“Cookies, chips, or pretzels?” the flight attendant asked as he pushed the cart down the aisle and reached Chris’s row.
“Uhh pretzels and uhh…” Chris peered at the woman laying beside him, “Cookies…please?”
The attendant handed him both bags, and Chris thanked him and went back to watching the movie I Love You, Man playing overhead, content following along with the captions instead of listening through earphones like everyone else.
After a few minutes, his peacefully slumbering neighbor began to open her eyes.
Upon reorienting herself, she saw Chris’s two snacks on the seat table pulled out in front of him and sat up to visually search up and down the aisle.
“Oh, did they already—-”
“Oh hey, yeah,” said Chris. “I didn’t want to disturb while you slept, so, I asked them for two different kinds—one sweet, one salty—and figured you could choose which one you want when you wakened.”
“Oh wow,” the woman smiled, peering in his eyes. “That was really nice of you, thank you.” She grabbed the bag of pretzels and pulled it open.
“Of course, don’t mention it,” he said and pulled open the bag of cookies.
“I’m Penelope, by the way,” she said and extended her hand.
“Chris,” he extended his, and they shook.
“Nice to meet you, Chris.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, Penelope,” he smiled. “And that’s a beautiful name, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
“Isn’t one you come across every day!”
“Yes, so I’ve been told,” she chuckled. “It’s from one of my mom’s favorite actresses.”
“Penelope Cruz?”
She chuckled again. “That’s what everyone always thinks, but no. Penelope Ann Miller.”
Chris’s brow raised.
“I know, I know,” she said. “Trust me, you’d know her if you saw her. She was big in the ‘80s and ‘90s.”
Puzzlement still pervaded Chris’ face.
“Carlito’s Way? Kindergarten Cop? Awakenings?” she said.
“Well, I do remember those movies, and sounds like some hell of a range that actress has, but unfortunately, her name still isn’t ringing a bell. I’ll have to look her up when we’re back on the ground.”
“I understand,” she chuckled and then yawned as she stretched. “Feels like I’ve been asleep forever.”
“Ah, no…” said Chris. "I’d say maybe a half hour or so.”
“Oh.” She bashfully smiled. “I didn’t…snore…or drool or anything, did I?”
“Ahh, nothing a good quick napkin swipe didn’t help!”
Penelope’s eyes widened. “Oh, my God! Are you serious?!”
Chris laughed, “No, no… I’m not. Or, am I? I guess you’ll never know — muahaha!!”
Penelope giggled. “Well, I hope not. Because that would be embarrassing. Having a complete stranger dabbing my drooling lips on a flight as if I were a 2-year-old or a senior citizen in a nursing home!”
“Well, we aren’t strangers anymore, see. I’m Chris. You’re Penelope! As far as I’m concerned, we’ve known each other our whole lives.”
Penelope smiled. “Well, thank you, Chris. That works for me.”
His eyes settled on her for a moment.
Her wavy, long hair set in ombre began from jet black to deep burgundy a quarter-way down. Her cinnamon-toned complexion was nicely contrasted by her deep, dark-brown eyes. Her plump lips still glistened from a fading layer of gloss.
“You have a very pretty smile,” he said.
“Aww, well, thank you…”
“Much prettier than Penelope Ann Miller’s, I bet.”
Penelope blushed, “Now, now, I don’t know about all of that!”
As Chris’s attention turned back towards his bag of cookies and the movie overhead, she couldn’t help but notice his very-defined jawline, covered by clear, bronze skin and a neat, dark-brown mustache connected to a full goatee. High above his full lips, chiseled cheeks, and prominent nose, his long, black eyelashes accentuated his hazel-brown eyes. And all upheld by a thick, strong neck.
Very handsome, she thought.
“I wish they still served actual meals on the plane,” Chris said as he tossed another cookie in his mouth. “Even though it was crappy food, it was food! Real food.”
“Oh yes, I completely forgot that was once a thing,” she said. “Seems like so long ago!”
“I know, right?! And I made the very dumb mistake of heading out this morning and coming straight to the airport without grabbing so much as a pack of gum from the gas station!”
