You have a selfish body harbouring all great virtues

Written in response to: Write about a character who’s known to be a cynic, but secretly romanticizes everything. ... view prompt


Adventure Coming of Age Friendship

You always have a body of jealousies.

I often feel very anxious about you being attacked or stolen by anyone who was envious about you. You have too many beautiful things combined in this human body. Sometimes I wonder if God created you to slay all the other men in the universe. Your existence is a complete holocaust of human race, my dear love.

Although you have everything treasurable things in your body, you have never been arrogant about your advantages but always willing to share them with love.

Your benevolence and warm heart are always the highlight of the city. Ever since you were here in this city, this city was protected so well because of you. After retiring from the Army, you never get rest for an enjoyable and honourable life, you signed up to be a professor teaching computer science in the college, teaching students to develop websites and applications so that they can use them to make the city more convenient to people. You had the license to be a First Responder in the city so you can go to the emergency places to save people who are in desperate situations. You signed up as a volunteer in the Humane Society to save dogs and cats which were abandoned by their owners and tortured by inhumane people. You spare your time to fundraise for animals and wildlife and advocate for them to protect the environment to have a better living. Each day, during my walk, I saw those caterpillars hanging from the tree, those beetles screaming in the bush, those worms swimming in the soil, and those fishes dancing in the lake, I feel this world is so adorable and lovely, because it has you, this beautiful Angel.

Your forgiveness is among the best of your virtue. Ever since I met you, you had never given up on me even thought I think myself was not so good. I often complain about myself being not excelling and being disappointed about myself, but you never give me up and often cheer me up with your successful soldier stories when you served in the battlefield and your courageous and tough soldier spirits. You have always been very forgiving in others but never ease on yourself. You read books everyday and explore all the national headlines to get yourself in trend of the world. You never get rest too much and always want to use every second of your day. In a tight schedule, you always follow your own timetable with your strong discipline. You are always a giver and never be gentle on yourself. You take in all the mistakes and problems of others and help them to solve and tackle these problems while being harsh on yourself to look for ways to solve these problems. You are always a savior of all others.

Your happiness is always very contagious to others. You tell me that the true happiness is to make others happy and be happy at the same time. I introduced a book for you a while ago, it was a memoir from a holocaust survivor in Auschwitz during World War two. In the book he says, plant a garden because growing up a flower means that you can grow an entire garden; giving people hope, so everyone can have a chance to enjoy life; wherever there is life, there is hope, and there is kindness in even strangers; never giving up hope to the world and always believe in kindness; the world is beautiful because you make it beautiful; always make people happy and make yourself happy as well. These wisdoms come from this 102 years old Man and everything he said were so identical to what you taught me over the years we were together. I was honestly very glad that I met you early in my age, so that I didn’t have to go into many wrong directions in life and make silly mistakes. I was born as a perfectionist who always judge on myself, so I often feel very pessimistic about myself. But your optimism saved me so many times I want to tell you, your smile and happy face are always the most gorgeous scene in my life.

Your intelligence is always the most blessed ability that God endowed to you. You are a very smart boy ever since you were a kid. You built your first radio at the age of 12, your first computer during your time in the army, making all the way from a cadet in the army to a Major who were leading hundreds of soldiers in the army. You are a professor and an Apple genius fixing bugs in the website and security systems, and always improving the Apple watches in your leisure time. Everyone is so confidence in your guidance and never have doubt about your leadership. You obtained your pilot license during your time serving for the United Nations as a peacekeeper, so you could drive your airplane full of soldiers through battlefields to save more lives. You drove your tanks and airplanes to go to work while others were driving their SUVs and got stuck in the highway. This not only sounds cool but awesome, after all, not everyone could have the intelligence to do these awesome things in their lives. You made so many people’s dream come true. Whenever I asked you, what’s your secret of being so successful, you always say, you never consider yourself is someone great, but you are just being responsible for whatever task you are given and always do everything on hands with truth and love in your heart. This mottos and wisdom I am ready to use my entire life to digest as my life is already full of too many messy stuff, and your simplicity just beautifies my life to a whole new level.

You are always so selfishly harbouring all the beautiful virtues in your body, taking in all the blessings from God, while never forgetting to give back to the humanities. 

August 07, 2021 23:48

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