
My name is corin, I have been best friends with Sera for my whole life. We go to high school together at east high. We've been inseparable, until this year when the world was put into lockdown, we were quarantined to our homes. We had someone just move in a few days before all this happened, his name is Adam. Since the president announced lockdown no one was allowed to leave their homes. We came up with the idea to talk through posters on our windows, since our rooms faced each other. I started it first, not expecting a response. But I had been asleep when out of a sudden I was awaken by a pebble hitting my window. Adam pointed to his window where he had written his number on and then signalled me to call him, so I did, even though it being 3 in the morning. At this point I didnt care I just wanted to talk to someone. We talked about ourselves, like who we are our age and what we like and our family, I explained how crazy my family is to which he agreed. I don't remember how but a conversation sparked a discussion about our futures. We both at some point mentioned military so we ended up talking about that for a little while until we both ended up falling asleep still on the phone with each other. He was all I could talk to since Sera started ignoring my calls and messages. She refused to talk to me since quarantine started. I do not know why.

The time flew by fast, apparently we were on the phone for hours. I woke up to my alarm. I ended the call and went downstairs to get ready to go on my daily morning run. I was walking out the door when I heard my phone ding, it was adam.

" do you want to go on a run, I have nothing to do and want to explore the neighborhood"- adam

"I was going on a run anyways, meet outside my house, if you can keep up."-corin

We met by the mailbox, we ran around the neighborhood talking about people from school and the community. I could tell we clicked, we were meant to be. I just knew it, I could feel it in my heart.

A few weeks pass when our parents finally found out we have been hanging around town together. We were lectured on why it was dangerous and irrational and how we should not be doing this behind their backs. We both ended up getting grounded, they took our phones and took away our outside privileges as if we were little kids. At least we still could talk from our windows, because now that was the only way we were going to be able to communicate since we do not have our phones anymore and we can't leave the house.

About a month passed. We were desperate to be in each others presence without a window separating us. We set a time, we would sneak out our houses around 1 to take a stroll in the darkness. I could not believe we did not get caught. When we got to a safe place we hugged for a very long time before we actually started talking to each other. We were standing under a bright full moon leaning for a kiss before we heard our names being called. We were caught, again.

We knew our time was expanding everytime we snuck out but we couldn't handle being away from each other.

As I was tightening up my room I recieved a text from Sera, at first i thought it was an apology or explanation why she was ignoring me but nope she told me that I should stop hanging out with adam because he belonged to her. I was so mad. I blocked her on everything and I wanted to tell adam about it but I could not find a way to tell him that did not involve writing it on the window for everyone to see. I had to get my phone back I needed to hear his voice. So I adventured into my dad's office, I discovered a locked door. I knew I was stupid for doing this but I pulled out a bobby pin from my hair and started twisting it through the lock. I was amazed when it opened. There was my phone staring back at me. I put in my pocket and went back to my room. I got adam's attention and pointed him to my phone. He managed to convince his parents to have his phone for at least an hour. We locked our doors, faced the window facing each other and talked through our phones. I explained what Sera had said, we just laughed. We missed each other so much. we kissed through our windows and went to sleep.

It has been a year, quarantine ended and we were back to school. Adam's parents forced him to go to another school because they thought I was a bad influence, so the only time we got to see each other was before and after school. They didn't stop us from walking the neighborhood at night since We convinced our parents that we need personal time to just relax and meditate. But what they didn't know what that we met up at the courtyard and just hung out until the sun set, and we walked home in the darkness hand in hand.

Our relationship was weird, we had barely talked before all this but then a window brought us closer to each other. Even though life was back to normal We still continued our daily window conversations, mostly talking about how much we want to be with each other and ranting about all what had happened. I never knew a window could being a girl and the boy next door closer than personal connections but that's what happens when you are desperate. Now that sera was out of our lives since being arrested for harassment, adam and I announced ourselves as an official couple, we nicknamed ourselves the window watchers. We now have been together a year and a half, going into senior year.

April 22, 2020 01:03

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