“Aww yeah, I know that’s rough.” She lifted her mini aluminum bag in his direction. “Do you want some?”
“Oh no, no,” he looked at her and laughed. “Sorry, I’m over here just whining like a little baby. I didn’t say all of that to get you to feel sorry for me and offer your snack!”
“Well, I only have it because of you,” she smiled.
“I know, but I’m okay,” he said.
“Alright! There’s still a decent amount in here, if you happen to change your mind. Although I can’t guarantee for much longer…”
Chris laughed, “I understand, and I appreciate it. I’m good, I swear. Besides, I think we only have…” he looked at his watch, “20, 30 more minutes? Of this flight?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“I think I can hang in there for a little while longer.”
“That’s a really great read,” Chris said, pointing to his seat neighbor’s book a few minutes later.
Penelope turned it to look at its cover. “Oh,” she smiled, “Yeah, it is! My husband recommended it to me. It’s one of his favorites.”
“Oh yeah? One of mine, too. How far in it are you?”
“Almost to the end, just a few chapters left to go,” she said. “I actually was hoping to get it finished before we land—”
“Oh, am I interrupting you? I’m sorry—”
“No! No. You aren’t interrupting, it’s okay. If I have to finish when I get home, it isn’t the end of the world.”
“Are you sure? I can leave you alone, really,” said Chris.
“No, really. It’s fine. Honestly, it’s silly. See, I just came from a last-minute business trip to L.A. that was supposed to go until next week, but it ended early. So, I thought I’d go ahead and head back home to surprise my husband.” She sighed, “I’m so glad I was able to catch this early layover flight from Chicago, or else I would’e had to wait until tomorrow! See, we’re newlyweds,” she flittered her fingers, showing off her wedding ring in Chris’ direction. “So, I hate being away from him. I’m so excited, I can’t wait to get back!!”
“Aww nice!” exclaimed Chris. “I know he’ll be just as happy to see you.”
“Oh he better,” she teased. “So, what about you? Do you live in Newark, or are visiting, or what?”
“Oh no, just visiting,” he said. “Going out there for a few days to visit my boo.”
“Ooooh,” said Penelope. “Any special occasion, or just because?”
“Mmmm just because,” he said. “We live long-distance and don’t get to see each other often. With his work and everything, it’s harder for him to get away, so when he asked yesterday if I could hop on a flight and come out for a few days, and he’d pay for it? I’m like, say no more! I’m there.”
“Aww that’s really nice,” she gushed. “Nothing like love, right?”
“So, how long have you two been together?” she asked.
“Mmm about three-and-a-half years.”
“Oh wow! And long-distance the whole time?”
“No, I used to live in Newark, up until about two years ago, when I moved to Chicago for a job opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”
“Aww that’s too bad,” she said. “For your relationship, I mean—”
“Tell me about it,” Chris said.
“Any plans for you two to permanently reunite—either him to you or you to him? Or maybe somewhere in-between?”
“I think that’s currently what we’re trying to figure out. It’s honestly hard to imagine life without him at this point, so…we’re gonna have to figure out something!”
Penelope nodded.
“What about you and your boo?” asked Chris. “How long have you been together?”
“About a year and a half,” she said.
“Oh wow, move fast!!”
“Yes,” she smiled. “We dated for about seven months, both knew we were the one, and the rest is history. Just had our wedding about a month and a half ago.”
“Aww well, congratulations, honey.”
“He he, thank you.”
“Yaaassss. #TeamLove”
Penelope sat, stewing in the blissful feeling of this topic of conversation for a moment. She then turned to Chris again.
“So what’s the first thing you’re going to do?” she asked.
“Hmm?” he said, looking up from his phone.
“You and your guy. What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get there? Any exciting plans?”
“Well, first thing is to get something to eat!!”
She smiled, “Ah yes, well, after that.”
“After that, well… Probably go bowling for a bit. We both love to bowl.”
“Oh wow, my husband would love you.”
Chris snickered. “He’s a bowler?”
“You can say that again! Even plays in a league!”
“Oh yeah? So do we! Well, so did we. He still does, but I haven’t played since I moved.”
