
Dear Ivy,

I can sat and tell you about the things that I like about you more like love about you I love your personality how selfless you are how you willing to give your last to help someone out I love your smile brightens up my world and when I met you I knew you were the one that was going to save me because before we started talking I was planning on ending it all and then you came into my life and you change that I'm a complete idiot a moron a jerk whatever you want to call me is what I am because I broke your heart and I didn't realize but I broke mine too you was like my light in the dark and now that you're gone is back dark you are my oxygen that I didn't know I needed to breathe and I didn't know that until you was gone and now I'm finding it hard to breathe without you next to me 

I'm in love with you to the Moon and back to infinity and beyond I can't see myself without you you are my future and without you I have no future I'm just asking for a second chance to prove myself I know that I hurt you so much I know that you told me something that you never told anyone and I used it against you I'm here to plead my case and tell you I was stupid you can be the judge that sentenced me to whatever punishment you want but no punishment will be greater then me spend my life without you

I guess the saying is true you never know what you got until it's gone you were my everything and it took me to losing you to realize that 

how stupid of me I should have known that you was my everything from the very first moment when I couldn't stop thinking about you you was the first thing on my mind when I woke up in the last thing on my mind when I went to sleep I constantly talked about you you were like my favorite song to listen to because you was all I ever wanted to hear about I know I can never take away the pain that I caused you and I know that it won't be overnight that you forgive me but please hear me out because I can't live without you I can't see myself in the future without you so please will you give me another chance to prove myself to you if it takes a eternity for you to forgive me then so be it as long as you with me I'll be fine

Your truly Azrea"

I couldn't believe she forgive me

Dear Azrea,

I don't know how to say this a part of me wants to forgive you the other part don't I'm fighting with my mind in my heart because they both saying different things I don't know which one to listen to the last time I follow my heart it hurted me bad I try put the past behind me and move forward but I can't forget the things you said to me it how you use my Secrets against me I was so devastated and heartbroken I could believed you ever do something like that to me 

I gave you something I can never get back you played me like a fiddle and I let you I don't know what to do because I want to make it with you because I still do love you then I still see a future with you I do it's crazy I don't know if I could ever trust you again and what's a relationship without trust

People always tell me with time heals all wounds but they don't that's a lie that they tells you to make you feel better I can't believe I gave you my heart and you broke it what would you do if I give it to you again how do I know that you won't play me like you did

I still cry myself to sleep at night and I keep thinking to myself what if he never did these things will we still be together will we be high school sweethearts will you still make my heart skip a beat when I see you will you still make me get butterflies in my stomach when he says my name but I still look at him the same way I did back in high school these thoughts keep running through my head

My grandma says that I should forgive you because she sees that you're the only one that can fix me she says that it happens when the one who hurts you the most is the only one that can fix you I laughed at that's because that shouldn't be true right I can forget about you and move on but it's impossible because you always on my mind

Maybe I'm crazy because I'm going to give you another chance please don't break my heart I don't think I can take another break it's already damaged don't damage it more like you already did

Yours Truly Ivy"

Even my friend trying to get his girl back but she was broken

I don't know how to say this a part of me want to forgive you but the other part don't you hurt me so bad I trusted you you broke that I gave you something I told myself that I will give it to my husband I can't get that back I loved you more than I love myself and that was my problem I got a big heart and I love too hard and you played me you had me looking like a fool I really thought that I meant something to you it was like a slap in my face when you did that I couldn't believe it

For what, I cried I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me and what made you do that I blame myself but then I realized it wasn't my fault I try so hard to make excuses for you and said that you made a mistake and that you will learn from your mistakes but you didn't you spread rumors about me said horrible things about me

You have people look at me as if I was a monster I couldn't believe you would do this to me you tarnished my name into the ground I couldn't believe it person they claim they love.

you have my own family turn their backs only because they thought I did it

if it wasn't for my auntie she came and saved me I was living on streets that before that what you think it wouldn't affected me so much

What's the crazy part about it is I still love you but I just can't see how could you make a bet on me then that wasn't enough for you you spread rumors about me that was so horrible I couldn't believe it you affected me in so many ways I want to forgive you I'm not sure how when your lies cause me to be kicked out on the Street

Put yourself in my shoes and I was the one who did these things to you and I want you to be honest with me I want you to be really honest with me would you forgive me if I did these things to you"

He was sorry

I'm so sorry for what I did to you I know that you hate me and I hate me too but I'm in love with you and I know you don't want to hear that but it's true I don't know what it was about you that made me fall so deep so hard for you maybe it was your smile or your personality I love how it was so selfless I love when you make your own corny jokes

I love that you wasn't afraid to be you you was different you didn't care you made me believe in something again you gave my life meaning and I didn't realize you didn't come to school no more and I found out you transfer schools it took me awhile for someone to  tell me what school you transferred to and I begged my parents for weeks on end to transfer me to the school just so I can apologize to you but before you changed your number on me I used to call your number just so I can hear your voice cuz I was dying to hear it I didn't know what love was until you came in my life is show me

Yes I was stupid for what I did I know that you don't have to tell me because I know that was the biggest mistake of my life because I lost the person that gave me meaning and I want that person back and I do anything for that person to come back to my life you're the person that makes me smile you the person that makes me want to be a better person and I was so stupid to go through with that bet on you 

It was foolish of me I don't know what I was thinking all I know is that I can't see myself without you I don't want to see myself without you if I got to beg and plead the rest of my life so you can be with me then so be it that's what I would do because I'm not ready to let you go I'm not ready to be without you I've been without you these past months and I will tell you one thing they were hell

Because the one person that I wanted wasn't in there, I didn't get to hear your beautiful laugh I didn't get to wake up to see you you was all I ever talked about  you were all I ever need it you are the one that  I'm supposed to be with you the one that I see in my future you're the one that I see myself marrying

I want no one else but you and it took me to lose you to realize that how stupid of me I let you slip through my fingers all because I couldn't come clean with you about the bet but don't you think how ironic it was that I was supposed to make you fall in love with me but I end up falling in love with you I guess that's karma and she got me good please  give me one chance to prove myself that I have change and that I can be the better person for you I don't wanna wake up tomorrow morning and I ain't got you in my life I don't want to think about not having you there with me

Because I don't want to have a life without you because I would die without you in my life for theses months I have been suffering please give me one more chance to prove myself to you because I don't want to spend another second without you in my life I don't want to everything about spending my life without you that's all I'm asking if another chance

And she did 

August 10, 2020 19:30

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