
Doggie day, We all have to stay indoors from the virus so our dogs are thrilled to be indoors sleep on the bed and on couches. Spending as much time with us . But is very confused and little worried why is my owner staying the dog is thinking . But all the dogs gets out is bark bark bark . The owner watches the news to see what the virus is doing and tells the dog ," I'm only home because of the virus and might lose my job ." The dog is happy to be able to spend time with the there owners . The owner make dinner and shares alittle with the dog and the dog is pleased to be able to have yummy food than nasty dog food. The dog try's to talk like human and that all comes out bark bark . So the human takes out the fuzz ball and thinks that they got go potty but they don't they just being playful. But the owners aren't used to being home all the with there pets . So each other is learning each other aging and being best friends. But the dog think when the virus is gone then my owner got back to work . So the dog goes hiding under the bed and the owner thinks it's hide and seek and see the dog and tells the it's okay . But the dog is scared to come from what on it it's mind . But the dog just forgets about and enjoys the smalls things. Like sleeping on and cuddling and enjoying the small things of dog's life with there owners. Evey morning to mid morning the dog wakes and smiles to there owners there because they are happy to see there owners. When the owners wake up the dog gets all play and they play together as if the they are two small puppies and that after awhile the dog goes to the door to be able to get pee outside. So the owner puts on there shoes and there faces masks and clothes that need to be wash after going outside. The dog runs in cricle to be able to go potty and the owner just laughing at the dog . After awhile the go inside and the owner cleans up and takes and shawor and gives the dog and bath so the dog doesn't get sick. After all that they are starving looks to see what to cook and the owner pulls out two steaks one from them and one for the dog . The owner makes other side dishes and they eat as if it's dinner date . The owner wonders when the virus will go away from the dog and them can go for walks and to the ocean and lake. But more and more they look worried as if both is thinking two different things. The dog starts worrying what if my owner gets that and don't come back where will I go . The owner sees the worried in the dogs eyes and gives the dog hugs and says it's gone be all right it is just and ruff patch we will work through it . But and month in the owner starts to sleep in more and don't want to cook and is just fallen ill to the death virus. The dog thinks of what to do and remember that water so the dog looks for water and found and water bottle . Brings the water to the human and makes the human drink by bitting and whole in the water and the owner drinks the water . The owner gets up and makes light food only liquid food and fever meds and after awhile the owner starts filing better . The dog is happy aging but still worried about the owner. The own starts acting like there normal self and the dog is pleased with it .But the human cleans up everything thing and wash everything with bleach and makes sure everything cleaned up. So they don't get sick aging.The owner starts looking at homemade ideals like cooking bread and pasta and so the human makes homes bread and pasta and writes down everything that they have cooked and that fills up and whole book of what homemade stuff there is to do. The dog and the human is so happy that they are home together to be able to spend quality time together. They enjoy sleeping in and cuddling on the couch and bed and watching TV together. It's the small thing in life that you and your animals enjoying doing together . As the weeks past they start to get annoyed at being indoors don't feel good and they need to stretch there legs and breath fresh air together. Mind may the virus goes away and they go to the dog park and go grocery shopping and enjoy being outside and not have to worry about getting sick . Because the virus is completely gone and that the weather is nice and pretty. The nice sun feels good on the skin. But the owner got find work to be able to pay there bills and get dog and that the owner finds and job an the dog remembers why the time that spent together was great but now the dog can get there time while the owner is at work. So the dog is sad because the dog miss the time they had together. But the owner comes home every day and plays with dog so the dog knows that they are loved. The owner wash up and makes dinner and remember the homemade repices and makes homemade dog cookies and homemade dinner . The owner glad to be out the house . But the owner thinks about saying home more often because staying with your pets is great but got pay bills too and feed the both of you.Dogs need human love and time together and that they have feeling too and get sad happy and hungry too . Just like child they are but got fur and walks on four legs.

March 24, 2020 00:14

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