“I’ll never understand the big deal about it!” she joked.
“Hey, it’s fun! Don’t knock it.”
“If you say so,” she smirked and tossed another pretzel in her mouth.
“But yeah, we’ve both been playing since all the way back in middle school,” said Chris. “We grew up in the city.”
“Oh wow. So, you were friends long before you became more!”
“Yep. I’m telling you, that’s my boo for life!”
“Well, my heart goes out to you for having had to go to school in Newark. My husband grew up there, too, and said it was pretty rough.”
“Oh, your husband went to school in Newark? You know what schools?”
Just as Penelope began to answer, the pilot’s voice crackled through the speakers above.
“Attention, passengers. We’re preparing for landing,” he announced. “Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened, and turn off your mobile devices or set them to Airplane mode.”
“I’ve always wondered if my little iPhone could take a plane down if I were to be a little rebel and leave the regular signal on when they tell us to do that,” Chris said.
Penelope raised a ‘brow and chuckled. “Uhh, well how about we not find out.”
Chris laughed. “You’re right,” he said as he dutifully switched his device on Airplane mode as requested.
“Aww darn,” Penelope said suddenly.
“What?” asked Chris.
“Oh, nothing—I’m just so used to my husband picking me up from the airport that I forgot this time, he doesn’t know that I’m coming! So, I’ll have to remember to call for an Uber when I get out there.”
“Oh,” said Chris. “Well… What part of town do you guys stay on? My boo is coming to pick me up, and we’d be happy to give you a ride.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t impose,” she said.
“Look. Beautiful Ms. Penelope. You won’t be imposing. I insist. Besides, we ain’t gonna be doing nothing. At least nothing yet,” he jabbed her in the side, and she laughed.
“Okay, thank you, that’s really nice of you.”
Once the plane landed, Chris switched his phone back on from Airplane mode and called his boyfriend.
“Hey!” he said on the other side of the call. “You here?”
“I’m here,” said Chris. “And I hope you’re outside.”
“You know I am. I can’t wait to see you.”
“I can’t wait to see you, too, boo! Oh, and I met this really nice lady during my flight who came home from a trip early to surprise her husband, so she needs a ride, and I told her we’d give her one.” He smiled at Penelope, who smiled back.
“Huh?” Chris heard through he phone.
“Yeah, babe, we aren’t doing anything,” he said as Penelope looked on and shifted a bit uncomfortably in her seat. “I don’t think she lives far. What part of town did you say you stay in?” He looked to her.
“Oh, Chris, you really don’t have to,” she whispered. “I can catch an Uber—”
Chris’s eyes bugged out, signaling her to answer.
She smiled. “Forest Hill,” she said.
“Oh, Forest Hill? Dang, that’s exactly where we’re headed!!”
“Really?” her eyes beamed.
“Oh yeah, you’re definitely comin’. Babe,” he said to his partner on the phone. “She’s comin.”
A defeated sigh came through the receiver. “You’re so nice,” his partner conceded. “But of course, anything for you.”
“Thank you, babe. So, hey, they just opened the doors, so after we get our stuff from baggage claim, me and Ms. Penelope will be out there in just a few minutes!”
“You and Ms. who?” his partner said.
“Huh? Ms. Penelope. That’s the name of the lady here we’re giving a ride to.”
Silence suddenly fell on the other end.
“Hello?” said Chris.
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I love the ending. I usually expect a twist and try to guess it while reading a short story. You caught me totally off guard. Great story.
I invite you to read "Garcia," but only if you promise not to read the ending before you get to it.
Oh trust me, no warning or promise needed -- I loathe spoilers or spoiling for myself!! I barely watch movie trailers!!
But I'll definitely have to look that up and check it out! Thank you for the suggestion and for stopping by and checking my story out!
One thing I'm curious about -- since you say you usually try to guess a story's twist and attempted it in this case, what were some of your guesses? if any? lol
Just wondering! :-D Either way, thank you so much for reading and for sharing that little fun anecdote! :)
Oh that is NASTY!!! Good job!
Lol thanks! :)