Sunrise with my love

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: End your story with somebody stepping out into the sunshine.... view prompt


Contemporary Creative Nonfiction Romance

Today is the day Emily and Jack decided to see the sunrise together because the next day he is going to back to his country for taking over his family business and Jack wanted to spend his whole day with Emily today, may be they both will not be able to meet in person too soon.

September 2, 2020

Emily was still asleep, her face was suddenly tapped , and there seemed to be a voice of Jack speaking on the top of her head.

"Get up, hurry up"

Jack patted her face and saw that she waved her hand and turned to sleep. He had to pinch her nose.

Emily, who suddenly feel unable to breathe, finally opened her misty eyes.

All the mist has disappeared and when she saw the handsome face zoomed in front of her eyes all the sleepiness run away as she remembered their schedule of today.

After wearing sports cloth, they went out while holding their hands together.

We are running back and forth on beautiful mountain road which is covered with fragrant maple leafs and the sunrise is still rising so the street lights are still on.

"Huh..I can't run." Emily bent over and stopped breathlessly to compromise.

"Your physical strength is so poor you should train well." Jack backed up again to urge her.

Emily's face was pouted and she shoved her legs to run upward, this action of hers was way too cute in the eyes of Jack as he gave a nice laugh behind her. When Emily turned around and see him smiling, she was stunned as it turned out that he smiled so beautifully and the eyes with a smile must have been like the sun in the sky always shining.

"You should laugh more , you are the man I have ever seen who smiles best."Emily slammed his heart, turned and ran ahead.

Jack was stunned for a moment and then smile inexplicably from the bottom of his heart and continued to run to catch up with her.

"Do you still want to watch the sunrise? Run up." Jack was not giving her a lazy time but even after saying this when he looked at Emily's slow running pace, he quickly turned back and hugged her directly to run up.

"Hey , I can run please let me down."Emily said embrassedly.

"Nope." Jacke replied while looking down at her and kissing her forehead.

Soon when he reached to the front, he put her down, blushing and panting he said" compare let's see who arrives first to see the sunrise and a condition is that the winning party can make any request at will.""deal." Emily agreed to this.

"If you accept it, it will begin. Come , one, two, three, go!"

The two rushed down at the same time, Jacke quickly took the lead and Emily ran about ten steps suddenly turned around and ran into another direction.

After a while she stood under the big maple tree and shouted down the mountain road"Hey! I won! Haha.."

Jack stopped suddenly turned around and looked up only to see that she laughed at him,"you ran in the opposite direction, today's sun still rises from the east, haha..."

Her hair was still tied into a ponytail and her heart shaped face was completely exposed. As she laughed, her two rows of neat white teeth were shining like diamonds.She should have taken a toothpaste advertisement.

Jack walks toward her step by step, she only smiled at him , completely forgot to see the rising Sun behind her, but in his eyes, her bright and beautiful smile already compared thr sunrise.He was looking at her face while admiring it silently.

"Haha..the soon to be president of XX group really doesn't know the difference between East and West, haha...."Emily really couldn't stop laughing even more funny when she saw him come back.

Jack was still looking at her face with a smile and with a urge , he deep hooked her lips, suddenly turned her over , kissed her lips stopping her silver bell like laughter.

The flaming sunrise refracted a tremendous light and reflected the shadow of their kiss , making it the most beautiful scene of their lives now.

"Does anybody ever tell you that you smile very beautifully". Jack said while resting his forehead against hers and kissing her cherry like lips again " I love you Emily, we will be together forever." "I love you,too."Emily respond ed while panting.

Those were their words befor sitting down and watching the sun as it was growing shinier and shinier, the first ray of the sun are cool and bracing to the eyes. The hill tops and valley below seemed to be bathed in yellow light.All of a sudden golden ball shining in the sky grows bigger. Plants and trees feast on the rays of the sun. It is rare joy to see the sunrise with the person you love most and this is the part of their lives,they will neve forget.A scene at sunrise is really very delightful.

"It is not bad to watch sunrise and sunset like this and it will be like this in the future." Jack looked at the sun in the sky , hugging her tightly in his embrace and said with a meaning.

After saying this he looked at the sky back and after hearing those words from him , Emily calmed her down and looked at his handsome face without any flaws adn kissed him directly on his cheeks , after kissing him , she suddenly turned her face to the sky .

As for Jack , feeling the wet texture on his cheeks, he was surprised because it was the first time that she took the initiative to kiss him , after seeing her red cheeks and her shy face which was full of charm while bathing in sunlight, he stopped his urge to kiss her back and silently put his head on her shoulders, sniffing her pur and refreshing scent.

The eastern horizon of the earth grows with orange coloured light. The sun looks like a ring of fire. The birds wake up in their nest and begin to chirp. Some even set out to collect food for the day. The atmosphere is pollution free. The scene becomes hectic as the sun begins to rise high in the sky.

June 21, 2021 06:32

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