Love in the Last Days

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Science Fiction

In the desolate expanse of a world ravaged by a zombie apocalypse, love was a luxury most thought lost forever. The streets once teeming with life were now silent, save for the occasional groans of the undead and the rustling of the wind through abandoned streets and storefronts. Humanity had been reduced to a scattered, desperate few. It was in this bleak landscape that an unexpected love story began.

As the pandemic began to unfold, chaos erupted. The initial panic drove people to commit unimaginable acts of desperation. In the frenzy of looting, the value of everyday items became a fleeting illusion. Electronics, jewelry, and cash were snatched up with wild abandon. People robbed banks, hoping to amass fortunes that would offer them some semblance of security. Yet, as the world spiraled into chaos, it became painfully clear that TVs, rings, and cash could not stave off the inevitable. Survival had become the only currency of value.

Mara, a librarian who thought of herself as a “weekend survivalist” had sharp wit and an even sharper blade, had been traveling alone for months. She’d fortified her small car with makeshift armor and scavenged what she could from the ruins of cities. Her heart was hardened by loss and the constant threat of zombies that now walked the Earth. Her life had become a routine of survival, devoid of the simple pleasures that had once defined her existence. The only solace was the few books she took with her before her apartment was over ran by the undead.

One fateful day, Mara’s path crossed with Ethan’s, and their meeting was as unlikely as it was dramatic. Ethan, a former history professor, had been wandering alone after a recent attack had scattered his small group of survivors. He had been forced to adapt quickly, learning to navigate the new world through necessity. Ethan’s journey had led him through the aftermath of the pandemic’s early days, witnessing the absurdity of humanity’s greed in the face of its own extinction.

Ethan had once been a professor at the local university, known for his meticulous lectures and passion for the past. His life before the apocalypse had been filled with academic debates and classroom discussions. When the pandemic struck, his world unraveled as quickly as his students' notes scattered in a storm. The initial days of the outbreak had seen him desperately clinging to a semblance of normalcy—attempting to save his research, evacuate his students, and ultimately, to come to terms with the collapse of civilization itself. Now, with his scholarly pursuits replaced by the horrific realities of survival, Ethan navigated the ruins of the old world with a combination of analytical sharpness and a newly acquired, gritty resilience.

Their initial interactions were marked by caution, but as they traveled together, they found a sense of camaraderie and trust. They shared resources, strategies, and gradually, the bond between them deepened.

Ethan’s charm and wit managed to break through Mara’s tough exterior, and in turn, Mara’s resilience and strength offered Ethan a glimmer of hope. They began to envision a world beyond the apocalypse, one where they could build something together. As their relationship grew, Ethan began to entertain the idea of a future with Mara, one that included a gesture of commitment amidst the chaos.

On the anniversary of the pandemic’s onset, Ethan devised a plan. In a moment of grim necessity, Ethan had to venture into a dangerous part of town where the zombies roamed freely. He found one of the undead still wearing a ring, a haunting reminder of the greed and delusion of the pre-apocalypse world.

With careful precision, Ethan managed to cut off the zombie’s finger, retrieving the ring in the process. The task was gruesome, but Ethan was driven by the thought of giving Mara a symbol of their love and hope for a future. The ring, though obtained under grim circumstances, was now a token of something pure and enduring.

Ethan found an old chapel in a forgotten town, a place that had once celebrated life and love. He spent days restoring it as best as he could, creating a small, makeshift altar and decorating it with salvaged flowers. The chapel, though worn and faded, was filled with an unexpected beauty. It was a place where they could momentarily forget the world’s darkness and embrace a shared future.

When the day arrived, Mara was taken aback by the sight. The chapel was adorned with a sincerity that spoke to her heart. Ethan’s proposal was simple yet profound. He spoke of their journey, the challenges they had overcome, and how in the midst of despair, he had found a reason to hope and dream again—because of her.

Mara, moved by the gesture and the depth of Ethan’s words, accepted his proposal. They celebrated their wedding in that old chapel, with only the faint hum of a wind in the trees, and the distant echoes of the apocalypse outside. The ceremony was stripped of glitz and glammer but filled with genuine emotion and a shared commitment to face whatever the future might hold.

Their wedding was not just a union of two people but a beacon of hope in a world that had long since lost its way. As they exchanged vows, promising to stand by each other in sickness and health, in peril and safety, they found strength in their love. Their marriage was a testament to the enduring power of hope and the resilience of the human spirit.

In the midst of a world torn apart by the undead, Mara and Ethan’s love was a reminder that even in the darkest times, there was still room for light, for connection, and for the promise of a brighter future. Their wedding was a symbol of a new beginning, a chance to build something beautiful amidst the ruins, and a love story that proved that even in the apocalypse, the heart can still find a reason to beat.

As the couple walked away from the chapel, hand in hand, they knew that their journey was far from over. But with each other by their side, they faced the future not with fear but with a renewed sense of hope and a love that would guide them through the trials yet to come.

And so, in a world forever changed, amidst the ruins and the shadows, they pledged their love with a simple yet profound promise: I do.

August 17, 2024 17:55

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