Harnie artful Carny and Dinnie, whose doth winnie with horse sense...

Submitted into Contest #10 in response to: Write a story about two friends who have a knack for understanding each other better than anyone else.... view prompt



Accorded beatific cachet regarding best boyhood buddies appellation, while their surrogate anonymous scrivener trails behind. Though figments (i.e. modestly unassumingly wise extensions) dwelling solely within imaginary realm, they actually never shied away coming to the rescue of yours truly. Series of unfortunate events (with Lemony Snicket at the helm ) on the other hand... finds me... ha... invariably tangled within the whirled wide web of illimitable, imponderable, incomprehensible... stream of consciousness reedy bulrushes.

Thus on that reedsy, quirky, pesky... metaphorical note greetings dear friendly reader(s) this crisp Autumn evening circa 20xx. Tis with utmost joy to avail both first rate figurative captains admirable masters, who amazingly gracefully, nonchalantly always steered their respective ships of state within calm waters. They willingly obliged themselves (measly bajillion dollar bribe played no role) to become titular characters heading up this vignette allowing, enabling, and providing said scrivener (of sound mind) prosaic license to craft quasi (moat oh no... pun) bay sic shoot strait gun whaling, whooping, writing motive. The reedys zion I sought out aforementioned bitcoin players within linkedin blockchain viz human league promulgated with helpful prompt.

Twas during an elegiac, idyllic, laconic... (otherwise ordinary unruffled) boyhood motif regarding conjured playmates, other then kid sister. Unlike this anxious demure scribe, I envisioned one or more brothers, (albeit since mom and dad completed ceased begetting siblings) to showcase sincere unflappable sense and sensibility (without pride nor prejudice) daring do amidst adversity. Hallmark characteristics such previously listed, plus penchant personal features to succeed as humbly prestigious always eluded me. More accurately, thee aspiring story teller concocting confabulation never tested his potential of (water ye consider) body, mind, or spirit. The pitch perfect virtually verdant fecund vagary uber totally tubular tell tale fountainhead arose to channel creativity. This lad (inscrutably socially withdrawn) did not (as pertaining to Atlas) want to shrug off invisible camaraderie. Ahoy, as a then introverted and ropy slipknot (Gordian) of a boy, I (scores of years later) beheld golden globular opportunity to render (unto cease yore) to render fabrication, and if lucky pocket fifty bucks i.e. legal tender. After countless decades being cruelly, unduly, verbally... whipped around el sol the two make believe friends named Harnie and Dinnie chiefly dredging, (thru deep emotional gulfs) at long last hankered for marquee debut. They kept me company without being clingy, cloying, clubby... in nature, and helped eclipse agonizing psychological growing pains, which nonetheless did destroy every day existence. Alone within kindled, desolate, capital one barren... essentially avast emotional gulf, found one skinny kid floundering, and lost amidst sea of humanity. Only recently shoal I say (lake maybe couple decades gone by) witnessed extricating psyche against further drowning sentimental sorrows.

Both Harnie and Dinnie (identical twins aye admired, envied, nee loved born January thirteenth 19xx) knew each other like the palms of their hands. They buoyed sinking spirits, and anchored thyself when in free falling, hence accorded lifesavers. Though this mini saga meant to expound their omnipotent bond (as tends tubby the wonton supreme case with offspring who share DNA code with each other. Why? Because identical twins formed from the exact same contrived sperm and egg from their illusory esteemed brother. Difficult (if not downright impossible mission) to explain inimitable linkedin nature regarding conjured pseudo ideal siblings without including tidbits about yours truly. Rather than lament, decry, bemoan... forever grousing feeling helplessly alienated as a irregular Unitarian attendee, now suddenly mindfulness became awake with self actualization. Tempus fugit zips at greased lightning speed, and sulking about lack of fulfillment, the impetus materialized to apply fervent passion with English Language to iterate anecdote encompassing indomitable interaction, fortification, dynamic connection... re: aforementioned Harnie and Dinnie.

