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Hi there! My name is Sam but some people call me Sammy. I am 25 years of age and I would like to share my story on how I got the perfect child. However, this is not all happy and loving.

It was 6 years ago in the worst blizzard I had ever seen. All the roads were closed and we were expected to be shut in by the storm for weeks. I rushed to see if we had enough to serve roughly a month just in case the blizzard was worse than we expected.

Our cabinets were nearly empty no way could we make it. So I had to do something that would be considered the stupidest thing to do in any bad weather situation.

I took my wallet and my thickest jacket I owned and began to walk to the nearest store which was about 5 to 7 miles away from my home. I knew that it may be a long shot for them to be open but I could not let my wife go hungry. Her body had been through enough in the past few years. I did not want to risk anything else.

Once I got to the store I noticed that no one was there, no customers, no workers, and no owners. However, the doors were unlocked. So I decided to walk in and gather what I needed and just leave the money on the counter.

I grabbed a cart and began to gather the necessary items. I got mostly can goods that would last a long time and nothing that required electricity just in case we had a black out. I managed to get 2 carts full. As I began to head out I decided we may need a few more blankets just to be on the safe side.

As I went towards the home section I heard a faint cry. I figured that I must have been hearing things so I ignored it. As I got closer to the home center the cry got louder and louder. I knew that it could not just be in my head.

Then, there in the middle of the aisle was a helpless baby cold, hungry, and alone. I picked the baby up and wrapped her up. I knew I needed to do something to help her. She could not be more than a few months old.

Where was her parents? How could they just leave her here to fend for herself? How horrid must you be? I held her close and began looking all over the store for her parents but what I found was worse than anything I could have imagined.

On the other side of the store was the answer to my previous questions but it gave me a much more concerning question. What could have caused this? Here is her parents. It looked like they were fighting something off. That must be why they left her so far away from here. They were protecting her. The real question is what. What were they protecting her from?

Whatever did this was not human nor animal. It was like something I have never seen. These two are here on the ground lifeless hardly able to be called human. Little did I know I would soon get my answer to that final question.

An hour passed as I was trying to gather stuff for this helpless child and after the storm I would take her to the station and either try to find her family or become her family. All of a sudden I heard something get knocked off a shelf a few aisles down from where we were. Knowing what happened with the baby's parents I knew I had to make sure she was safe.

So I cleared out the middle of the cart and left a barrier between the bottom of the cart and her seat. Then created walls and laid a blanket over the top to where she could breathe and still be safe and warm. Once I got her settled I pushed the cart to a safe place in the store and began to see what caused the items to fall.

What I saw next was so crazy that I still to this day cannot believe it happened. What killed her parents was a monster to say the least. It was tall and slender. It has a distorted face and a mouth that opened wider than anything I have ever seen before. It had claws sharper than a wolf and teeth sharper than a great white.

I am still not sure what it was but what I know is what happened next. That thing was not natural and loved the taste of flesh. I knew I had to do anything to safe the baby and that meant not backing down and it meant I had to stay alive so that I can keep her alive.

I tried to stand my ground but it was to fast. It clawed me across the side before I even knew it was gone. So instead of trying to fight it I put something over the scratch and went to get the little baby so we could go home.

It was not easy the monster was fast. It was nearly impossible to see. As soon as I got to the cart I grabbed her up and left without the supplies. I did not want to risk anything being brought back with us. I knew we would struggle but I wanted to keep everyone as safe as I could.

After the walk that felt like an eternity in the freezing cold we made it back to the house. However, I kept having this weird feeling as if I was being followed. I took every precaution I could think of to insure the well being of my wife and this baby.

I remember bringing her into the house. My wife lit up. It was as if her wish had come true. We had a long journey ahead of us but we could do anything as long as we had each other.

We thought what happened at the store had passed and that it would no longer worry us. After all we checked the baby and she was not harmed. However, the scratch on my side was tender and put me in a lot of pain.

I was always sick and I could hardly move most days. It was official something was wrong and we had no idea how to treat it since we had no idea what it was. We poured alcohol on it and cleaned it every hour. It seemed to be getting better however, I was not sure what would happen to me if we did not fix it completely.

I was only 19 and had been married for a little over a year. We were so new to everything and now a baby who was only a few months old. We had no idea how to juggle everything.

We did our best to survive the blizzard and after it ended we took the baby to the station. She had no family. So we talked and decided to raise her. Since we were so young we were not able to legally be her parents until we were older.

So until then she lived with us and we raised her as temporary guardians. If an older couple wanted to adopt her they could. We were so scared but we knew we had to try.

~Present Day~

I am 25 years old. My wife is 24. We had a rough start but we have not given up. Our survivor, Clary, is 6 years old. We are still temporary guardians. We will be able to legally adopt her next month and we are finally able to be one big happy family with no worries of someone taking her away from us.

We want Clary to have a little brother or sister but, no matter how much we want that my wife has not been able to carry a child. We tried since we first said "I do". So to this day I believe with all my heart that I was meant to find Clary and she was our gift from God.

She is aware of how we came to raise her and she loves hearing the story of how her father saved her. She compares it to a knight saving the princess. To me that is exactly what it is. she is my princess and our whole world.

So that is how I came to have the most magnificent daughter in the world and next month I will finally be able to give her our last name. These past 6 years have been an adventure and I have loved every second of it. I love my daughter and soon our family will be complete.

July 31, 2020 03:38

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1 comment

Rebecca Lee
17:02 Aug 07, 2020

Hey. I like the story. The concept and the main idea is good, and I enjoyed reading it this morning. There were a few places where I got a little lost - but then was able to pick back up. I think another read through by you would help. This could as I have stated on other comments for other folks be just me - as an old newspaper editor - but there were a few mechanical things that needed cleaning up - punctuation here and there, and grammar. Where was her parents? Where were her parents? So many of us write in a conversation style and we re...


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