Romance Sad Mystery

There was once a couple named Maria Santiago  and Juan polo Maria did't know her life was in danger when she fell in love with Juan but she could't help but be drawn to him he was mysterious and just so eye flame able.She met him at a club the best one in town she was a waitress she never got any tips till Juan came in that night with other guys who looked  but Juan was wearing a leather jacket with tight jeans with a small shirt that showed all his mussels and Maria thought he was the hottest guys she ever laid eyes on then he started to walk to her and said did't your mom say its rude to stare" maria went to speak but she was speechless, and her palms got sweaty and all she could say is do you want something to drink and he said yes i would like a drink she said what would you want he said 20 shots of fireball please she said coming right up so she slowly walked away and Juan went to sit down at his table and asked the men he was talking to who she was he said he was intrigued and wanted to know and they said Maria Santiago a waitress here and Juan said he could make her something better while he was talking to the men she was asking bout him to her friend name christian and she can speak  English but with him she speaks her real language Spanish she said quien es ese chico en la mesa 18 con la chaqueta de cuero- who is that boy at table 18 with the leather jacket her friend christian said La mayor líder de la mafia en la ciudad.-the biggest mafia leader in the city, and she didt get how that didt scare her but it didt but she went to give his drinks and he asked her to stay so she did and they talked for hours and hours and eventully lead to him asking if he could drive her home so she said yes and when they wnt outside it was freezing cold and she was shivring and he noticed so he gave her his leather jacket and pulled her closer and she started in his eyes that looked like dark choclet that she could stare at for hours then somehow her eyes landed across his lips but before she could look he kissed her hard but gentley and soft and he stoped cause he thought she didt like it but she didt she loved it she never felt that way about a man in her life so she asked where his car was he smikerd he was like sorry prinsses i dont have a car she said let me guess leather jacket u have a motercycle and he said good guess she said where is at then she saw it was Kawasaki Ninga H2R snd she froze cause in that moment she knew she had fell in the hands of a bad boy but she didt care cause she wasnt thinking anything of it but that night had changed everything few months past he made enimies with a guy name quriolaenda he was a a king pin best in town and thats how juan was taken out one night in the house of Jaun and maria a fier got started and she was in the house alone and he was rich so he had security camras and all and so he rode his motercyle there over the speed limint cause he had to save the girl who changed his life in one night and specilly who he loved the most in this world when he got there she was laying on the ground in the house cause she breathed in to much smoke from the fire and she is pregnat with his child she is 7 months pregnat in the house bout to die he didt care how much money he have to pay he cared if the mother of his child and his true love was alive so he busted the window and got her out but he went back in to get her necklace that her mom gave her before she passed away but it was too late Jaun died in the fire that night and no one knew who started it maria knew though but she knew there was nothing she could do no way she could get the man she loved with all her heart turned out that night before the fire Jaun was at the ring shop about by an engament ring a proposed to her but sadly that never occerd she was so mad at everything not cause of her benifits just knowing that now her kid would have to go without a parent like she did growing up. years past nothing is normal she never got with anyone and no one understood why that day at Jaun funeral she wouldt ever be with anyone else and she would love and cherish him everyday and so she did and u may be asking did she miss him of course does her son know bout his father yes and in some way he looks up to what his father did for his mother and even though Jaun never got married to Maria she took his last name which made her Maria polo as well as her son marco satiago polo.Maria went to collage and studied to be a doctor like she always wanted as for her son he is actully living with his girlfriend since he is 18 now and him and his girlfriend has been togehter since the fourth grade but as for Maria her life is good she looks at the sky and talks to Jaun everyday she knows even though she cant talk to him she knows he is watching after her and her loving and amazing son marco and she knows that he knows she still loves him with all her heart since the day they first met at the club that she dont miss at all but in some ways she does cause thats where she met her true love. 

October 16, 2020 21:21

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