Operation Bear: A tale of bravery

Written in response to: Write a story about someone undertaking a long, dangerous journey.... view prompt


Fantasy Horror

Chapter 1

The soldier raised his binoculars, as an ever-mysterious scent came his way across the room. The scent was like that of blood and rubber strewn across, which told the coming of bear-faced animatronic dolls and dummies of black-suited men. The soldier raised his mouth in a solemn voice to warn the outbreak of madness trapped in innocent toys. The scent suppressed itself and wagged its tail, retreating its path deeper into the mall. Deeper into the festering reservoir of unspoken atrocities, and the soldier closed his mouth in a solemn breath of relief and calmness.

Chapter 2

The soldier waved his rope into the shelf, and climbed onto the top, to shake the hand of his friends, to shout the success of their guns, and to celebrate the defeat of the blood strewn eye. The night blended to an atmospheric sleep of uncertainties. The footsteps of the bears and dolls with eyes of blood of murdered people were still booming without being heard. Mysterious events had warned of these creatures' sudden wake of massacre and invasion, and the little soldiers slept with their eyes open, but it was only a matter of trial and determination that could happen. The ones working in the night shift had worked during what was believed to be the daytime as well. Here was, a place where there was no sun and no moon, a month, a year or a decade had passed on in endless darkness. The little green soldier woke up in a start and with a sudden wave of sweat, had discovered that he had slept on the books, he was supposed to hold a position of a guard. Only darkness started at him.

That was only a minute ago.

Now, were the eyes. The eyes, of a possible bear, doll or a creature. His small green heart pounded in fury and fear. He screamed and now, it flowed like a tsunami, drowning everything in a shock and awe.

Chapter 3

The next thing, he knew was that the bookshelf, their base, was burning in a fury. It tore up on itself, bringing it's residents into fiery hole of burning wood and paper, a shelf broke off, and fell onto the floor. The smoke travelled to bring the message of this great disaster and in the path of smoke, were carried to death, few little green soldiers, but he had stepped off it's path. He had not been in the green line of dead men and green blood burnt in the fire. Suddenly his phone boomed to life, and sang a buzzing song of alertness. ''Soldier speaking, Kidnapped.'', the voice told.

Chapter 4

''Any details about your location?'', he asked. ''I am in a baby doll's milk bottle. We're In something like.......a forest'', the reply came. He cut the call. These dolls couldn't have gone further, they could have been roaming in the forest that surrounded the complex. In his distance the solemn green face of the general was twisted in sadness and fear. He went and asked, '' H-Have our helicopters, been destroyed in the fire''. ''Most of them, but a helicopter has been retrieved and repaired. Why?'', the general asked. ''A fellow soldier needs help. Kidnapped.'', he replied, ''But what do we do with one helicopter. Send a squad?", the soldier replied.

''No, it's going to be a guerilla war, with 2 men. This operation will be called Operation Bear.''

Chapter 5

''Operation Bear? The general's gone insane!'', his friend answered. ''He's a general. He probably doesn't understand field work, like what we have to do'', he replied in a sudden anger. He had been trapped to this profession, and only fate knew when death or destruction would rescue him.

''Named after that pesky teddy bear animatronic doll, he hasn't even named it after us''

He bit his lips in a mild grind, and his muscles relaxed, as he looked onto the forest, where he will have to fly the helicopter around. The trees had been more than thrice the size of the largest doll, they had seen, and they were smaller than a rat, he knew that their fuel tank would be a hollow box, just by covering the height of a tree.

''W-w-wait! An imprint. Is this a trap?'', he asked.

''Board the helicopter. We'll follow it?''

Chapter 6

He was shaken around the milk bottle as the baby doll strode through the forest.

Suddenly, it stopped.

Terror set in the plastic walls of this funny prison.

The bottle opened in a tick, and he was exposed to the forest, like a man living in a house with broken windows and doors.

