Shadows of Betrayal: The Rivalry's End

Submitted into Contest #241 in response to: Write about a backstabbing (literal or metaphorical) gone wrong.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Sad

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Tension crackled in the air like electricity. Shadows danced on the walls in the dimly lit alley, obscuring the faces of two figures who stood facing each other. One was Runa, one of the five heads of the Shadow World and a well-known woman who is known for her keen sense and ruthlessness. The other was Quil, her bitter rival who used to be her protégé.

           It is easy to say that the years have turned their once-close relationship into nothingness, fueled by jealousy, anger, greed, and betrayal. Runa had taken Quil under her wing when he was a mere boy who was left on the streets for dead, and she taught him the tricks of the trade as she all but raised him to be her successor. However, as Quil's ambitions grew, so did his desire to overthrow Runa and claim her title as his own.

           Tonight was supposed to be the culmination of Quil's carefully laid plans. He had arranged a meeting with Runa under the guise of reconciliation, intending to strike when her guard was down. However, as the two stood face to face, a flicker of doubt crossed his mind.

           Runa had a feeling that Quil was planning something, which is why she agreed to meet with him. She loved chaos and had raised the boy also to love it, but even she knew that there were lines not to be crossed.

           She smirked, sensing Quil's hesitation. "You're not as tough as you think you are, kid."

           Quil clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. He couldn't afford to back down now, not after everything he had sacrificed to get to this point. The success of his plans all weighs on this very moment. With a swift motion, he threw up his hands, ready to send a blast of energy directed straight for her heart. His body thrummed with anticipation at the mere thought of ending Runa's reign once and for all.

           As he released the ball of energy, he saw the sheen of a shield that stood between the two. Quil's heart shrank as he realized the extent of his mistake. He had been so wrapped up in his quest to overrule his former teacher that he forgot one of her most important teachings.

           Never meet with anybody without a way to protect yourself the moment you leave to meet them.

           Quil quickly ducked out of the way as the ball of energy ricocheted back to him. He landed on the ground with a thud, and as he attempted to roll to get back on his feet, a cold force kept him down.

           Runa slowly stalked towards Quil, like a cat stalking her prey. "You were always one to lead with emotions." Her teeth flashed dangerously as she flashed a wicked smirk, "Did you honestly think you could betray me?"

           "Betrayal?" He barked out a humorless laugh, "I like to think of it as a strategic realignment of rulers. But if you are feeling betrayed, maybe you should reevaluate your expectations of me." Quil knew he wouldn't be getting out of this situation unscathed, let alone alive. He had a feeling that these words were probably his last.

           She knelt beside him and traced a long, sharp nail down the side of his face until she reached his chin and tightly grasped it, forcing him to look at her. "My expectations changed the moment you went against my teachings to 'feel the thrill of life,' as you so eloquently put it."

           "You are becoming weak!"

           "Says the one who is unable to move from the filthy ground."

           Runa rose to her feet, leaving Quil still frozen to the ground. She stared at him for a moment, deep in thought. The young man struggled against the invisible vices that held him down.

           'Me? Weak?' Runa scoffed and shook her head. Watching him squirm reminded her of a beetle that flipped on its back. It was almost… pathetic.

           "As a boy, you saw what I did to those who tried to go against me – question my strength and my standing."

At her words, Quil's struggles slowed to a stop. He wasn't just frozen to the ground; he was frozen in fear. He knew exactly what she did, and sometimes, he would help.

"You are lucky that you are just unable to move." She looked at him in anger, "I have moved literal mountains. I have ended lives with just a snap of my fingers. I make people and demons alike fear walking out of their doors and out of their caves! And you think that I am weak?"

            The ground trembled beneath them, indicating that Runa was no longer playing. Quil's words have been stuck in his throat since his snarky remark to his former teacher. In all his careful planning, he rarely stopped to think of what would happen if his plans were to fail. In his head, he always came out on top for once.

           As the ground started to crack open, Quil knew that his fate was sealed. Inch by inch, the fissure grew bigger, and lost souls reached out for whatever they could grab. There was no amount of begging or pleading that could get him out of the hole he dug himself.

           Runa watched as sad acceptance washed over Quil's face. She allowed herself to shed a few tears when he closed his eyes, ready to be swallowed into the darkness. The boy who had once looked up to her betrayed her trust and tried to kill her. She could have lived the rest of her immortal life being Quil's rival if that was what he wanted, but he had crossed a line he couldn't go back over.

           She held back a sob as the lost souls found his body and dragged him under. She let the fissure stay open for a few more seconds before she allowed it to close. A hollowness filled her chest, a feeling that she hadn't felt in hundreds of years.

March 14, 2024 19:38

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Lo Lace
02:06 Mar 21, 2024

I love a good fantasy. And you set the scene with careful intention. I truly wanted more. My only suggestion is more descriptive details. But I'm literally the same and get carried away in action lol. So no hate; all ❤. You're a fantastic writer.


01:45 Mar 28, 2024

Thank you so much for reading and the feedback!


Lo Lace
07:40 Mar 28, 2024

You're very welcome! I really enjoyed it ☺.


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