The Prince Taking Back His Lost Kingdom

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write a story from the antagonist’s point of view.... view prompt

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Fiction Fantasy

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

“So you mean to tell me, you can actually build a whole house, Pierre?” Lilliana questioned. There was an obvious I don’t believe you in her tone looking at me.

I chuckled, “Yes it was very effective in helping the kingdom, but alas, I never knew how to properly create windows.” I whip his locks dramatically.

“Gods, I wonder how you’ll be if you were able to create brick or concrete like structures,” Lilliana added.

I shrugged. I know how concrete is made, but properly creating it from the elements of nature itself was hard on its own. It’ll take up to half a day to even do one wall of a normal small cabin.

“Maybe one day I could,” I finally replied with his usual cocky smirk.

One moment I kicked some kind of medal rusty piece. It was oddly heavier than I thought. As I kneel down to inspect the rusty metal piece that curves like a decorative piece, I throw it to the side and strides forward with the witch behind me.

“Are we here?” She asked.


Finally, I’m home. Or what it used to be.

It felt like my heart stopped for once. The houses, shops, the floors, everything looks like it was smashed and burned to the ground then nature took its course with it.

“Pierce you can’t just run like that!” Lilliana called out, finally catching up right behind him, out of breath.

I look back at Lilliana and for a moment I can see the pity in her eyes. I saw it before, I saw it before she freed me from the Stone Curse… She has the same eyes as Lucine.

I chuckled slowly, “This was my home. This is where I was supposed to rule.”

It went silent between the two of us as we continued to walk through the ruins. I remember how this part of the kingdom was. The square, the kids practicing their magic to be strong, the parents disciplining them, the various executions I’d tend to host and even done myself, and the fountain. The fountain I’d tend to study in this area and now it’s just conquered by nature with barely any water left in it. 

Next to it is where my stage of execution is nearby. It would be a wooden platform and I’d use water magic to slice their heads off. 

I could hear off comments from Selene behind me but it sounded so muffled compared to the memories I’m seeing in front of me so all I did was nod and did an mhm response.

Up a hill, we reached what was a palace. My palace. I run him with Lilliana grunting and yelling right behind me. I make my way to the throne room seeing everything gone but some broken down walls with some vines swarming around it. This is where I was promised  the title of king despite being second in line for the throne, behind my brother, I can rule, and I can still influence his kingdom. My kingdom. My Osmania.

An idea reached my head. I know what ingredients are made. All I need is to gather them from nearby and make it. I can feel it. The energy swirling around me. This new magic, I can recreate his castle, my whole land… Osmania. 

“Pierce, what are you doing?” Lilliana asked worriedly, behind me.

“Recreating my kingdom,” I answered with a smirk turning to Lilliana.

The ground started to rumble, the earth moving beneath us, Lilliana lost balance, falling to her knees as she watched me stay standing. Her eyes realized in realization what I’m creating concrete to replicate this throne room. Sand, stones, water, and gravel is all circling around my body as if I’m in the middle of a tornado. I can feel a few cuts from debris on my skin but this was nothing compared to what I had before.

“This is my kingdom!” I declared as I spread out the gathered millions of materials, replacing the old ruined concrete with the new ones, with every centimeter of how I remembered my castle was coming to life. Waving my hands and pushing sand towards the center of the room to create a huge circular window that has the sunlight shining upon the two. Lilliana could feel the changes of magic around them and the look of determination I had.

“Pierce…” Lilliana called out weakly.

“I created our home,” I declared, breathlessly but proudly. 

The throne room is back. The only things left are carpet, lights, decoration, and of course the thrones itself. I began to twirl his index finger to use concrete to make thrones from the ground for now and to Lilliana’s surprise there’s two of them.

I turn around and grin at Lilliana. I notice a certain fear in her eyes, fear I love seeing, fear I adored seeing Lucine in. I adore the way she looks. She looks so beautiful.

“My daring witch,” I snarled. “My Lucine.”


“You. You’re the love of my life, the witch who banished me into that Stone Cursed. You’re not Lilliana. You’re Lucine.”

Lilliana slowly stood up. “Pierce?”

“What?” I chuckled. “That throne over there? The second one? That’s for you. I can finally bring you the life you deserved Lucine. You are mine again and I will have my kingdom again. No one will ever harm me, you, our new citizens. Osmania is all about power and with us as rulers, we will be the most powerful.”

“But Pierce this is not the way this goes!” Lilliana argued. 


“I am NOT Lucine! The Lucine you know is dead! She passed long ago! This is centuries ahead of your time!” Lilliana snapped.

The smirk I had faded, my head tilted, and suddenly it felt cold in the throne room. “Lucine, are you delusional?”

Lilliana immediately takes a step back. “Pierce… snap out of it. You are too hungry for this crap you created. I knew we shouldn't have come here.”

“Fine. Lilliana.” I said reluctantly as I took steps forward. I waved my fingers to create vines to wrap around her ankles so she stays put.

Lilliana immediately struggles to get out and tries to burn the vines, but to no surprise his power is stronger than hers.

As I was now in front of her, I grabbed her chin tightly as if she'd disappear if I didn't, and a grin grew on my face. 

“Be my queen.. Luc– Lilliana.”

August 17, 2024 00:58

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1 comment

VJ Hamilton
21:25 Aug 25, 2024

Hi Samantha, what an interesting take on the prompt! You have some vivid descriptions that bring the situation to life! For example, "I can feel a few cuts from debris on my skin" (ouch!) and "Waving my hands and pushing sand towards the center of the room to create a huge circular window that has the sunlight shining..." Then the twist at the end! Thanks for an entertaining read!


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