The doll opened its mouth like a snarling tiger, marinating its pray in fear.

He felt his grenade, and an excitement was studded on his fists.

The grenade slid right through the doll's mouth.

He knew everything would go on like fate's clockwork after this.

He crouched, the hardest, he could. He looked back, the doll broke in a hundred parts, its body parts breaking away, turning independent, and a fire crunching it's body, it's hands flying, breaking through the soil like the hand of a treasure hunter, and its legs planting itself like seeds, carrying the evidence of success, the sound of the aftermath screeched in his ears like a train's angry hoot. The smell of burning filled the night air and lit his location like a burning lantern screaming its presence.

Chapter 7

The explosion shook the soil, like a little earthquake, and the soldiers, almost a kilometer away, had heard its cry, as the leaves fluttered like a crying eyelid. The soldier turned on the engine, it revolved around the forest like one of the voodoo dolls, that tried to burn them, 5 years back. It had been burnt and buried ever since. The first clues of propulsion had set in, and a few minutes had boomed the helicopter into flight.

Chapter 8

He ran, and in the process, a furry outline was visible in the darkness. The whole forest boomed in their presence and outline closed around him like a wall. Their feet boomed the soil, on which he sought refuge against the heavy rubber feet and iron eyes. Their eyes lit the forest in a sudden luminous atmosphere of torturous blue. His green body shook by the explosion returned to that state of shook, it took 3 minutes to recover from. His heart thudded in a fate, that was sure to gobble him up. He accepted his death in calmness. His green body crumbled as he walked past the broken branches and dead leaves. The wind caressed him as he walked to his death like a prisoner to gallows. Then, the wind itself, blew him like a leaf during monsoon. The dolls overarched the moon, the trees and the whole forest. For a second, there was nothing in the world except the teddy bear, the blood-painted blood-shot eyes of the dummy, and the cold shells and clockwork of the doll. Death closed in him, until life was nothing but death.

Chapter 9

Something happened.

Something happened as the bear swayed its body, cascading its body into the forest, it clutched upon itself, tearing itself like a depressed man. Mechanisms pinched it, and the whole body destroyed in a jangle of wheels and motors. Its elbow burnt, and for the first time, the bear opened its mouth, an array of teeth shining in the moon, on it were the cries of its victims, whose voices had screamed with joy, as the bear took its final fall. The hand broke out in a rage of independence, little wires screamed in a sudden short circuit, lighting its body, letting them see its clockwork. After that, nothing happened. Nature left the bear alone to destroy itself in peace.

Chapter 10

The helicopter rushed towards the soldier in a hurry, ignoring the mad and baseless sways of the two dolls. A hand cropped out of the door, it was a close escape, the happiness, of which would elude him for another 10 years or maybe until the day, a few dolls would surround him for the last time, and so, he enjoyed each second, that reminded him of his escape and his close heroic martyr-like act of defense. They reached the building around 30 minutes later. It was the base of the enemy, it told a story of tragedy and triumph, the world will never come to know. Green liquid lined the room like a stream of natural origin. It stayed on as long as the buildings stayed, and lived on as the symbol of the war.

Epilogue: Operation Bear Continued

The general stood on the table, as the helicopter landed with a thud on the table, the slight caricatures of an illusionary smile broke through. The general never smiled. ''I heard that Operation Bear is a success.'', he said

''Yes s-sir'', he stammered, and that was something hated of, and a soldier was expected to elude it like a cat and a dog.

The face of the general lowered like the face of a man about to break a mental bomb.

''No! This will continue, our defenses were weak and flimsy. We will operate inside and outside the complex. Am I clear?'', a fake conviction covered his voice. Almost everyone lost the drive of determination, to enrich the soil with the blood of those who relished in blood, to destroy the clan of the oppressors of buildings, and the master of humanity's fall to a dark age, where they rule in a dystopian broken world.

The only light to the world had been darkness, and they could only delay it.

June 24, 2023 12:08

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