A story about Joseph and Mary meeting for a blind date.

Submitted into Contest #56 in response to: Write a story from the different perspectives of two people meeting for a blind date. ... view prompt

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My story is entitled Joseph and Mary meeting for a blind date. A blind date is a social engagement between two people who have not previously met, usually arranged by a mutual acquaintance. A blind date is arranged by a mutual acquaintance of both Joseph and Mary .Also both the two people Joseph and Mary take part in the blind date and have never met or seen each other ,hence the phrase "blind date". It is the responsibilities of the person who arranges the date to ensure that they are a good match. Sometimes it is noted that one person is more interested in the match than the other,which may make it more difficult on the person arranging the date to judge whether the date will be successful. The blind date is said to be between Joseph and Mary since it can lead to Marriage. Due to the unfamiliarity of the two people the date is shorter than most because both Joseph and Mary are in the beginning stages of a relationship. The blind date is also very adventurous in the way that neither party knows what to expect and whether or not they will hit it off. The location of the blind date is also affected by the spontaneity in that it is often a neutral and public place where both parties Joseph and Mary feel comfortable. Almost both family and friends have been declining in their influence over the dating market for the past years. It is also noted that neighbourhoods ,the workplace and the circle of friends are sources of dating partners. During blind date, there is an online dating services that ask questions in the form of a survey in order to get to know the user better as a person and to understand what they are looking for in a relationship . Also the online service seems to find matching users based on various algorithm. The users are enabled to also communicate with each other. Often after they sign up for the service at a cost. Also the website www.Match.com in an effort to determine how much impact their services are having on the way relationships develop today. There are thousands of online dating websites like eHarmony that engages in blind dating. There is a Parental Control where MTV reality show where parents pick two dates on a blind date for their son or daughter. Parents ask the candidates a series of questions in order to pick the best two. Also start a new relationship with one of the blind dates. In the Blind Date,Australia, An Australian dating game show was Produced was produced by Sony Pictures Television. Again, the Blind date U.K. is a British dating game show produced by London Weekend Television. In most countries Blind date is normally run on Saturday Nights. In America,there is an American dating game show that aired in syndication called the Blind Date USA. The series was hosted by Universal Worldwide Television There is a choice where an American television show,where male celebrities sit with their backs facing a stage. The female contestants then have a specific amount of time on stage to win the affection of male celebrities. At the end of each show, the men choose a woman to go on a date. The Dating Game a show created by Chuck Barris where a single woman would sit on one side of a wall and three bachelors would sit on the other side. In the blind date each male participant would answer questions from the women and at end of the show ,she would choose a candidate to go on a blind date with twenty five women who wish to become his wife. The women lives together in one household are In competing in an elimination game. In some countries like China Parents find their children blind dates in Parks. Spouse -huntibg fairs in big city parks by parents eager to see their children. Also Parents see their children tie the knot that have made parks in China a haven for relationship hunters and their parents. Zhongshana Park has been the location for six years where parents go to seek partners for their children. Questions are asked about anything ranging from their child's zodiac sign to their place of residence. Also contact information is exchanged. This process altogether begins by the parents sitting on a bench with their child's credentials such as photos and Academic records. A middle aged man called Joseph said he has met women who have no intention of finding a boy friend. Also meeting me is merely to indulge with their parents. There are mostly two kinds of blind date in South Korea, mainly" Meeting "and "Sogeting." Meeting blind dates are group dates with no prior expectations of commitment and are often used by University students. A Sogeting date usually includes less alcohol than a meeting date. It is then engaged in by people who are "single and looking." However both Joseph and Mary engaging in blind date cultivated the habit of the five stages of dating .These stages includes Attraction, Reality, commitment, Intimacy, and final engagement. Through these five stages of dating you will learn whether your partner is destined for a lifetime commitment. It is not uncommon to be attracted to more than one person as the same time. Whether or not you act on these feelings will not only affect you. Also both Joseph and Mary went on a blind date at the Beach and the Aburi Gardens just to talk and get to know about each other before marriage. In addition both Joseph and Mary spent their holidays together sharing intimate relationship and engaging in activities just to get to know about each other. They also went on a blind date at the Kakum National Park and also spent time visiting the Accra zoo. As noted most of their memorable blind date they had, was when they went for a shopping spree at ShopRite. Also both Joseph and Mary went on a blind date on Date Rush on television to engage and be seen in an intimate relationship before marriage. Again during scenes of Trade Fair ,both Mary and Joseph went on a blind date to visit the fair and share things together having good times and buying gifts and things for themselves. They all shared love together through giving and cash in kind. At some instances where they both do not have money to buy an item at a stand during their blind dating they go through window shopping at that particular stand. Finally, both Joseph and Mary met on a blind date in a Restaurant and a Hotel before marriage,they went on a blind date because they want to know about each other and both of them will like to go into a relationship.

August 23, 2020 18:58

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Lina Lee
22:04 Apr 09, 2023

thank you for writing about this! I am very distrustful and jealous and one day before the wedding I began to suspect my boyfriend of treason and decided to connect a special program https://theteensafe.com/iphone-spy-app/ to follow up and I am very glad that thanks to this program I found out about his infidelity and did not make a mistake by marrying him married


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