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Fantasy Fiction Teens & Young Adult

I'd always loved the wind, especially when it gently blows against my skin, like now. I'd never thought I'd have control over the wind though. Everything changed when a little white nymph came to me while I was working on my tapestry by the stream that flowed by the power of the Gods.

The nymph, Albany, floated in the air and said to me, “Mortal woman, I'm here by request of the Gods- A new goddess is needed and you have been chosen based on your chastity and virtues. Zeus is looking to make you into a wind goddess- Refusing is not an option.”

Taken aback, “There are so many other more qualified women?” I stopped sewing and stood slowly. “Wouldn't he prefer a priestess?” I asked feeling humbled but nervous.

“I could pick anyone I want, but I picked you, Syrinx,” Zeus said from beside me. I dropped to my knees in reverence of him. He was muscular and tall, wearing a purple toga and some simple sandals. “Zephyrus has a new set of duties so I need a goddess that can pick up where he left off. I've seen your love of the wind, making trinkets that chime each time a breeze comes by. Drink this Ambrosia and become a Goddess of the Wind.” He pulled me to my feet and handed me a goblet of a sweet-smelling liquid.

“You must drink, Syrinx. You cannot refuse a command from the King of the Gods.” Albany reminded me.

“Yes... I will drink.” I whispered, thinking of all that I would be leaving behind. I tipped the goblet back and drank the Ambrosia quickly. It was sweeter than it smelled but I dropped the goblet and clutched my throat as I felt a sudden change come over me. I coughed a few times and saw that my once jet-black hair was now a deep gray. My tan skin was two shades lighter and it took a moment for me to realize that I was no longer standing on the ground but floating.

I blinked and was now standing in the foyer of Zeus' grand palace on Mount Olympus. I could see so many Gods and Goddesses watching us.

“Everyone- Syrinx is our newest Wind Goddess.” His voice boomed loudly from next to me. “Syrinx, I bestow upon you the powers of the west wind. You'll help Demeter and Persephone with Spring.” He grabbed my hand and I felt a warmth seep into my skin. Everyone who was there clapped happily.

“Hello! I am Ares- God of War or more like the Spirit of Battle depending on whom you ask.” Ares said happily. He was also muscular and very handsome. Jet black hair, steely gray eyes and he was wearing gladiator attire. “Would you like to have lunch with me?”

“Back off Ares!” Demeter snapped annoyed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind her. She was a smaller goddess with dark brown hair and eyes, dressed in the latest Greek fashion. “We have much to discuss and cannot waste any time on idle chatter, Syrinx.”

I jogged to keep up with her quick stride. “I agree,” I murmured, excited to learn my new powers.

“We must go back to the mortal realm and start your lessons as quickly as possible. Zeus decided that you only needed a day to learn and become proficient in your new role.” Demeter pulled me over to a wooden door, turning to me. “My daughter, Persephone, will be helping us as well. Hopefully, you both get along.”

“I don't see why we wouldn't. The both of you have been some of my most cherished role models- I pride myself on the virtues I have learned from you.” I replied, following her through the door.

One moment we were surrounded by white fluffy clouds with a plethora of Gods and Goddesses watching us and the next we were walking up a small path to a small palace surrounded by all sorts of flowers, trees, and nymphs of all colors. “Welcome to your new home, Syrinx,” Demeter added warmly.

“Hi! I'm Persephone, Goddess of the Spring. I'm so excited to be able to meet you and help you learn your powers!” She too had dark brown hair with amber-colored eyes. She was a little shorter than I was but dressed similarly to Demeter. “Have a refreshment and we will get to the lessons. I'm sure Mother told you, but we only have one day for you to learn everything.”

“Yes and thank you.” She handed me a goblet of wine and some cheese. “This is delicious!” I squealed excitedly.

“All made fresh here,” Demeter added proudly. “So, let me tell you about the Wind Gods- Boreas, is the northern winter wind; Notus is the southern summer wind; Eurus is the autumn wind and you- You are the cherished western Wind Goddess.”

“What happened to Zephyrus?” I asked curiously, finishing the cheese and wine. “Zeus said he was assigned a new set of duties.”

“Apollo killed him,” Persephone answered with pursed lips. “I know what you're thinking- Gods don't die. Well, we can if our physical forms give out. There's a plant that can be brewed into a tea and kill a god. Apollo gave Zephyrus that tea and that is why the mortal realm was tossed into chaos for the last week.”

I dropped my gaze to the ground and frowned. “I hope I don't meet Apollo.”

“Unfortunately, you will. He is to be at the Spring Ceremony tomorrow.” Demeter affirmed, rolling her eyes. “I don't like him either.”

“No one here does, Syrinx.” Persephone sighed. “Anyway, let's get the lessons started. Let's see what you can do and then we will build on it.”

I nodded silently and turned towards a grove of peach trees. I waived my hand and sent a gentle breeze to ruffle the leaves of the trees. “Can you knock some of the peaches off the tree?” Demeter asked, nodding in approval. I nodded, focusing on the level of power I wanted the wind to have. I waived my hand a bit harder and knocked a few peaches from each tree along with several leaves.

