
The rain had been dancing and drizzling on the window. It coincided with Cheryl's tears and the slow rhythm of her tapping foot. She looked anxiously out the window to see what had changed in the last thirty-five years as she neared the town of Whitehall, Pa where she grew up.

Cheryl had recently divorced and her employment as a manager in a retail chain did not have the salary to sustain her own residence. Her mother had offered that she come back home and stay in her own bedroom that she grew up in. This move back home would help her and her mother both as her father had passed six years ago.

The brakes on the Greyhound bus hissed as it came to a stop, the people in downtown Allentown did not wear nice clothes around the bus terminal. Their dress was haphazardly put on and many were mismatched. There was no one around she knew, but her brother Mike had me her at the terminal to take her back to the house she grew up in. Mike had asked her what led to the break up of Cheryl's husband Dave and herself.

With tears again falling Cheryl had explained that now she was fifty-five she had started going through menopause and have weight gained and that also in thirty-five years she was gone like everyone else she had aged. Michael trying to console her said everyone has aged, even Dave. It is also good to see you again sis as Cheryl forced a smile. Mother also needs some help physically and financially. I can not go to her as much as like because of the jobs that Jane and I have it does not work on the schedule for us a lot. I am so glad you came home, I am sorry that your marriage to Dave did not work out. No, it did not she exclaimed but at least her I have family that love me.

Cheryl sighed as she went through the past forty years in her mind. Dave and her had met. They had met at a conference for new work polices for managers of their retail chain. Dave was strikingly handsome and Cheryl had the resemblance and poise of a prom queen. They were attracted to each other immediately, they would call and date each other frequently living only sixty-five miles or so apart.

Cheryl and Dave would see each other mostly every other weekend. They could not wait until the week was up. Dave had his own apartment in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The ride was pleasant enough,country roads and quaint little towns and cities. The air was fresh and there was plenty to see. Dave drove down to Whitehall to pick her up. They would stop and enjoy the history of Jim Thorpe and Hazleton. There were coal mines and old-time train tracks and little down home goodness restaurants.

Cheryl and Dave decided after two years to get married. The wedding pictures seemed to be out of movie the way the couple looked people had said they would make such good looking children. It was true there son Dave junior was born a year and half after they were married. Dave and Cheryl were waiting in sweet anticipation for their first born, especially Cheryl she was caring him. With all the happiness that this event was causing their was a draw back Cheryl's extended stomach kept increasing.

The progressive increase of her abdomen, thighs, buttocks and hips started diminishing her looks not just the weight gain but the tiredness. Cheryl and Dave had two more children Diane one year latter and Mathew was born eighteen months after Diane. Cheryl and Dave were blessed with three children in five years.

Motherhood came easy enough to Cheryl but the carrying of the children and most of the upbringing fell on her. Cheryl worked part-time now for twelve years and Dave put in a lot of overtime. He met more people at work most of them customers of the retail chain. Cheryl was lucky to have someone to talk to as she now worked loss prevention because of short shifts.

All of this led to more weight gain and being tired, now the change has escalating these conditions Cheryl sighed again. I am not beautiful anymore she exclaimed to her brother Mike, Mike replied yes you are inside and out.

When they were at the old home, Cheryl was happy to see it all good repair, her mother came out the front door almost running towards her. She said both of you come in quick, I made your favorite stuffed peppers. Dave's wife Jane was already there and had helped Cheryl's mother with the cooking.

Dave's children, like Cheryl's were all out of state in college. The four of them felt so much love at dinner that Cheryl knew she would heal from all of this. In a few days her brother and her would get her belongings in a U-Haul. Life would begin again for Cheryl and it did!

Once Cheryl was away from Dave's lecherous affairs, she started smiling again. it was good to felt loved and needed. Helping her mother with the housework she had lost about forty pounds and her gait was more of a school girl skip. In time Cheryl had come across some of her old friends in fact their was a forty year high school reunion being planned.

When it came time for the reunion Cheryl had lost sixty pounds and was at her correct weight for her age and height. She had been going to a gym three times a week to increase muscle tone.Why not she did not to have to be embarrassed her weight was on the mark. Her hair was beautifully done and her make up. She looked fabulous!! Still striking forty years later but mature, so was everyone else. Cheryl had received many compliments some had asked about Dave.

Dave she said, shrugging her shoulders probably with one of his eye candy bimbos and giggled. Cheryl really enjoyed herself there was music, dancing and refreshments. The reunion was photographed and put into the local paper. Dave's cousin Mark saw the photos of the reunion in the paper. He called Dave and said you should look at Cheryl now! Dave went to a newsstand to buy this out of town paper and see the photographs for himself. As he was looking at them his jaw dropped, because he knew it was her.

Dave called Cheryl at her mother's house to ask if they might reconcile. Cheryl said no way, here I am loved, needed, and happy. You can make yourself happy at your house. Our children can visit us you at your house. They can visit me here at moms and my house they have been here sixty-five miles is not far.

July 20, 2020 10:13

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