Adventure Inspirational Kids

Challenge accepted.

Say what you need to say.

Remember. It is never advisable, never good to allow a person access to information when and if, or if and when they cannot

Handle it.

The outcome could be a catastrophe-for-exploitation path. Of an access to evil.

Never one to back down from an argument, a quarrel, a debate?

Challenge accepted.

Perseverance. Perception. Perfection. All matter.

Prescription? Well. That changes over time. And that is not good for the silence, the loudness.

No chance to fake it ‘til you make it allowed. You’re already “dead” where you stand.

Perhaps you. Churn, Burn and Turn away from what you cannot see. Perhaps don’t want to see. Have difficulty seeing. Too much noise. Voices carry in some parts of the world. And in other parts some voices are never heard.

Because isn’t beautiful, sexy, appealing.

Back to the eye doctor we go for another “prescription.” To make us see the things clearer? What are the “things” you wish to see clearer?

Maybe you just like going to the doctor. Good for you. That you can.

There are many, many ways to be silenced.


So many minutes of my early years of life sitting in a pew. Of other’s construction. Not yet of my own. Connected to an individual in the house I worshipped. Except, the individual had too many doubts. Did not ask enough questions. Kinda closed-minded. Anyway.

Boy am I glad I did not fall asleep in church.

Because I learned a lot. With His valuable teachings. And lest you had been born into it. My request is you keep your comments to yourself. Unless the questions of connection are genuine. Bonafide.

Like a beautiful sparkly diamond.

Or. Walk the walk. If you can.

Remember There really is “No way out” Especially if and when you pretend. Choose to pretend. Makes no difference.

And yet. It can make all the difference in the world. To some, especially a child, we are their most important person. They watch us like little sponges. Absorb our words, deeds and actions. When we are not looking. When we are not seeing. They keenly observe our triumphs as well as failings. They are hungry for knowledge and directions. Some times they even repeat our triumphs, our failings.

But. He teaches us the bonafide difference. The “How To Guide of Not pretending” If you will.

Challenge accepted.

Gulp. This “How To Guide” sounds very strict. And it is.

Strict in building what does not pass away. (PF) There is life. Life building. It is goodness. It is life. And it can be very, very complicated.

Make some noise? I dunno. I wish I did. Knew how. Could do. Until then I will stay awake in His house of worship. 🙂 Because it can be a darn right confusing place. No. Not for me because I paid and pay attention. But for some who just do not “get it” and then.

Give up.

Yes. Indeed. it sounds very very strict. How else do you secure your own life? Listening to the noise of others? To some it is a calling, a gift, a talent. A professional worth their weight in gold. Gold.

Lucky are you if you listen. Listened. And heard. Maybe it was not luck at all. He does have his hand on everything. (FB) Perhaps, maybe be you simply did not fall asleep in church. Good for you. That you had a wonderful influencer. Either way. There is “no way out” by pretending.

Sad. Yes. Free spiritedness allows us to be free but it does not fortify prosperity. For the least of these within the confines of a fair and just society. As it happens on the soil where I am able to express these thoughts, we are supposed to be governed by life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The rest is, well all


and although we have to live with it. We do not have to live by it. Follow the rules so you know how to break them? That is one perspective. Mucking it up, though, that is not cool.

So. Our duty is to stay strict, straight and narrow. Lest we demonstrate the wrong “thing” for the children that are watching us. And it can be dicey. Kids are smart.

Thank God and goodness for that. Thank goodness He judges us according to how we serve Him.

Phew! Relief I was getting it correct. Nothing collapses under the weight of our lives through Him. Phew! Again.

Burdened by earthly realities, don’t be bitter. (PF) Very tough pill to swallow hearing this. But a strict dose of reality nonetheless.

Challenge accepted. With the loudness. With the silence. With God at our side. Jesus asks only for our heartfilled intentions to be uncompromising. Prioritize the work of our hands using His guidance and His valuable teaching of an uncompromising heart.(PF)

When we feel as if the world around us has collapsed, what remains?

Well. Devotion to building what will not collapse. (PF) Sounds so simple. And yet it is very difficult. We are “too busy” will do it “later”.

And. Then there are the “crafty” people. The “advantagers” with potential impure intentions creating circumstances and situations that are unnecessary. Stall until you fall. On your face.

Mean spiritedness instead of free spiritedness. Yuck. Keep your heart strict. Keep your heart steadfast in the Lord. Have no fear and then you have nothing to fear. With Him. This is the most difficult of all.

To “Love a man even in his sin”. And that pretty much is all of us. So, while staying awake in the pews of my youth, I learned this lesson.

There exists divine love. A semblance of divine love. A love that requires no pretending. It is real. It is confusing. It is strict. Don’t perform acts just to “look good”. (PF). He implores this of us.

Live by the rules of constant and constraint faith, justice and charity. (PF) Turn away from the visuals that may persuade you otherwise. The “if it suits me only,” mentality. If it is goodness, there is no questions that it is worth and worthy of my attention, of your attention.

Free spiritedness allows you to courageously, determinedly, and constantly arise to the challenges.

Mean spiritedness does not. Stay. Grounded in the good. (PF)

Yesterday. Now. And. Always.

November 13, 2022 14:25

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