“I don't think she really will need lessons, Mother,” Persephone said with a big grin on her face.

“Apparently not?” Demeter agreed, nodding. “Let's try this.” She snapped her fingers and a large pile of olives was next to the peach trees. “Move the olives without touching the peach trees.” I must have looked even more confused than before. “You just need to will it to happen,” Demeter explained.

“Okay...” I mumbled nervously. I thought about what I wanted to happen. I waived my hand quickly and a sharp wind left my hand, cutting two of the trees down. “Oh no! I didn't mean to do that-”

“It's fine, but now we know what we need to focus on,” Demeter reassured me. I watched as Persephone snapped her fingers and the trees were mended in a matter of minutes. “Try imagining what you want to have happen and then snap your fingers.”

I nodded feeling encouraged by Demeter and Persephone. I took a breath and pictured what I wanted to have happen. I exhaled and snapped my fingers. A small gust turned into a dust devil and carried the bulk of the olives ten feet away.

“That was wonderful Syrinx! You got almost all of them. I think it just needed to have a little more power-”

“She's gonna need a lot more power if she wants to live up to Zephyrus' legacy.” A man's voice said from behind me. An instant feeling of dread washed over me and it was echoed by the expressions on Demeter and Persephone's faces.

“I'm not here to compete for legacies, Apollo.” I hissed, feeling threatened by his presence.

“Such a shame- I think you have potential,” Apollo murmured in my left ear. “A whole lot of potential.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gently kissed my hair, immediately infuriating Persephone and Demeter. I noticed that all the nymphs had hidden themselves away from Apollo.

“She is my apprentice, Apollo. Get your nasty hands off of her.” Demeter snapped, yanking me from his grasp and standing between us.

“I asked Zeus if I could watch her lessons and was told I could. Take it up with him, Demeter.” Apollo refuted dryly. “Now, let me see what this goddess can do.”

Out of anger, I side-stepped Demeter and waved my right hand at him, sending him flying into a bunch of juniper bushes. “Does that meet your approval?” I shouted shaking my head.

Persephone giggled quietly while Demeter patted my shoulder, whispering, “Be careful, Syrinx.”

“It does not! I've seen nymphs that can do better than that.” Apollo shouted as he walked back over to us.

“Oh- My apologies- I've been a goddess for all of an hour.” I snapped annoyed that he was still here. “What do you-”

Apollo hauled off punched me in the stomach and grabbed me roughly. “Listen to me Syrinx- I hate wind gods and goddesses. If you cross me, I'll kill you too.”

“I'm not the one that came looking for a fight, Apollo,” I growled, trying to break free of his grasp. “Let go!”

“You started it.” Apollo snapped back.

“And I will finish it!” Ares shouted pulling him away from me. “You leave my girlfriend alone!”

Demeter pulled me and Persephone into the palace as we watched Ares beat the Hades out of Apollo. The fight was over in just a few minutes with Ares being the victor.

“Ares likes you!” Persephone teased. “That's not a bad thing, Syrinx.”

“He will protect you from Apollo. I don't like men here but I think I'll make an exception for him until we can figure out what to do about Apollo.” Demeter said, more to herself than to us.

Ares walked into the palace and dropped to his knees before me. “Beautiful and kind goddess- I ask that you allow me to stand guard against Apollo.” He reached his hand out to Demeter, “Do I have your permission to reside here until I can figure something out?”

“Yes. Thank you for coming to protect us.” Demeter replied, helping him to his feet.

“I hate that scumbag,” Ares muttered angrily. “I can help you practice with your powers.” He offered politely. He held offered his right arm and I gladly accepted.

“I would love that, Ares,” I replied happily. We walked out to the middle of an empty field and stood twenty feet apart. I was able to create wind blades, dust devils, tornadoes, and a large storm. Ares withstood everything but the tornadoes. Time zoomed quickly by and I had not realized it was the middle of the night when we decided to stop and rest.

I walked over to the peach trees under the light of the moon as Ares followed me. I floated up to some of the branches and plucked several peaches from the tree. I dropped back down and sat on the roots, offering him a couple of peaches.

“One of my favorite treats,” Ares said, sitting next to me. We talked until I fell asleep in his arms. I'd never felt so safe in my life until that moment.

I was awoken by a kiss. Ares held out an apple for me. “You should eat before the ceremony.” I stretched and yawned, taking the apple from him. He helped me to my feet as I hungrily ate the apple. We walked over to Demeter and Persephone who were speaking with Zeus about Apollo.

Before I could say anything, the ceremony started and Persephone brought the start of spring as I added the gentle western breeze that welcomed the fresh air of the new season. It felt wonderful to be part of spring in such an important role.

Ares stood by me as I willed the winds to blow gently across all of Greece. Distantly, I could hear the wind chimes from my mortal home ringing.

“I'll always love the wind,” I whispered to myself.

March 02, 2024 20:30

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Alexis Araneta
15:57 Mar 11, 2024

Creative take on the prompt ! Welcome to Reedsy !


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