The proposal

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



A lot can happen in a lifetime... You can get into the college of your dreams or you can find your true calling, but for Carson's, that wasn't the case. He wanted something more out of life something that would mean the world to him, he wanted passion, adventure, and even a little danger. He then realized he didn't want something he wanted someone he wanted to find that one person who he could share all his secrets with and not be worried if they would tell others, he wanted to find the one person to spend the rest of his life with. So every day for the past year he was trying to find that one person he waited and waited for someone to bring that spark into his life, but that day never came, and just as he was about to lose hope he met someone, but I am getting ahead of myself... One day Carson was sitting in a local park just taking in the cool breeze and thinking when all of a sudden, he saw a girl sitting on a bench alone, and just being the gentleman that he was raised to be he went over to her and sat by her. After a while of getting to know each other, he learned that her name was tori, and she loved to go to the park and take in the cool breeze and sketch on her sketchbook from time to time. About an hour had gone by and Carson was getting tired of being at the park and had invited tori to his place, and when they arrived they simply just had one of those talks the kind that goes on forever and after a few hours of talking they decided to call it a night, and so tori went home with a smile spread on her face it was the happiest she had ever been and needless to say so was Carson. Five years later tori and Carson had gotten together after one year of knowing each other and I think they would both agree had been the best years of their lives, yes they did have their ups and downs, but at the end of the day the thing

kept them going was their love. Carson had already introduced tori to his family and he was stunned whenever his mother pulled him aside and told him that she was a lovely girl and he should hold on to her and that he did. He was planning on spending the rest of his life with her and grow old with her till the "till death do us part" came true and even then he would want to be buried with her and spend all of his afterlives with her, he wanted to raise children with her. When he looked her in the eyes he saw his future from beginning to end and that was irreplaceable. Whenever Carson was down or they were in an argument they both replayed the happy moments they had the bad one's too and that's when they both realized that they couldn't live without each other and every day tori told Carson the same words her grandmother told her his and every time they were on the wrong foot and if I am being honest they were the most beautiful words Carson would ever hear escape his girlfriend's lips "I met you for a reason" every time he heard these words his whole world felt complete like she was the missing puzzle piece to his heart that is when he knew that he wanted to marry her he was certain of it. He had already asked her father for her hand in marriage and when her father approved it was the best day ever or so he thought. On the say of tori's birthday, all of his and her family celebrated her but what she didn't know is that he was going to propose on the very same day. After a while, they drove down to a part of town that was absolutely breathtaking, the sky was vibrant with all kinds of colors, the grass was so soft it felt as if she was stepping on a memory foam pillow and the light gentle breeze that smelt like light vanilla foam. when they all were on the grassy area they all surrounded by Carson and tori mind you that tori was very confused, but apart of her slightly had an idea of what was going on. As the sun started setting Carson knew it was time he had never been so nervous about anything in his life but he ignored the nervousness, and kneeled down on one knee and looked at his hopefully soon to be wife as she looked at him in awe he then proceeded to say words that he had been dying to say ever since he met her " I was always told that true love wasn't real, that it was just a thing in movies of romance novels, but me being kneeled down here on one knee makes me able to prove so many people wrong and if I were to express the love I have for you I would probably be on one knee for the rest of my life which I wouldn't mind, but my goal is to marry you have kids with you and to grow old with you till death do us part

So to summarize everything, Tori will you make me the luckiest man and marry me?" He said as she gazed at him with teary eyes it was silent for a moment as she quickly said yes with happiness and shock in her voice as soon as she said this he kissed her passionately taking her breath as they shared a kiss in the moonlight as their families, happily cheered Carson had never felt this way about anyone in his entire life and tori could completely agree she hadn't either and soon after they got married, had two kids and were so happy.

July 12, 2020 23:19

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