
I was busy packing the albums from the bookshelf. Packing up all these things was like pacing away memories. I had created in this house.

I had lived in this house for twelve years. I remember it was broken ;the the electricity had a short circuit and there were racons nesting in the attic. I painted my kitchen in a turquoise colour. I even grew the dandelions outside my windowsill.

As I packed the last album in the box. I looked down at it. There pasted on it's cover was a picture of me and Sebastion Philips. We were high school Sweethearts and best friends.

I opened the album and took a trip down memory lane. The first picture was of us dancing on the dance Matt at the arcade in New Jersey;us eating ice cream on the Pier;us on our first date and our movie tickets we went to watch Star Wars and my ultimate favourite our graduation celebrations we went to Sidney.

This was all years ago. I remember after his tour in Afghanistan he was injured. He was paralyzed waist down.He told me he could never provide for me children ; a home and he told me he didn't want to see me again. I respected that painfully and that was the last time I saw him.

A month later I met a man ,perfect hair and those Colgate teeth.

A year later we married and bought this house and twelve years later we getting a divorce. The man I once loved found comfort from his denyoligists.

We are now recently divorced and I decided to move back to my home town.

I grew up in Montclair a small township in New Jersey. It was a neighbourly and friendly town town. I packed up and went home.

On my way home I saw Kathy's Bakery I ate many Pofgetches there.I saw the doggy parlour me and my fiend Grace would pet the puppies at. Then I saw my old high school building lots of fun times.

I finally arrived at my new house. Luckily for me it was refurbished. I took a walk into town thought I'd stop by the coffee shop. It had been remodeled but same atmosphere. I opened the door and just as I entered the coffee shop I was bumped into.

"Hey!" I said

"Oh sorry "he said

As I looked up I recognized his voice and face. He started into my eyes and I starred back into his. I knew him could it be?

"Rebecca?"he asked

"Sebastion " I replied

I couldn't believe it ,it was Sebastion Philips. My old life just flashed before my eyes.

"What it's been ten years"Sebastion said

"Twelve but hey whose counting " I replied

Seeing him again was strange. He had grown cute. I could not resist his eyes. I had longed to see his smile it was of comfort.

We stood there not knowing what to say. I wanted to break the akward silence but what could I say to break the ice.

"Wanna grab a quick cup of coffee?" Sebastion asked

II stupidly replied "I don't drink coffee...i do drink hot chocolate or Chai "

"Great hot chocolate it is"he said

"Yes with marshmallows "I enthusiastically said

SSebastion laughed and told me I still have a sweet tooth. I teasingly replied no that l only ate brownies and occasionally ice-cream

We took a seat near the window and ordered our drinks . The hot chocolate was creamy and the marshmallows added the sweetness. I took a slurp and thought too sweet.

"So have you been back in Jersey for a while or recently?"l asked Sebastion

"Moved here after my last tour in Pakistan three months ago "he answered

I was not going to bring it up ,l knew it was a sensitive topic. I thought miracles do happen. Sebastion was not paralysed (obviousily);he went back to the Army and he surprisingly had become gorgeous for a thirty five year old.He had certainlygrown some muscle but lost his mop of hair. We started asking the casual questions .

"Married?"Sebastion asked

Then l looked down at my hand I was still wearing my ring and at once took it off.

"Divorced and you?" I asked

Sebastion bit the bottom of his lip and said"You know being on tour l never had time to settle down . Leaving someone yo just worry about me wouldn't be fair , l only ever fell in love with one woman"

"Who was she ?"lritardicaly asked

"You"he answered

I blushed and thought we were in love back then and it was hard to feel that way towards another man again. Some how even though we haven't seen each other l wasn't sitting opposite a stranger.

"Who did you marry?" Sebastion asked

"Remember Jenifers cousin?"I said

"Jennifer had like ten cousins "he stated

"Right ,the one whocwould come with all of us down to Atlantic city during spring break"

I said

Sebastion scratched the back of his head and looked down. Then he raised his eyebrows and said "wait..... you married Marko Mordefort?"

"Yes we met again at a conference soon after you dumped me"l said ,then l swallowed my guilt for saying such a thing.

I'll let you know it was one of the hardest things l ever had to do but it was for your own good"he said

"For my own good ?"l questioned

"Yes it benefited us in the long run well at least me"he said

"Yes it benefited you l ended up divorced "I said

"And that's my fault?"he asked

"No it's not your fault,but I needed you and even though you wouldn't admit it you needed me too. I loved you damn it and you pushed me away"

People in the coffee shop were starting at us so I took a deep breathe and calmed down.

A waitress came to our table and offered us menus . She asked us if we would like today's special: Belgium waffles with cream.

"You are right l did need you but l needed to heal without hurting you, l had come back from a war zone l wasn't myself"Sebastion said

"Its all in the past Sebastion" l said. I asked myself had l forgiven him did l accepted what he had done might of been for my own good.

"Where are you staying"he asked

"I bought a house near Edgemont memorial park and you?l answered

I was surprised when he told me he was staying at the MC Hotel Autograph Collection. That was one chic Hotel had a stylish vibe.

"Are you enjoying the polished quartors and rooftop bar witj city views?"I curiously asked

"Well I must agree both the bar and the city views are just lit" Sebastion said

We had finished our meal and drinks.

"Will you look at the time ,l should go"I said as l stood up. Sebastion jumped to his feet and startled me. "Sorry old military training ,Please stay for a while longer it's been forever since we've hung out "

I looked at him and said "if I remember correctly you are a pro at multitasking,I need help unloading the boxes and some company would be great" l said with a smile.

I had my friendship with Sebastion back. Not because l had known him the longest it's about that he walked into my life and said "I'm here for you and proved it"

We arrived at my house and at once started unpacking the boxes into the rooms of the house.

By nightfall most was unpacked.

The night was beautiful. I went outside onto the back porch and sat next to Sebastion on the stairs. He put his leather coat over my shoulders. He placed my hand in the palm of his hand and pulled me close. I could feel his breath teasing my hair.

I suddenly felt something l had not felt in years. I leaned up from his chest and locked my eyes with his. Realizing our lips were inches apart l sat up straight.

"Would you ever wish to go back and change anything ?"I asked trying to hold my tears back.

"No because then I wouldn't be here right now with you ready to make amends ,start over again"Srabastion answered he leaned towards me and stole a kiss.

TTears rolled down from my eyes (luckily I was wearing waterproof mascara).

I felt loved and wanted. He held my face and said "I want to start a fresh with you "he whispered

I drew close to him. I could feel the love and warmth in the lines of his palm.

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. Sebastion made me blossom with bliss. Without pause, without a doubt in a hear beat I spent my lifetime loving him.

For"love is patient and kind ,love does not envy or boost,it is not arrogant or rude,it does not insist on its own way,it is not irritable or resentful ,it does not rejoice at wrong doing but rejoice's with the truth"

-1 Corinthians 13:4-6.

These words forever echoed into our life.

The End

August 13, 2020 17:10

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