Bennett’s great sorrow

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt


Romance Mystery

swearing and a murder mystery graphic Etc.

Bennetts said a voice. Arthur Frederick's came in the room and sat down. please describe for me what you witnessed exactly". Bennetts looked freaked out his brown eyes were tired looking and he had a greyish blue shirt on and ripped jeans. a blue hat that said Overland Cleaners on his head.

I'm not completely sure to be honest. I knew Mrs. Juniper as only a prostitute and she was a good friend of mine. we had the one night and after that we became close and stayed in contact said Bennett's.

can you verify your whereabouts the night of the murder which, Fredericks flipped his notebook open. 4pm on Sunday december 2nd. he looked up at Bennetts who Nodded.

I was at a meeting for my job, I work for Overland cleaner's. said bennetts. he looked at fredericks who nodded. he looked around him at the yellow lamplight that illuminated around the small hotel room. the brown blanket that was on the bed a comforter and several pillows at the top he moved a little closer just looking around. a pocket knife sat on the table and a bottle of whiskey Unopened sat on the fridge.

"anything unusual happening around here any strange noises"? Bennetts shook his head."God i never could do it the way you do over in this area". he looked around. "practically scares me to death.Do you mind if some of my men take a look around". he raised his eyebrows and sighed. "just to say we did our job you know how it is with procedure".

Bennetts nodded and moved aside as Fredericks allowed two officers past to inspect.

"has there been any other people you noticed around mrs. juniper maybe an ex boyfriend excuse me for saying or another person at all that you can think of"?

"No sir. oh well Avery Daniels, and Ridge Houston". Bennetts put his arm against the side of his door.

who exactly is this Avery and Ridge if you can describe them? asked Fredericks. they seem like a good sort of fellows to you?

"No Avery is known to be a bit of a rougher man. another one of her clients i think. she told me that he had pinned her up against the wall, his hand around her throat once".

Oh jesus said Fredericks. Do you think he would be the murder type? Bennetts shook his head

Ridge on the other hand I have heard Has shot some men around here who messed with him. He is the one who shot Taylor Woodes, that little boy you know that turned up in the river several months back".

wow why havent we gotten him in our custody now? asked Fredericks. Bennetts shrugged.

you know i actually made a report about him some months back when i heard about that but no one has done anything. he still comes up to the western Rd Bar. Scares the shit out of a lot of folk down there.

Ok ill have some of my men look into that as well. said Fredericks he brushed a hand across his face. it was humid out, in Wisconsin that was common place.

"Sorry again. said Fredericks. from what i Understand you were close to her.

detective i really dont want to talk about anymore if thats ok? especially since....

"Since what"? asked Fredericks. Bennetts pulled out a picture and started Crying.

a lush picture of Red lips and another picture below it of her Face. Blue eyes stared wide open and Blondish brown hair. she was forever open with them and Her lips in the second picture were a Bluish color with veins showing around her face and her red lips a mole right on her cheek.

"Oh my god," said Fredericks "I'm so sorry". Bennetts broke down and Fredericks offered a hug. Bennetts came close and Fredericks put his arms around him and his hand on his back. Bennetts broke down.

she just had said she was going over to minnesota for a couple days no problems or nothing other than. he sobbed. her job. she was a sweet woman.

"Im sorry." said Bennetts he backed up. "thanks a lot detective." he was red in the face his eyes were red now and his face was flush.

"Its alright, Rodriguez are we almost done here"? Arthur tipped the front of his hat to bennetts and started down the stairs.

"Right behind ya boss we didn't find anything". He came up next to bennetts and offered his Hand. Bennetts took it. Its gonna be ok boss if there is anything you need give us a call". he shook his hand and started down the steps.

"thanks detective". said Bennetts. he closed the door.

Arthur Fredericks went down the steps. "You think he did it?" asked Arthur. He looked at The officer nearest him. He watched more police pull up. as he crossed the upper landing of upper railing of the hotel. he went down the metal steps to the bottom and ahead to the street and to the right in front of the brown brick wall of the hotel.

"Nah Man I just don't think the time matches. we didn't find anything and he broke down at the sight of whatever he handed you".

Stay alert though Rodriguez. It could be a Trick or a ploy." said Fredericks. "However i don't think so". He looked at Rodriguez then over at tibbs. he was a black man with brown eyes and a mustache. a man of the force for many years.

Tiberius I have collected this on Bennetts property. he didn't say much about it but he broke to tears when he handed it to me. I would like to suggest maybe some counseling and further questioning on a later date. said Fredericks. this Taylor Woodes Kid have you heard of him?

