Bizarre feelings towards Him

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about summer love — the quarantine edition.... view prompt



When the warm wind blew as a whistle on my fair skin, that’s when it all changed. In that brief moment and time, I felt the most fascinating feeling in my heart. It was beating rapidly and my heart rate kept increasing as he continued approaching me. I blushed a crimson red shuffling my feet lightly, anxiousness clearly visible on my face. I tucked a strand of my chocolate hazel hair shyly and quietly fiddled with my fingers under the clouded late-afternoon sky. But, I was immediately disappointed. I turn around, looking at the slightly narrow street he was heading towards before.

But, nothing. That mysterious person was gone. I peered cautiously over the final destination, but all I could see wa the bustling crowd around my sharp grey eyes. He wasn’t in the chaotic crowd, nor in any of the night stalls that were being set up for tonight’s special occasion. I sighed deeply, unhappy and upset at the fact that he was absolutely nowhere to be seen. That’s when the sudden realization dawned on me. What was I doing? Was I crazy? I was honestly out and about my house just to search for a guy who I literally met -scratch that- glanced at for a mere 10 seconds. It felt weird, and this awkward emotion was giving me even more constant stress and worry, as I carefully analysed if I was actually sick or needed to see someone about this.

My chain of unnecessary thoughts was completely broken down as I heard a small buzz from the back of tight blue jeans’ pocket. I quickly opened the lock to the phone and typed in the password and proceeded with the procedure. When I conveniently arrived at the destination the buzzing led me to, I beamed and smiled with complete satisfaction. There it was. The tiny, unmistakable notification. The notice that schools were being shut down and we were to continue online school learning right away due to the spreading pandemic that had taken the world by continuous panic. Coronavirus, a.k.a Covid-19.

Honestly speaking, I felt eternally elated at the fact that it began in this year, 2020. I was getting afflicted with the large amount of work that burdened us in the first semester, so I had always wanted to just relax and not just be utterly involved with the pressures of schoolwork. It had also seemed like I heading straight for the mental illness of depression. Although I was feeling all these conflicting emotions, I was the type of person that never revealed how I felt. I had and still do have the mindset that doing so is embarrassing and difficult to do as I am quite awkward with expressing my feelings in front of others. I was glad I won’t be dealing with people that pretended to be nice and kind, and when given the opportunity, they would backbite and spread rumours about me, which I would eventually go to know through from my friends.

I quickly shook off the unpleasant negative thoughts that were creepily hanging at the back of my head and looked at my navy blue wristwatch. It was 5:45 p.m. already, and it was the peak of winter around these last few days. Night would befall on the rouge horizon soon and the festival would start. My mood was going haywire and I had no plans on going to this event. It was held once every three months and it looked as if it wouldn’t be held for quite a while, therefore it was held with such extravagance and elegance that just gazing at it for a second might have one utterly mesmerised.

I looked over at my iPhone screen again and actively decided to head inside, the background noises of clatters and people’s noises collapsing in the distant background. The sky was starting to turn the nightly shade of ocean blue due to the weather. It looked like there was going to be quite a lot of extremely overjoyed commotion. I sighed in relief, glad beyond doubt that inclusive family won’t be missing out. Heading towards the massive brown door, which had a traditional Victorian style to it. The door had some pretty intricate patterns and designs on it to give it a homey feeling. When I entered the door, the sweet scent of baked cookies hit my nose, and without any further instructions, my body moved on its own disregarding my disagreements. I sneakily went and grabbed a cookie, and looked at the laptop which was left open by me a few minutes ago. I started looking through my classmates, some which were new and the others were left from the previous year. I was particularly excited to see meet new peers since I have always loved interacting with shy and kind people.

I looked through their profiles and the brief info which was already given out on Google classroom. As I began scanning through new names and faces, I grew happy and became unable to control my exploding joy. The second-last one looked like a Arabic girl, who was adorable and had an unexplainably cute baby-face, considering her current age, which held the status of a teenager.

 The last one, was what caught my eye, and had me coughing my already half-eaten cookie. No way. This couldn’t be happening. He was the last one?! This has got to be a joke! It was amazing how terrifying a simple old coincidence can be in life. The last profile read- Name: Muhammad Gemlock, Age:15, Year:9, and the rest was just his overall achievements, and background information. I smirked and soon smiled wide. I was going to make him feel this weird feeling too, so he knows just how much my poor emotions are going flip-flop. Now this was interesting. Interesting enough to catch my eye. I don’t know how its going to be for the rest of the class, but I genuinely am looking forward to online classes of 2020.   

August 07, 2020 13:44

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Jane Andrews
11:23 Aug 20, 2020

I think you had a well thought out storyline here and you did a good job of building suspense at the start and then came full circle when she finds the boy she fell for on her class list at the end. What does need a little work is the flow of language - I’m guessing that English may not be your first language (please don’t be offended by that - almost all the students I’ve taught Over the past five years have had English as a second language and that comes across in some of the sentence structures as each language has its own rhythm and gram...


Fatima Faisal
05:17 Aug 21, 2020

thank you, I actually didn't expect this story to be well-liked, because this story is based on true events in my life. I'm glad you liked it and gave me feedback. I will work hard and definitely do better in the future!


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