
You hear voices that aren't yours. They come from your head. They invade every inch of your mind. Demons and shadows live inside. They talk to you and you talk back. 

You can only trust me.  



You drown in an ocean of self-doubt and despair. The voice captures you and holds you hostage.   

Everyone is trying to kill you.  



Of course, you believe that everyone is trying to kill you. You believe everything this voice says. You're lost in your own head, trying to find a map. You block everyone you love out of your life. You feel alone and helpless.  

You’re a fool.  



On a bright morning you go for a run. You try to get rid of the voices in your head. They mess with you. You don’t know how to feel anymore, and the outside world is unreachable. You slowly fade into darkness. Losing grip of life. You work your way onto the bridge. Then the voice takes over.  

Jump off the bridge.  



You hold on to the railing as tightly as you can. Your fingers begin to turn red. “NO! NO! I CAN'T” you scream. Fear flows through your body. Everyone walking past looks in your direction. Their faces are full of concern.  

No, their faces are full of disgust.  



You close your eyes and try to concentrate. Try to concentrate on what's real and what's fake. The ringing in your head gets worse. Every second you wait the sound gets louder. You want it to go away. You want to be left alone. You pull your hands up to your ears to cover them. Your ears feel like a blaze of fire. You try to zone out the world. You start to scream. You start to yell.   

No one can help you.  



You bang your head as hard as you can. You can't take it anymore. The railing starts to vibrate, and you collapse onto the cold cement ground.   


You wake up to pain shooting through your skull. “you’re going to be alright honey” a lady says to you. She has auburn shoulder-length hair. “What happened?” you ask. “Your head was badly injured. You have stitches now. You're at the hospital and I'm going to need you to rest for a while”. You agree to do so and she leaves the room with a face full of concern.   

The wound from underneath hurts as you put pressure on the stitches. Your head is rigid, rough, and in Some places bumpy. Even though pain consumes your body you start to smile. Even a tear of joy slips from your eye. It's gone. The voice that has bothered you so much is really gone. The voice that stole your life away.   

I will kill you.  

I’ll never go away.  

You will never get rid of me.  

I'll be here forever.  

The tear of joy turns into a tear of misery. Your whole body starts to shake, and you start to tremble. Demons begin to crawl out from under your hospital bed. The demons that haunt your nightmares. The demons that appear in your closets. The demons that are only visible to your eyes. The demons with black faces and cold eyes. You shut your eyes as tightly as you can and only wish for them to disappear. You reopen your eyes to see them inching closer with every second.   

I told you I'll kill you.  



You start to scream like never before. Your throat feels dry and cold, but you don’t stop. You scream until there's no more air inside of you. Nurses come scrambling inside the room. The demons don’t go away. They start to climb the walls. Their cold eyes fixed on you. You begin to scream once again. Suddenly you feel weak and drowsy. Before your eyes shut, you get a glimpse of a nurse hold a syringe tightly in her hand, and her face full of concern.  


Your eyes flutter open, wishing this was all a nightmare. You feel exhausted and worn-out. You spend a moment examining the bandage on your arm. The place the drug was injected. You lift your head to see a guy with a notepad staring at you. He has brown bushy hair and looks much older than you. “Are you real or are you just like those demons?” You ask getting frustrated. “I'm real” he answers. His voice is calm and steady unlike yours. “Who are you then?” You ask with a slight note of curiosity. “I'm a doctor, and from what the nurses have told me you are unlike other patients we have seen-”  

This man can't help you.  

No one can help you.  

You will die.  


“NOO STOP TALKING!” you shout, but instantly you want to reclaim the words that came from your mouth. The doctor's face is full of concern. You hate that face. The face people give you when you scream or shout. It makes you feel weak. It makes you feel needy. You have seen that expression way too many times in your life.  

“Don't worry. I'm only here to help, " he says with a kind nod.

“You're not the one I was shouting at” you reply focusing on the cream painted walls. There was no way you wanted to make eye contact with this man.    

