I woke, from a dream, where I was not certain, where I was actually at and where I was suppose to be at.
I felt my way across the covers on the bed, eventually pulling them off of me, exposing my pajamas and as I sat up, turning in the direction of my bedroom door, I saw a light under the door.
Yes, my simple curiosity was getting the best of me, and I being the nosy person, alone in the room, I heading towards the door, and was not sure what to expect.
I crept slowly towards the door, partly filled with fear, partly filled with other emotions, yet not sure what to expect or how to react after I knew.
I then reached out for the door knob, trying to turn it to open the door, when as I felt the inside of the door, it felt hot. I was then filled with dread, and the fear was becoming more intense, when I went backwards inside the bedroom.
I then headed towards the window, but was met with a deadbolted and unmoving window, that would neither push upward nor push downward. I was beginning to panic, at the thought of being trapped and not have a way of escape.
I then headed back to the only other way out, and tried the door knob again, and instead of being met with hot to the touch, was met with a freezing cold, which I retracted my hand from.
I decided to try and open the door, only after I had a glove over my hand, and then the door flew open, with a swiftness, that caught me by surprise.
It was then, realizing I was free to leave, I went into the hallway, but was not sure which direction to go, returned to my bedroom, retrieving my glasses.
I, then returned to the open door, after putting them on, and started to see, what I thought were other people, doing as I was doing. We arrived at the elevator doors, which had been left open, but without the elevator there, which we saw had fallen down the shaft and was on fire.
Everyone was not sure what to do next, which some then stated, "Let's head to the stair case, at the end of the hallway". I started in the direction, feeling the wall, and made my way to the door, but it felt hotter than the one in my bedroom. I reacted to it the same way I had, the first time.
I, then was able to use my glove, to keep my hands safe, yet was unsure how well they would protect me, and after finally opening the stairwell door, was met with lots of missing stairs and railings, which had met their fate, by falling downward.
I, turned around to be confronted by the others, who had decided to do as I had, heading for the stairwell. They were starting to yell and scream at what they saw, which did not help matters. I chose to then head back down the hallway, to see what the other stairwell would look like.
When I arrived at the other stairwell, opened the door, with ease, it seemed to be still intact. I chose to venture out onto it, with some fear that its fate would happen while I was on it, holding on for my life.
I was getting centered and trying not think of the previous events, when the door opened again, showing several people who had decided the same thing as I. They followed me, which made me more fearful, at the idea of so many people on this stairwell, at one time.
I was not taking any chances, waiting around, and hurried down the stairwell. It was about this time, without any warning, two people slipped and fell over the railing, falling downward, with a dull thud.
The rest, were now not too keen on the idea. They were standing there, with no choice but either wait and see what will happen next or move forward, and hope for the best. We went down the stairwell, more slowly this time, but wanting to be more careful with each step we took.
Then as we were stepping, pieces of the building started falling down upon us, some being struck by the debris, others only hit by dust, yet still afraid. We continued, yet even slower, and by the time we had descended, to the next floor, there were less people than before.
By the time we had reached several more floors, the number that arrived, was less than twelve people total. We looked around and discovered, missing people that had been along with those who were there. I was not sure what to do next, so we made a plan.
It was then, some more debris fell, hitting two older men and causing them to be badly hurt. I looked at the remaining people, and yelled, "We need to get out of here, or we will end up like the others". They all shook their heads in agreement.
As we neared the lower area, in the stairwell, we were met by fallen debris, along with most of the area blocked or not safe to venture into. We looked around and found a wall that had been damaged, heading towards it and entered into the opening.
Before we knew, someone yelled, we all backed out, and tripped over each other. Two more had been hit by a large object, ripping them both in two, leaving them assumed dead. I was heading back towards the stairwell, when flames shot up, catching my pajamas on fire, but I dropped and rolled, until the flames were smothered out.
As I was helped up, the stairwell creaked and moaned, letting out a loud roar, before it gave way, and started to twist, causing five more people to be twisted with it, leaving them dead. Those of us, who remained, were not sure which way to go.
There was no visible light, there was no flashlights, or anything to be used to guide us, until we decided to head back towards the opening in the wall, and taking our chances.
I was followed by three others, who made the decision to see where this way would us to. I was not sure, myself, how to lead anyone, but as we entered the area, outside the wall, I smiled.
We had found the area, which seemed untouched, was stable enough for us to continue, and we headed in the direction of what looked like outside, but we were hit with debris, that had worked itself loose, and we all became pinned under the debris.
We were still alive, and only two of us had our hands and arms free. They wiggled free finally, getting up to come to help the rest of us who were still pinned. I was the last to be helped, when more debris trapped me further, and the rest went on, to find safety.
I laid there, for what seemed like forever, not sure what would happen to me, when several strong arms, reached down to help me get free. I was finally free, before I felt a sharp pain in my left leg.
Without a second thought, they raised me up, and helped me to move, so that I would not become trapped again. I was wincing from the severe pain in my leg, and trying to hurriedly move to safety.
I was moving, when the two helping me, along with myself, was thrown forward, and we all were hit by falling debris, that had been shaken loose. I saw they were not moving, and assumed the worst, yet I was not in any better shape, with my leg in pain and possibly badly damaged.
I was sitting there, trying to think of a way to escape, when more debris, fell and covered me under the earlier pile of falling debris. "Was this the way I was going to die?" "Was this the way I was to meet my end?"
Fear and worry and panic all settled in, showing me my demise in the worst way possible. I was not sure how I would receive this and was trying to be brave, having a brave face. But it was not working and I was set on letting it be as it was at that moment.
Then before I could respond to this, I felt the floor below me start to give way, taking me and all the debris, and my pain filled left leg, heading to where I did not know.
The fall stopped suddenly, landing me and the debris on a more solid floor, like in a basement. I felt around and found something near me, and finding out it was a body, that was not moving. Sad that the only person, who would have been aware of my dilemma, was possibly dead and not moving.
"How did I arrive at this place, at this moment, with more problems mounting by the minute?" "How can I ever feel that I will live to make it out?" those two thoughts were the least of my worries, as the floor was met by more debris, this time with debris burning, smoldering, and hot. Along with this debris, was more bodies, all dead, motionless, and not part of my being hopeful.
I was trying to move, but the weight of all the debris, adding the bodies, on top, and no light to guide me, was not much help. I reached towards the closest person, and felt around to see what I could find. It was a miracle, I found a flashlight, grasped in their hands.
I removed the flashlight, took it, turned it on, and saw what I had dreaded to see before. It was a scene, out of a horror movie, but this was reality. I was not prepared for the shock I got from what I saw.
I stopped shining the flashlight. I lowered my head, and I cried loudly and wailed with anguish and pain. As more debris fell, I then was made aware that I might be buried alive.
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