parrot and the monkey for making them realize where they were wrong and that too in a civilized manner. Then they came to the jungle to say special thanks to the lion for reuniting them with their family member and teaching a good lesson kindly to them.

Moral: Before passing a judgment , stop for a while, listen attentively and try to understand what others are telling. Be slow , kind and considerate so that your misunderstandings do not ruin your relationship.

April 04, 2021 07:36

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Husain Doctor
05:46 Apr 11, 2021

Excellent story I liked the moral of the story


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