The Scarecrow

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town.... view prompt



In a small town in ohio there lived several hundreds of people. The town was pretty normal because of all it's fresh plants. Even the weather was normal it rained in spring and it was snowing near winter. Even visitors and people who were sightseeing were treated like royalty. There was a dark secret behind this town though. Whenever a family came they would disappear and would never be remembered. All there was were missing posters which people barely even looked at. The missing family could be your neighbor and nearly no one would even notice. It was weird because whenever there was an incident like that it didn't look like people were clueless. It's like they actually knew they were there but they ignored them.

It was the fall 2007 the flowers were blooming and there was a broad of sunshine. We then look at the town library where there was a teen who enjoyed looking at books for fun. Which was very odd the other teens thought. The teen was named Adam, he was mainly interested in folklore since of his incident. When he was visiting this town for cheap rent with his parents he got lost. He made his way back to town but his parents were never found. He swore on his life to find out if they were kidnapped, they left him, etc. Adam now lives with an adopted family who are very nice towards him. His dad was the owner of the town factory and his mom was a professor in the local college. Adam had a brother who was a kid that was 12 but actually could relate to him alot.

His brother was named Dave who also loved to read books, especially comic book one's. Adam was looking at old newspapers and noticed something very odd. In every missing person place where they were last seen had something odd. There was always leftover pieces of hay. He thought to his head what had hay that has possibility of moving around. He thought a scarecrow but that might of been a bit of a stretch. But then it clicked him everything was perfect in his town. WAY too perfect. He was gonna get more books but it was closing hours. His parents opened the door for Adam. That's when both there parents showed up...headless! They were carrying there heads and it said stop looking into this town. That's when Dave came downstairs and saw Adam screaming at completely nothing. A car pulled up and it was there parents.

Adam didn't care what happened he kept on reaserching the town's lore. He found out this town only had one religion and not even a religion more of a cult. They a praised a god known as KOR. The KOR could shape into a form it wants usually into global known monster. It feeds on humans in exchange for good weather and amazing plant life. If you try to get in it's way it will hunt you down by turning into monsters you know. Adam knew everything his mom and dad were eaten for some extra sunlight. It said the only way to stop KOR was to make feel like it can't scare anybody.

He went to the police station for more info on disappearing kids. There was nearly no light's on in there. He had to pass through the drunk's that were in the temporary jail cells. Thats when a door in one of the cells opened. Out of the cell came a lady who wanted to ask him something. Adam kept ignoring her she said, am I pretty? He looked behind him and the woman with a very pretty face now didn't have one. With a barely seen mouth she said am I still pretty dear? He got to the lobby just in time to lock the door behind him. The lady was very confused in why he had to rush so quickly. He asked if there were any missing family with survivors that were found. She said the only ones were him and a 7 year old girl who had very severe social anxiety.

Adam went to the address and a little girl answered who was very quiet. He tried to talk with her but the little girl gave no response. He then started asking question which she gave no answer too. That's when he asked, "have you ever seen a moving scare crow"? She then replied, "yes every night in my closet". Adam then asked if he could check her closet. The girl nodded and Adam and started walking upstairs. The hallway was weirdly dark and quiet for a dark house. A light turned on in one of the rooms and out peeked a scarecrow and it said you can't save them all. The scarecrow then ran at him with an evil grin. Adam ran out of the house never to look back again thats when he realized he went to wrong address.

It was monday and it was time to go to school. Adam really only had one friend named Apollo. They have been hanging out ever since Adam lost his family and had to stay in this town. They were hanging out in math class listening to the teacher talk on and one when Apollo decided to visit the restroom for a break. He was washing his hand when suddenly the water turned red. His hands were all gooey know then he realized it had turned into blood. Apollo ran to the door but it was locked for some reason. He then he heard someone in the stall say, "can you help me"? It was a girl with a mutated face screaming to help her. Apollo ran back to the door and it was finally unlocked. He looked back and the girl wasn't there now it was a scarecrow. The scarecrow then said with a grin come play with me at the farm we can play assasins creed. "You just love playing that game don't you"? Apollo ran out and came back to class but it was the end of the day and everyone left.

On the way home Dave saw his crush Jocelyn. He finally built up the courage and she said yes. They then made plans and Dave went back home. He then tripped on a pile of hay he went to he bushes to apply his first aid kid. Suddenly Dave heard some noises in the bushes he was in. Suddenly a pile of hay fell on his lap and someone behind him said " Can I have a date too"? It was Jocelyn with here eye's filled with hay. Dave ran away as fast as he could with his limping leg.

It felt odd to Adam when Dave and Apollo suddenly got interested in his reading. They then found where it lived because of Apollo the abandoned farm. They then started walking over there with several weapons. Suddenly the frame switched over to Jocelyn at a theater watching her younger sister as the star. There was a small light in the corner of the auditorium where Dave peeked and waved at her. Jocelyn went over and she was led to the halls of the school. She couldn't find Dave anywhere but then suddenly a locker opened very slowly. She went towards it and several dead bodies came out saying wanna be friends? Jocelyn ran with the dead people after her. Suddenly behind her a noise said, "I like playing tag don't you"? The kid's were gone and now there was a scarecrow suddenly she ran into her parent's. The scarecrow was gone.

The kids arrived at the farm ready to kill the scarecrow. They saw some posters on the house. The poster said MISSING: Adam Jones.

Another one said MISSING:Apollo Medina

The final one said MISSING: Dave Jones.

The kid's realized this was a hint they were gonna go missing and they would be forgotten to just like the other's. They would be in plain sight but everyone would forget them. They still went anyways. Out of the hay sproinged a Scarecrow saying you shouldn't of come here. The scarecrow went running at them but they didn't move. The kids were not afraid of him. The scarecrow couldn't do anything since they weren't afraid of him.

Part 2 Maybe?

September 27, 2019 17:21

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