Fiction Contemporary Drama

Vanessa, “you are expected to be in Toronto Saturday evening. Don’t be late. You are booked on the Maple Leaf Train on Amtrak from Newark International Airport at 6:30am to arrive on Saturday May 4th at 6:30pm. Please take the time to enjoy “Cinco de Mayo” on Sunday and be bright eyed and bushy tail for Monday morning.” Vanessa’s personal assistant facetiously reminded her. 

“You have a 10am meeting with potential investors. Vanessa, the next departure on the Maple Leaf will be Monday morning, which is not an option... There is no window to miss this train Saturday.”

Vanessa replied with exasperation, “I know... I know... I will be there. Thank you, Mark, for making my travel arrangements. I will touch base with you as soon as I arrive in Toronto to go over some of the specs before my Monday meeting.” 

It is Saturday, May 4th at 6:20am.... Click clack goes her heels as she runs across Newark International Airport to catch the 6:30am train on Maple Leaf Amtrak to Toronto, “I can’t miss this train” Vanessa says to herself.

“I need to be in Toronto this evening.” Vanessa emboldens herself.

“It’s times like this I wish I knew how to drive or conquered my fear of flying. Stop… Let’s be real, I would still be late” Vanessa chuckled to herself.

Click clack, click clack went the sound of Vanessa’s heals as she continues to move swiftly across the station to board the train departing in five minutes. Vanessa quickly looks at her boarding pass and it says seat 14A. She hastily moves through the aisle and settles in her seat with a sigh of relief, not noticing she has a neighbor in seat 13A. Vanessa made herself comfortable for the next twelve hours. Her neighbor in 13A was quite fidgety but Vanessa resolves not to give it much thought. One hour after departure Vanessa is awoken by the conversation from seat 13A. It’s a woman’s voice, and it sounds like she is speaking on the phone with someone quite passionately. Vanessa overhears.

“We have been down this road before. What will make this time different. Promises, promises, I am tired of your apologies and promises.” Vanessa could not help but follow along with the conversation. By her tone Vanessa forms an impression of a romantic relationship experiencing some difficulties. Who else would have you engaged in an intense conversation at the break of day. The conversation continues.

“This is why I am on the train; I just need some space.”

 Vanessa confirms internally, yup relationship issues as she shakes her head.

“We tried but it’s just not working. I feel some space is the best thing now… I am not giving up on our relationship, but you need some time to reflect and so do I…. I have done my part, but nothing is working. What do you mean? Let’s not bring up the past shall we……. This was why I did not want to answer the phone to begin with…. You always fail to see the part you play in things. I am hurt right now, and I need time to process and heal.”

Vanessa confirms within, “oh….one of those. Someone who needs to learn how to be accountable, been there done that”. Vanessa wonders what has transpired, that led her to be on a train ride for twelve hours for space. Was their infidelity?… hmmm… interesting. Vanessa chimed to herself.

“We have tried therapy, but it has not worked. What more do you want from me?”

Vanessa thought even therapy did not work. Oh boy. Vanessa also internally resolves this was not a relationship worth saving. Why is the person in seat 13A stressing herself. Oh…. she is still talking let’s hear Vanessa told herself.

“I resolved to put myself first for the first time in my life. I always had to sacrifice but not this time.”

Vanessa champions in her mind, yes… seat 13A, let him know you will no longer be a push over. Stand up for yourself. I agree, put yourself first. I wonder what the other person is saying. He must be trying to manipulate the situation. Don’t fall for if seat 13A. Don’t fall for it… You can do this.

“Like I said before I just want some time apart. It will do both of us some good. You get to think and reflect while I do the same. That is what a healthy relationship looks like.”

Vanessa sat up in her seat to her clearly.

“I am not saying you are immature… I am just saying some space is well needed. Don’t twist what I am trying to say……You are not really listening to what I am actually saying.”

Vanessa wanted to peek over to see who the passenger in seat 13A was but did not want her to know she had been listening to her conversation the entire time. If she only knew how I was cheering her on for her courage. Don’t take him back unless he is willing to change, Vanessa thought. I have been there in my past relationships, and it just never ends well. Be true to yourself seat 13A. Vanessa could not resist and lifts her head to steal a glimpse of who was speaking. Vanessa is surprised by who she saw. The voice she hears is of a mature lady who has experience with life. Her conversation reflects a level of maturity that would not be attributed to someone of the age she appears to be. She saw a young lady, probably in her early twenties with long curly black hair with a caramel complexion. She has such resolve in her tone as if life has done its best to shatter her, but it has made her resilient. Vanessa quickly slid down in her seat to avoid being spotted. Hours flew by but the passenger in 13A could not seem to deliver herself from her capture on the phone. Vanessa could feel her frustration and emotional exhaustion. The repetition was incessant and it felt like the person on the phone could not grasp what seat 13A was trying to convey. She was occupied on the phone for the entire trip.

As the train pulls into Toronto’s station, seat 13A’s tone of voice reflects a sense of consolation as she informs the person who has taken possession of her time and emotions, her freedom approaching. She quickly shares she has reached her destination, and they would speak again. Before she says her last goodbye, she softy and sweetly says “mom…with a somber pause…

“I do love you and we will speak again”. Vanessa is in dismay. She was speaking to her mother the entire time. Wow……. lesson learned Vanessa inwardly processes…. never assume.

May 16, 2024 16:39

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Daryl Kulak
14:46 May 27, 2024

I like the story. I've had those moments!


Maylissa Noel
15:52 May 27, 2024

Thank you for your comment.


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Paul Simpkin
07:54 May 23, 2024

I enjoyed reading your story. You describe a very believable situation and have a good twist at the end.


Maylissa Noel
23:48 May 23, 2024

Thank you so much for your comment.


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