december 26, 3046---caspian_armani

Written in response to: Start your story with a student on their first day of apprenticeship.... view prompt


Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

NOTE: In this story, memory logs are devices that you clip onto your ear and they read your thoughts and feelings. The main character in this story had just gotten one and set it to start the next day at midnight. After the hour, the log calculates everything that happened in that hour into the log. So the logs are supposed to be like a really choppy sequence of events. Happy Reading!

It was crazy how much could change in a day, amazing really. It might make you seem more hopeful if you’re down in the slumps, or it could be a fear of losing everything you have ever worked for. Is the idea that everything we do could be shifted in only 24 hours scary? Yes. Is it even more horrific when you’re already scared even though the weather’s perfect and everything seems to be going your way? You can decide for yourself. Here’s how I lost everything in 24 hours.

December 26, 3046

Hour 1

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 2

Caspian has a very vivid nightmare of riding a bicycle down a very rocky sidewalk, everything is blurry. There are no houses or buildings, just a rocky sidewalk. Caspian can’t take control of the bike, she tries repeatedly to drive the bike off the sidewalk but it isn’t in her control.

Hour 3-5

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 6

Caspian wakes up, nervous and excited about her first day at her apprenticeship with the best apothecary creator in all of Ambrosia. Caspian is afraid of the alchemist not liking her. Caspian wonders what the alchemist’s name is and why he doesn’t share it. Caspian realizes that she will probably be the only young girl to learn his name. Caspian gets ready for the day, loving her leather outfit and feeling confident.

Hour 7

Caspian walks into town with her satchel and her hair in a tight ponytail. Caspian noticed the bright blue sky, it was especially beautiful today. Caspian kindly greets many people walking as well, everyone knew who she was now. Caspian thought of how it had felt when they announced “Caspian Armani”' on the radio as the winner of the alchemist’s apprentice. Caspian walked by many beautiful alchemy shops, knowing they’d close down fairly soon. Everyone who visited Kalea knew that the alchemist that Caspian was going to see was the best one. Nobody even bothered going to the other ones unless they were going to see just how much worse they were. Caspian thought about how the alchemist she was going to see was a walking life lesson, his shop was run down and looked cheap but he made absolutely the best stuff out of everyone. Caspian had visited his shop many times, though never seeing the man. Like his name, he kept his face hidden. Caspian had thought about being an alchemist for years. Caspian thought about why the man kept everything hidden, there were many rumors. It was a proven fact that the man had come from The Ambrosia but that was the only thing that was known about his personal life. Caspian thought about her favorite theory, the one that he was running from TAAP (The Ambrosian Antonym Police). Caspian thought about how cool it would be to be the apprentice of a rebel. Caspian then realized that she was standing right in front of the door of the shabby alchemy shop.

Hour 8

Caspian opened the door to the alchemy shop and looked around, Caspian thought it was beautiful.  Caspian thought all the potions and the herbs just looked so against the color of the wood shelves. Caspian walked over to the girl behind the counter and smiled, Caspian thought she was really pretty. The lady behind the counter was fidgeting with her own memory log, looking confused. Caspian helped her put the memory log in, Caspian thought the girl was beautiful. Caspian learned that the young lady’s name was Orielle, Caspian thought the name was just as pretty as the girl. Orielle asked Caspian what she was there for and then realized who she was. Orielle brought Caspian into the back room, which Caspian thought looked like a lab of sorts. Caspian looked around the room for the alchemist but he was nowhere in the room. Orielle informed Caspian that the alchemist would be here soon, and that he was late a lot. Orielle and Caspian talked to pass the time and they quickly became close. 

Hour 9

Caspian saw a man that walked into the lab room through a door in the back of the room, opposite of where Orielle took Caspian in. Orielle immediately stood up and said, “Dr. Atren, this is Caspian Armani. Caspian, Dr. Atren.” Caspian wondered if that was the alchemist, if his name was Dr. Atren. Caspian waved and Dr. Atren didn’t acknowledge her, he just looked at Orielle like he was annoyed that she said anything. Caspian thought Dr. Atren was a tall and muscular man, he looked like he could take on the TAAP all at once if he wanted to. He started writing stuff down very fast. Caspian whispered to Orielle, “That’s the guy I’m going to be an apprentice for?” Orielle immediately laughed and said, “Hear that? She thinks you’re the alchemist!” Dr. Atren gave a smile that immediately made Caspian feel stupid. Dr. Atren stood up and Caspian was reminded of how tall and how large he was, “No, Caspian. I’m the alchemist’s security, he’ll be here in a few minutes.” Orielle continued talking to Caspian and every once in a while Dr. Atren shot them an annoyed look, telling them they need to quiet down. Finally, another man walked through the door that Dr. Atren walked through. Caspian thought the man looked old and frail. Orielle turned to Caspian and whispered, “That’s the alchemist, wait for him to address you.” The alchemist took his coat off and walked over to Caspian. He squinted his eyes at her, “How did you get the name Caspian?” he asked. “I don’t know sir, it was just given to me when I was turned out.” Caspian shrugged. The alchemist’s eyes widened, “You were turned out? You’re alone?” Caspian smiled, “Yeah sir, and unlike most people I love it.” That was a lie, Caspian wished she had a family or at least someone to love. The alchemist’s face softened, “That’s very good for you.”

Hour 10

The alchemist held out his hand to Caspian, “My name’s Dr. Faendel. Nice to meet you, Caspian Armani.” Caspian took his hand and shook it, Caspian was astonished. “Nice to meet you too, Dr. Faendel.” Dr. Faendel made a gesture with his hand for Dr. Atren and Orielle to leave the room, they did. Dr. Faendel sat across from Caspian, “I’ve always been scared to have an apprentice, afraid they might turn on me and spill my recipes. You seem alright though.” Caspian smiled, so much had happened already and the apprenticeship had hardly begun. 