He scribbles something down and looks back up at you. “Can you explain everything that’s going on with you?” he says with a smile.   

Answering him will be a waste of time.  

Look how fake he is  

He won't help you.  

He’ll just laugh.  

You try to ignore the voices you hear. “just say it” You silently remind yourself. You knew you would regret it if you didn’t. Nobody would ever try to help you again. This was your chance. “I hear them. I hear the voices they say I will die. They say they will kill me. That everyone will kill me. I see things. I see demons. I can't live. I can't live a normal life!” you start to tear up and soon enough your eyesight gets blurry.  

“When did this start happening?” The doctor asks, turning to the next page of his notepad.  

“It started just two months ago” you say trying to read what he has written down.   

You are stupid.  

You hideous creature.  

No one can help.  

You will die soon.  

His face brightens up as he looks up. “I know what's wrong!” he says, walking to the middle of the room to grab the tissues.  

“What is it?” you ask as you carefully take two tissues from the box he gently passes your way.  

“You have schizophrenia” he says and for the first time, you look him directly in the eyes.   

June 21, 2020 17:44

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נιмму 🤎
23:04 Jul 05, 2020

very interesting and definitely caught my eye! great job once again :D


Lata B
23:10 Jul 05, 2020

Thank you!!:)


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Nihal Raven
11:28 Jun 29, 2020

A good try but contrary to popular stories doing the rounds that's not how schizophrenia works. You can research some more and then return, filling in the loopholes and it will surely be a winner of a story.


Lata B
15:06 Jun 29, 2020

Thank you for the feedback!!


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Batool Hussain
19:18 Jun 23, 2020

Great story! Mind checking out my recent story? Thanks.


Lata B
20:15 Jun 23, 2020

Thank you! Will do!


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Katy S.
18:40 Jun 23, 2020

Ooh so chilling! The second person narration really worked with this!


Lata B
19:16 Jun 23, 2020

Thank you so much!


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Mehak Aneja
06:44 Jun 23, 2020

Amazing to read. Kept me hooked till the end. Very well narrated. Hope you could spear some time and read my story too.


Lata B
15:57 Jun 23, 2020

Thank you! Of course!


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Corey Melin
19:12 Jun 21, 2020

One of those stories you keep on reading to find out what happens at the end. Superb read.


Lata B
19:28 Jun 21, 2020

Thank you!!


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02:18 Aug 14, 2020

Hey Lala, your piece is something to muse about, mull over and chew on for a while. Just one issue... and I can't mention it here. Keep writing!


Lata B
02:43 Aug 14, 2020

Oh...Okay. Thank you!


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Annora Chen
23:04 Aug 13, 2020

Ohh, this is interesting! I love the concept of the inner demons, coz it shows how he/she is struggling with it, drowning in her own darkness(i think this is the correct description u used?) Its amazing, uwu


Lata B
23:33 Aug 13, 2020

Yup! Thank you!


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A.J. Brown
18:42 Jul 07, 2020

Good one. There's nothing scarier than not having control of what's going on in your head.


Lata B
02:47 Aug 14, 2020

Thank you so much!


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05:59 Jun 27, 2020

GREAT story Lata! Loved it! Kept me hooked till the end and the ending was great! 😊😉 Keep writing and have a great day Lata!❤️️


Lata B
14:00 Jun 27, 2020

Thank you so much!! Same to you!


01:42 Jun 28, 2020

My pleasure Lata!😊


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Kelechi Nwokoma
17:27 Jun 25, 2020

This is really awesome. I love how in the end I (or the reader) had a psychological issue. My story 'Silent Betrayer' also talks about a character with psychological disorder. Feel free to check it out whenever you have the time. Also, I noticed one error. You write jump of... It should've been jump off. I guess it was a typo. Overall this story is really great. Keep it up!


Lata B
18:00 Jun 25, 2020

Thank you so much! I'll fix that right away!


Kelechi Nwokoma
18:08 Jun 25, 2020

You're welcome.


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