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Kendra spun around. People, colorful striped tents, numerous stands, and yet more people. Ugh, so many people and yet she seemed to be the only person who didn't know where she was supposed to go.

   She passed a blown up slide, and took a minute to watch a kid slide down, squealing gleefully the whole time. Some other day she would have taken a turn herself, but she wasn't here for entertainment today.

   "Miss, buy one get one free." It took several no's and tight smiles to get the popcorn salesman to move on.

   Wait....a blue and white striped tent. A real smile lifted her lips. Finaly! She'd found it. She ran towards it.

   She looked inside, and her smile dropped.

   Same colors, but wrong tent.

   "Ahhh!" One swing of her arm, and a sliver blade was embedded into the tent's wooden beam.

   A woman standing nearby took one glance from the knife to her. She quickly dragged her toddler with her and rushed away, no doubt feeling as if she were running for her life.

    If she wasn't so frustrated, Kendra would have laughed. What! It wasn't as if she had been aiming for anyone. And unfortunately for the beam, she never missed her target.

   "Quite the aim you've got there, lass."

   She whirled around to see a young man, looking about her age. And he was wearing a similar outlandish costume to her own.

   "In fact I believe you were the one I was told to fetch." A delightful Irish accent saturated his words.


   "You're Kendra? The famous knife thrower?"

   "Yes that's me......minus the famous part. Are you-"

   "Part of the Wild West show? Yup, that's me." He grinned.

   "I..I guess I got lost. Would you be able to show me where I'm supposed to go?"

   "Sure thing, Miss. That's what I was sent to do. Right this way!" He led the way into a narrow gap between two tents, and Kendra quickly followed after retrieving the knife.

   He disappeared on the other side, and she ran to catch up. A second later she stepped out into the open. She couldn't see the boy anywhere.

   "Right here, miss." He called next to her. "It's this way. Sorry, I'll be slowing down. I supposed my legs are a mite bigger than yours."

   That was an understatement. He was well over 6 feet, and with her height of barely over five feet she felt somewhat dwarfed.

   She fell in step next to him, as he continued walking.

   "Will I be late?" She fingered one of the silver blades at her waist. It was a nervous habit. "Missing my show on the first day wouldn't really impress the show director."

   "I wouldn't worry. Your turn doesn't start for some time yet." He reassured her.

   "Who are you? What's your special ability?" She asked curiously.

   "Nat, whisperer of horses, at your service." He bowed dramatically.

   She laughed at his theatrics. "Wait, really? So you speak their language then?"

   "Yes. When they neigh, 9 times out of ten it means their hungry. Its up to me to satisfy that hunger."

   "Oh, you are the horse feeder then?"

   "That and wagon repair man, saddle maintenance, and number of other things. A handyman, if you will."

   "Nice to meet you, Nat the handyman." She stuck out her hand.

   "Likewise, Kendra the knife thrower." He chuckled, as he shook her hand.

   "I supposed this makes us coworkers of sorts then, if we are part of the same carnival group."

   "Aye. But I rather like the thought of friends more." He said bluntly, throwing a cheeky grin her way.

   She smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

   A group of kids ran past them, and Nat had to pull her out of the way to avoid a collision.

   "It's fun watching the children become so excited when we come to town. My favorite part of the job," he said.

   "How long have you been doing this? Two, three years?

   "Try my whole life. I was born on the road, and been on it ever since."


   "What about you? Why did you decide to join?"

   "My parents died when I was young, so I've been living with other people my whole life. I felt it was time to start off on my own, and stand on my own two feet. I've been throwing knives for years, and joining the carnival seemed to make sense."

   "I'm sorry. About your parents I mean."


   "But I'm glad you're here now! I know we'll have great fun together."

   "I hope so." She stopped. "Blue and white stripes....is that-"

   "Yes, it is! Welcome to your new home."

   The flap was closed, but Nat lifted it and they both stepped inside. The tent was huge, with stands lining its sides. Indians, wagons, horses, and Frontiers men and woman filled the space. They must be preparing for the upcoming show.

   Kendra was greeted, and taken promptly to section in the back to get ready. She was already wearing the required clothing, but apparantly a bit of makeup was also necessary. Another girl came to help her French braid her hair, while she applied a light lipstick.

   Kendra's fingers kept finding themselves at her silver blades, and tension knotted her stomach.

    "First time?" The girl, who had introduced herself as Hilda, asked sympathetically.

   "Is it that obvious?"

   "Don't worry." Hilda patted her shoulder. "You'll do great. I've heard the director was very impressed with your talents."

    She could hear the sounds of the crowd now gathering in the other part of the tent.

   "Kendra." Nat stepped into the back room.

   "Oh hey." She felt relief at seeing someone she knew, even if they'd only met less than an hour ago.

   "They want you out next. I gather you know the routine?"


   "You ready?" The grin he gave so freely showed itself.

   "As ready as I'll ever be." She took a deep breath.

   "Aye, you'll be grand."

   She stood up, and peeked through the flap. The crowd was huge, and growing by the minute. Soon she would be out there, for them all to see.

   She felt a smile grow on her face. Time to show herself to the world.

   "Presenting Kendra........." she didn't register the director's other words. All she heard was her name.

   She could do this. One.....two....three.....she stepped into the light.

May 09, 2021 20:50

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1 comment

Hallie Blatz
18:21 Jan 18, 2023

Hey Anna 👋🏻 Somehow I never saw this story until today... I love the world you built and your characters are lovely!


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