—------ no relevant activity for the rest of hour—------

Hour 11

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 12

Caspian opened up her eyes and was unsure where she was, it was a big room that was painted a ugly yellow color. It was a very big room from what Caspian could tell. Caspian’s vision is blurred and she is scared. Caspian notices she is one of lots of groaning and hurt bodies in the room. Caspian can’t feel her arm and she looks at it. Caspian sees a gruesome slash across her arm, her shirt soaked with blood. Caspian notices that all the other bodies are wounded, then she sees Orielle. Orielle is wrapping someone’s leg in cloth and reassuring them that everything is under control. After time of Caspian watching Orielle do so, the groaning and the whispers sound less fuzzy. Caspian assumes that her hearing went out, but it’s now coming back. Caspian tried to call for Orielle after Orielle got done wrapping another girl’s arm. Caspian could hardly whisper but somehow Orielle heard her. Orielle knelt down to Caspian and looked at her arm and grimaced, “Can you hear me?” Orielle asked. Orielle’s words were fuzzy but Caspian was able to make them out. Caspian nodded and pointed to her arm. Orielle looked at it and sucked in, “That’s gotta hurt. I’ve got you.” Orielle pulled out the cloth wrapping and lifted Caspian’s arm. Caspian asks what the place is and Orielle tells her, “The Kalea Protectors are trying to get as many people as they can and putting them in here, the bombing killed many people but they’re just getting as many bodies as they can and throwing them in here, soon to be tended to.” Caspian watches Orielle wrap the cloth around her arm so gently. Orielle kept talking to Caspian, “Nobody knows the motive behind the bombs but they keep going off and there’s no telling where or when they’ll happen. I don’t understand, why hurt a place and not let them know why you’re hurting them?” Caspian mouthed, “Who?” Caspian is very annoyed that speaking hurts. Orielle rolled her eyes, “Probably TAAP, it’s bad enough they hurt their own people but why can’t they leave us alone?” Caspian thinks about how she never understood TAAP, Caspian always wondered how people could just be evil. Orielle wrapped Caspian’s arm very well from what Caspian could tell. Orielle’s eyes stared down Caspian, “Do you think you can walk?” Caspian looked at her hesitantly, “Maybe?” Orielle helped Caspian up and helped her walk into another room.

Hour 13

Orielle sat Caspian down in a folding chair in the other room, and Orielle left. Caspian figured that she left to go help others with their wounds. There was a pulsing ringing sound in Caspian’s head that she just couldn’t shake. Caspian sat there, feeling safe and afraid at the same time. 

Hour 14

It had been an hour and Orielle hadn’t come back, Caspian was afraid that something might have happened. Caspian then thought to her friends who lived in town, she wondered if they were okay. Caspian wondered where Dr. Faendel was, she thought he had to have something to cure her arm. Caspian hadn’t even tried to move, she knew it would hurt and would take too much energy.

Hour 15

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 16

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 17

Caspian was jolted awake and soon saw Orielle’s kind face looking at her, in a different way though, like she was terrified. “I kept meaning to come back, but everyone kept calling for me to help them. I’m so sorry.” Orielle said. Caspian’s arm felt tingly, she looked over and there was Dr. Faendel. Dr. Faendel was pouring an orange potion over Caspian’s wounded arm. Caspian noticed the wound was gone. Caspian’s arm felt tingly and warm. “Can you talk?” Dr. Faendel asked. Caspian tried but her voice was so faint she could barely hear herself. Dr. Faendel grabbed another potion, this one green, and told her to gurgle it. Caspian did, the potion tasted like soda bubbling in her mouth. Dr. Faendel gave her an empty bucket, Caspian spit out the potion and then said, “Testing, testing.” Orielle smiled at her. Dr. Faendel stood up, “I’m afraid things aren’t going very well out there. People are dying left and right and they need my potions and I can’t be in two places at once. The shop got blown up, last I heard. I don’t know what I’m going to do about everyone getting hurt, all my stuff is gone other than what I had on me.” Caspian thought he looked distressed and scared. “Are we safe?” Caspian asked. Orielle’s lips strained, “Yes, but there are many other people not safe. Our job is to keep everyone alive and happy. Right now, many people are afraid and unsafe. You aren’t fit to go out there right now, you can keep sleeping but Dr. Faendel and I will be going out to help. Caspian watched them leave, and she was all still and alone again.

—------ no relevant activity for the rest of hour—------

Hour 18

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 19

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 20

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 21

“Caspian! Caspian, wake up!” Orielle was yelling, Caspian thought her voice still sounded pretty. Then Caspian came with a jolt, “Yes?” Orielle’s hands were on Caspian shoulders, “We need to get out of here, Dr. Atren spilled our location.” Caspian’s eyes widened, “To TAAP?” “Yes!” Orielle screamed. Orielle helped Caspian to her feet, and Orielle put a locket around Caspian’s neck. Orielle hugged Caspian as tightly as she could, Caspian felt warm and happy for a second despite everything. Orielle grabbed the locket while hugging Caspian, “There’s two buttons on here, on the count of three click them both.” Caspian grabbed the locket on her neck while Orielle was still holding her tightly, “3….2…..1.” Caspian clicked the buttons.

Hour 22

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 23

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

Hour 24

No relevant activity. Sweet dreams, Caspian.

November 02, 2023 20:57

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