
Sam jerked awake from his world of sleep,rubbing his eyes with upturned fingers.Fuming with anger,he grabbed the alarm clock from the side table and stopped it.Outside the window,he could see the sun radiating the evening glow,scattering pink and soft orange across the sky which was soon to be dark and all strewn with stars.

The world seemed to be in a deadly war- a fierce battle with the legendary daredevil "Corona Virus". Sam could not even remember how many news of deaths he had to hear.The faces of his fun-loving friends were no longer accessible to him.The joy and excitement of outside world, marvellous outing with adventerous comrades and peers,hitting up at the city's restaurants and clubs- all those memories seemed to be fairytale stories of long lost times. Even the faces of those aggressive stern tutors at college and the devastating piles of studies in college seemed to be exhilarating to him. All these times,spending in isolation and surrendering to the virus had been intolerable for him . His extroverted mind full of spirit and life wanted to wander anywhere in the world- anywhere outside"home".

When the message suddenly popped in his mobile phone " College is going to start officially on 8th of August"- Sam's jaw dropped.He could not think for a moment as an exhilarating chill went down his spine.He got on top of his bed,raised his hand like a soldier and shouted with liberty.."The war has ended..The war with the Virus has ceased."

His own memeories seemed to smile at him then....he rejoiced at the thought that brighter days full of buoyancy are coming...

Those adventurous days of college,challenging studies ,friends who are the bringer of laughter and pure joy-- all those things which he missed during those long,monotonous months of agony,were then returning again to him.Sam felt like a bird who was soon to be set free from a cage. His heart became as light as a feather and his future seemed to shine bright and clean.

A new light of inspiration lighted up Sam's spirit.There were only a few days left before he could go to his beloved college.He felt a wild urge to utilise the remaining times at home.There were still news of disasters caused by the Virus at many parts of the world.

He collected all the savings he had and borrowed some from his parents to donate to an organization supplying Corona testing machineries,high quality masks and other necessities to the underdeveloped countries of the world.The organization would also send food ,water and some financial benefits to many families whose earning member had lost their job due to the Covid-19 Virus. Sam pledged his friends to donate too and each of them contributed in their own way.Near to Sam's apartment building was an orphanage which ran on government funds.As the financial stability of the government has weakened,the orphange ran low on supplies.Sam decided not to waste his time at home anymore.He knew he could not donate enough to that large orphanage. In his room,there lay his mom's old sewing machine which still worked.Sam taught himself from the internet to sew a mask to protect one from virus.Several of the children of the orphange got infected and the low supply of masks there was the reigning problem.Sam,an unstoppable teen,did not cease to work day and night with a smile etched on his face,knowing his work would put smile to many faces.Before long,he had finished sewing 500 masks,all by himself to give to the orphanage for free of cost. He begged his father for some money to puchase sanitizers which he did and supplied all to the orphange.Sam knew that he was not enough to change the situation but tried his very best with full flow of determination and strength.Each day,he made some disposable masks to send to those children.

Sam knew that covid 19 was still there in some places and he knew that several people failed to take proper awareness to deter the situation . Sam developed a Covid 19 Awareness page in Facebook, spreading cautions and necessary steps to keep oneself protected from the virus.He invited people around the globe,checking their daily life habits,ensuring whether they were properly defending themselves from the virus which could spread again like wildfire.He understood the cost of life and wanted to save as many as he can.Though he was a teenager with just limited resources and a very little ability to help,Sam believed that his small contribution could inspire many.He was right..soon many other awareness projects were established ,others also commenced to supply necessary commodities to underprivileged people. Their one and only aim was to defeat the virus forever and never to come back again.

Sam could perceive the change he made in the minds of people.His slogan which was especially directed to the people stuck at home was- "Pull out your blanket of laziness and strive to change the World"

"If you can believe it,you can do it"

Only two days left to start college. The situation at the orphange was a lot better and the infected children recovered successfully.Sam heard the news reporter say,"Corona is diminishing now rapidly as mass awareness has taken place and people are finally hopeful for a more colourful tomorrow."

A feeling of hope seized Sam. That feeling was followed by a moment of guilt..guilt for not doing anything fruitful during the previous months.He spent those previous months in monotony,in lingering laziness and long hours of unnecessary sleep.Sam thought that if he started way before,maybe he could cause a much greater impact.He could collect a lot more funds and aid more people of need.The Covid virus caused difficulty for almost everyone,some people had financial stress while others lost their loved ones.Many lacked the awareness they needed.Sam believed that a simple word could change someone's mind.Therefore he filled his facebook posts with powerful slogans and quotes which inspired people,made them cautious developed them to be stronger.Though being just an ordinary teenager,he could cause a change and he believed so many others could do so.

Sam smiled and looked at the sky outside the window.The empty park beside his home bathed in the golden sunlight. Sam knew that the park would soon be filled with shrill joy and laughter of children. The gloom- stricken world would finally glance at a world free from Covid- 19. As for Sam,his happiness was complete as he would be soon going to college. He felt sublime peace in his soul thinking as he spent the days before going to college in the most fulfilling way as possible.He succeeded.

August 03, 2020 07:41

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Doubra Akika
15:04 Aug 11, 2020

I loved the feeling of hope in this. It's good to spread awareness about this because so many people are dying every day. I think you should try to put a space between the full stop and the next word likewise with the comma. Wonderful job overall though.


Anika Humaira
18:45 Aug 11, 2020

Thnx :)


Doubra Akika
20:40 Aug 11, 2020

My pleasure!


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What an awesome use of the prompt! I love the route you went with this, awesome job! I loved that wrote this about awareness, the world honestly needs way more people like Sam.


Anika Humaira
08:53 Aug 13, 2020

Thanks a lott...😊


no problem!


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