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Fiction Inspirational Holiday

I was walking along a road one lonely night, and I came across some men in suits, standing by a limousine. They came up to me, and one said,”Where have you been? The dinner guests are waiting for you.” Before I could respond, they gently pushed me towards the limo. I thought to myself, “I’m kind of hungry and curious, so let’s see what’s up.”

I didn’t know who they thought I was, and why my road worn clothes didn’t seem to matter, which I thought was odd. I asked, “Who are you guys?” One responded, “We’re the waiters, sir.” Then we arrived at a big mansion. They led me into a big dining room with a long table full of people. There was an empty seat at the head of the table. The waiter motioned to the seat for me to sit.

As I sat down I looked at the other guests. The sight was absolutely bizarre. There were all of the worlds Kings, Queens, Generals and Politicians. All with a magnificent meal in front of them and lots of rotten food around them. The rotten food they they were throwing at the other guests and shouting obscenities at each other.

We HATE you because you don’t look like us.” “We HATE you because you think differently from us.” “We don’t TRUST you because you’re way over there.” “We don’t TRUST you because you’re too close to us.” “YOU’RE NOT ‘US’, YOU’RE ‘THEM’ .”

While the rotten food was flying and covering all the people in front of me, I noticed that everyone had a little umbrella to protect their own magnificent meals.

After a few minutes, I simply could not take any more of the stupidity of what I was seeing. I jumped up and yelled,”STOP IT, ALL OF YOU.” At this, everyone ceased throwing gross food and looked at me. “You bore me with your narrow minded STUPIDITY.”

Everyone at the table, King’s Queen’s and Politician’s, bowed humbly to me. I said, “Get away from me, you parasites.” With that, they all made a beeline for the exits. Some hopping like frogs, some clucking like chickens.

When the room was empty, I asked one of the waiters, “Do these morons have any decent, honest people in their kingdoms?” A waiter walked up to me and said, “Yes sir, many. Would you like us to bring some in?” “Yes, please.” I replied, and took a walk for some fresh air. The smell of corrupted food filled the place.

The cold air outside was fresh and clean. I took a moment for a little prayer. “Creator of all, thank you for this moment to be alive.” The beauty of the night sky and my surroundings showed me the wonder and power of Creation.

Although I was only outside a few minutes, upon returning to the dining room it was clean and the table reset. Only it wasn’t the fine China as before. It was a nice home style setting that reminded me of childhood family gatherings. All of the other settings were different so I assumed they meant something special to each person or couple.

Walking in from all the doors were regular people of the world. Blacks, whites, orientals and natives. They looked a bit confused as to why they were there. The waiters guided them to their seats. The people stood by their seats, not knowing what to do. They were next to people they thought were their enemies, as their leaders told them.

I smiled and said, “Please, for a moment, put aside your mistrust and hate.” You could see they wanted to, but couldn’t relax. So I said to them,”People should be able to trust the companions they’re dining with so let’s do this before we sit. If you do NOT want what I ask, please leave the room.” Everyone nodded their acceptance of my conditions. Some just hoped to get away quickly from the other strangers and enemies.

I asked, “Do you want PEACE in the world, an end to wars and murders?” Nobody left yet. “Do you want an end to HUNGER and POVERTY, to save the tens of thousands of children who die every daily from preventable causes? Do you feel all life is supremely important or Sacred? That EVERYONE deserves the best healthcare, regardless of their station in life?” People started nodding their approval. No-one left yet.

”Do you believe that everyone is EQUAL, and that no-one should superior or better than you? That you have the right to live and prosper as much as other living person? Do you believe the INSANITY that one maniac ‘THERE’ has the power to murder millions of innocent people’HERE’ and that a maniac ‘HERE’ can murder millions of innocents ‘THERE’ ,has to end?”

I continued, “ Do you agree that the greatest POWER we have as humans, besides childbirth, is the power to SAVE A LIFE, to know if you had not reached out your hand, that person would be DEAD. To understand if that person has children, then your act resonates throughout eternity?”

”Do you see there is no ‘THEM’ and ‘US’ , there is only ‘WE’.

“If you do NOT want anything I’ve mentioned, please LEAVE NOW.” No-one left or disagreed. People who hated and mistrusted each other looked at each other in a new light. A light of knowing that everyone in the room wanted the same thing. Former enemies smiled at each other and no-one looked with suspicion on everyone else. They realized they all wanted the same thing, LOVE and value of their lives.

I reached out my hands to the people on either side of me, people who thought I was their enemy a little while ago. We all smiled and reached out to the people on either side, and we all held hands. I said, “We are all BROTHERS and SISTERS here in our desires for peace and love. Let’s enjoy our holiday meal, and when we leave to go to our home countries, let us tell them what we agree on here.”

The Waiters stood nearby and unfolded their wings. “We’ve been waiting for this a long time.” said one of them. Then they served us our favorite holiday meals. After the celebration, we all wished each other well and left for home better people than the ones who entered.

I stepped outside and enjoyed the beautiful night sky. I didn’t feel lonely anymore.

November 25, 2020 21:32

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1 comment

Dom Crocitto
01:23 Nov 26, 2020

I try to point out that we are all family. That the prejudices and fears about others we are taught in our youth are artificial and a projection of others opinions. That through common desires, we can see the good in almost all people, and the value of life, even our American enemies like North Korea or China or Russia. Is it so hard for us to admit that 98% of the world is full of good people want a better world for all. Think of the size of an army for peace the world has the potential for. An army a thousand times bigger than any that has...


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