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Eternal Bond

There are many ways to form a bond or chemistry between two people of the opposite sex. One of them is through songs or soundtracks. Accompanied by a song or a soundtrack, a movie scene will become a presentation of high artistic and economic value. Romantic scenes are very easy to unite the emotions of viewers when the soundtrack touches the deepest feelings of the heart. The legendary romantic scene of all time when Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose Dewitt Bukater declare a vow of life and death at the end of the Titanic to show the world that love is blind regardless of caste. The bond of love in the film Titanic is based on feelings of mutual protection for each other, not on the basis of subject and object or gender domination alone, but also because of economic power. A bond of pure love based on the intention to worship God so that the relationship is blessed and protected by God until death does us part. It is natural that a bond of love does not last long if it is not initiated with the intention to worship, it will quickly break in the middle of the road. Whatever the behavior of mankind, if there is no purpose of worship or far from positive goals, it will definitely be worthless. But if any action is intended for the purpose of worship, it will surely bear fruit.

The bond of love between Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Bukater describes a love based on a momentary lust without any official ties based on a strong religious foundation that ends in a sudden catastrophe. The perfect bond of love is when united in a sacred marriage with the joining of the two married families. The official agreement in the marriage book is a sign of a common struggle in going through the ocean of life with the guidance of religious teachings to be strong to the last port. Based on the terminology religion means not chaotic. Religion is a way of life for a person or couple who wants their life to be safe from unexpected disasters and calamities.

The breakup of the Titanic is proof of a bond of love without being bound by religious rules so that it becomes chaotic instantly. If Rose Dewitt and Jack Dawson's love had been religious, perhaps the catastrophe would not have happened.

The bond of love also lasts long or not depending on the motivation of the lovebirds themselves. Rose Dewitt's motivation for accepting Jack Dawson's love was merely an escape from her temperamental fiance. The sudden pairing of Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt is a portrait of a sedentary lifestyle that is bound to be at high risk without family gatherings and religiously valid marriages. The short end of Jack and Rose's love rope is a result of a sex-oriented and dangerous free relationship as a spectacle and guide for future generations even though it is wrapped in a very romantic soundtrack. The struggle of Jack and Rose's true love deserves thumbs up, but the legacy of free sex is a latent danger for the younger generation around the world. The culture of romanticism can raise the spirit of apathy, but it can also destroy morality and invite catastrophic karma.

The dilemma of romantic scenes in the entertainment world always justifies immoral scenes to be legal to be broadcast for early ages and teenagers. The charm of the couple Jack and Rose in every scene of the film Titanic presents the power of eternal romance to become a fantasy icon for every generation of the 20th century with the legendary masterpiece song" My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. The arrangement of the song ignites the spirit of the apathetic and romantic groups who want to erase the impossibility of a love of different castes being united. The dream of an amateur painter was successfully realized as a noble lover is a positive motivational value campaigned by the director of this film.

The lyrics of the song by Celine Dion are able to synchronize the melancholic scene into a legendary colossal performance as a popular cultural heritage that does not violate immoral norms. Wrapped in classic costume designs and the majestic interior of the Titanic, Jack and Rose's confidence became even stronger in their pledge of true love at the end of the ship. Despite their determined desire to become a couple free from the shackles, Jack and Rose try to show that their love bond cannot be affected by anyone's intervention.

The test of patience and the struggle to save themselves from each other between Jack and Rose when the Titanic nearly sank, became an example of a symbol of eternal love that cannot be forgotten by the next generation of them both. Even though Rose Dewitt was separated from Jack Dawson for decades, Jack Dawson remained Rose's soulmate forever. Rose's loyalty to living alone without Jack towards the end of death is a testament to the seriousness of Rose's love. Love doesn't have to have forever to be a strong reason for Rose to hold on to their fleeting sweet memories. Accepting destiny and being sincere are the invaluable lessons that Rose Dawson passed down. The love based on Jack's kindness to Rose left a trace of romance in the form of a hand painting of Jack on the seabed as proof of their love as deep as the ocean. The journey of true love does not always end perfectly no one can be perfect as a human. Only the owner of the universe can be perfect. Perfect love is the love of the creator of heaven and earth. Human love for fellow human beings is only eternal in the world. The world is only a place to struggle to reach the eternal love of the creator of the world. The eternal love for God is eternal paradise forever. The love of the world is just a trick.

June 10, 2022 17:12

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