Both topnotch ace Ivy League scouted out students, either one or the other twin could merely inhale lecture material (absorbing every significant detail), and/or speed read retaining printed information, thus allowing, enabling and providing more leisure time for them to collaborate cottage industry (i.e. joint accomplished shining published young authors), and/or corroborate their completed individual or joint manuscripts. Thus they unwittingly served quasi "revival" as fountainhead of academic

inspiration, motivation, stimulation... This no matter I suffered misery, (particularly four after midnight), and just got barely got promoted by skin of my teeth, which might help explain dentures at young age. Inherent literary creativity found this unsuccessful scholastic student chronically wanting with timely completion of assignments, and hence given nonclassical but progressive probation. Nonetheless ("professor") afflicted with avid ambition to learn gamut of subjects stuck, subsequently within close proximity regarding aforementioned ("genius giddy gurus") staving desperating, yet hoping their storied skills would rub off courtesy osmosis. The visual nonverbal, or voiced inquiries from inquisitive lookers (namely other students) questioning me about make believe existence (regarding Harnie and Dinnie) got permanently thwarted because every other classmate contrived blessedly kooky eccentric kid, who cared not a whit what opinion peers thought youth with overactive juvenile imagination. Whether overly curious bystanders could observe me or not (within gilded halls of elite private academia, or out and about amidst public venue), made no difference. What they thought toward one who suffered intermittent insomnia solitary soul did not matter one iota.

Believe me you, the manifestation entailing inchoate non visible people kickstarted taking shape while in utero. Unbeknownst if unseen ethereal cloaked friends as quiet natured toddler constituted those I referenced throughout this pièce de résistance (retch, gag, choke...). At some early juncture introvertedness (mine) dreamt up ideal playmates. Oft times when board games such as Go to the head of the class, Parcheesi, Sorry, et cetera I would pretend to evoke age appropriate kids (yea... most often boys with easy going temperament). No doubt if such behavior exhibited as a gent (i.e. talking, kibitzing, and carousing... with non existent entities) peculiar stares, would offer peers more reason to point finger (dangling with fresh juicy buggar) and erupt with sneering guffaws. Within privacy of bedroom, (whether at Lantern Lane or 324 Level Road) creative thoughts burst forth with energy inspired by the tagline “We Bring Good Things to Life.” No surprise (the following haint a lie) papa employed, he since retired thirty plus years ago as career employee within General Electric aerospace

department. Nobody knew mine boyhood cavorting, fielding, or inviting many a time these mentally contrived personas, who never bullied, degraded amiss nor foisted hi-jacked limited bliss (waxed teeth galore) always available. Naked duress (sir) cocooned, depressed... kindled unbearable experience lamenting end of childhood, and natural metamorphosis into puberty impacted with severe physiological fallout did possess a vice grip upon spunk. Thee difficult to accept biological transformation steeped mien psyche within abysmal doomed fate while aboard the private express Izzy crazy train. Thus fecund emotional, intellectual, mental, and spiritual environment pitted in tandem with non social dynamic absence linkedin with difficult academic (cognitive) challenges, (yet books I could reedsy very well) set figurative stage. Oh one must not overlook relentlessly being bullied as token scapegoat to boot all the to Tibet (ha). Opportunistic setting ideally, perfectly, terrifically... ripe for crafting Harnie and Dinnie. No idea when exactly when said bonafide unreal personas took shape getting fleshed out, but both begat together as lads identical age as yours truly. Though bound as bosom buddies (since their inception), they always made a habit to include lonely forlorn diminutive boy, who grew up as solitary guy typing anecdote, which interestingly enough serves as antidote against depredations of despair right now. Always side by side, these paragons of prepubescent propensity who intuited each emotion, impulse, sensation, et cetera of the other. Unlike sibling rivalry that occasionally arose between me and two sisters spats rarely if at all never materialized between brothers and best friends. Though not always privy to their near telepathic communication, I hardly ever felt rejected versus real life aversion as if infected with deadly strain of cooties. As their sole creator, nobody could, (and most likely would scathingly decline) access to these genetically entwined Unitarian brethren. Decades into the recent past role fatherhood invited how one or both daughters never did guess how laudatory he applauded kickass magical playmates, especially the second born cherished dearie peopled her struggle to make friends similar to myself. I attest heightened awareness when reveling in role of parent (trap, especially upon advent of freaky Friday), and ruminated how critical such creative thinking serves to accompany absence of formative kinship. No need for alarm when progeny evince ability to concocted a gallimaufry, hallucinatory, illusory... fine companion. Odd... a grownup with similar predilections would be hashtagged as mentally ill, which snide remarks would further oh press an adulthood fraught with emotional, physical and spiritual setbacks galore. Case in point this self shuttered soul chiefly hankering to plumb depths of imagination.

October 07, 2019 04:38

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