Tiberius nodded. we came out here for that a good several eight months back. some man shot him, left the poor kid down by the river. God Fucking animal whoever it was. Ripped open...

"enough." said Fredericks."Please I'll read about it in the report. So how about this Avery Daniels and Ridge Houston"?

"Ridge has been a regular to the Criminal system from what i Understood. I actually have met him. Avery Daniels I will have to check back with you about i Havent heard about him".

Fredericks nodded. "According to Bennetts and with much more evidence, we might be able to Understand who Killed Taylor. He claims Taylors Killer was Ridge. That he has called into the department about it but not much has been done",

"Ok I will have some officers look into it. maybe we should call it for the night Eh? don't wanna stir up the locals more than we have to. said a voice behind them. a red headed female officer came up. she had the blue shirt tight to her body with straps on both sides of her short sleeve and a badge plain as day in the front of her shirt.

yes ma'am. said Fredericks.

"I agree boss. Cannot let those emotions get you though too." said Tiberius. Arthur sighed. He knew he was right but he hoped well for bennetts.

"I know tibbs. anyway status report on the bodies location, along with the other witnesses on the scene and the blood spatter report". asked Arthur.

He went to grab the casefile.

"on second thought lets get back to the precinct and i can Divulge into some of this investigation, its probably best to get back".

Rain started to fall Bennett's looked at the morning light and the heavy rain that came falling down. His hotel room door wide open he stood looking out down below at it. The roof above him making it fall past the ledge and onto the ground below.

Who did this he thought. It was the only thing lately that he could think of. He couldn't believe that she was dead. more so that someone would send him a picture. 

Avery he thought maybe he would know something even if he didn't do it. It felt wierd to think he did but he didn't know who did it. Bennetts with a good idea of where he was going headed out his front door.


this is ridiculous said Fredericks. he looked at the casefile again. they wanted to go check out Reeves. Kyle Reeves had long time been known as a psycho killer who would chop up people for fun and post the pictures. so maybe they would be able to get a idea from him. Fredericks opened up his office door and headed out down the hall. past the evidence room.

It's not Reeves. Said Desmond. He was the file clerk he had dark black hair and hazel eyes was shorter and fat. His hair was shorter he was in a red formal shirt and brown over coat.

How do u know it isn't? He could have.

No Arthur. Said a voice. Eddie Deltoro came in the room a arrogant cop on the force he had a G men vest on and was all suited up with goggles and brown hair skinny and muscular was younger than he was in the department. He sighed. He removed the goggles and spoke.

"Kyles Been in lock up for two months now", said Eddie. He got charged with a citation and is scheduled to get out soon I understand his past but i dont know how he could do it considering that.

true said Fredericks. M,O is perfect but that fact changes it.


why did you do it asked bennetts. he punched avery as he opened the door. he fell onto the ground. blood welled from his lip and then was washed away with the rain. his grey hair gleamed in the afternoon cloudy light. rain still pouring onto the ground covered both of them. bennetts was soaked and looked furiously down at avery.

someone kill your woman? he laughed. Hahahaha he leaned his head back laughing at the sky. Bennetts backed up and sat down on the ledge. 

wait so you didnt kill her? he looked at Avery who smiled and sat up as well. he shook his head looking at him. he had pale blue eyes and spoke, "No it wasnt me".

she was bad and i have been with her. sorry to burst that to you if you thought you were her only client. said Avery realizing. Bennetts nodded and looked downward. 

I loved her and i thought we had something special. I could actually talk to her about anything and she cared and listened and helped me with some stuff. said Bennetts. tears welled up in his eyes burst out, and he started sobbing. 

come on said Avery, he grabbed his shoulder and gave a sort of Hug. it isn't that bad. we all find one person who seems like they care but there will be another. he rubbed his back and Bennetts spoke, "I need to get home, I have to figure out where to go next".

He rubbed the tears from his eyes and got up. Avery nodded standing up. 

yeah you figure out who killed her bro. i hope it goes well. He said sarcastically. Bennett’s turned and punched him in the face knocking him cold onto the ground.

what a headache. said Bennetts. he stepped away from the porch. He nodded to the neighbor who was standing outside the next house down on her porch. she was asian black hair and brown eyes. 

hows it going? asked bennetts. Nice weather? He went to a Green lumina and got in. She looked toward him and sighed.

He pulled off and started really thinking to himself. He was powerless. Anything he did wasn't going to bring her back. His great sorrow for the love he lost to a murder. Even if others didn't understand. It was his greatest love. His greatest loss

September 10, 2020 23:12

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