Different Dilemas

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Start your story with someone being presented with a dilemma.... view prompt

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Adventure Drama Holiday

Story 1

Sleeping With The Moon

As I trudged down the never-ending corridor, peering at all the crooks and corners, walking slowly to my meeting with fate. With the moon hiding behind clouds I was wishing I could leave now. But it was too late. Seeing the stars all strung together gave me a wince of hope until even that was gone. The day had gone so fast and if I knew this was going to happen I would have changed every last detail. Finally, as I had the door in view my worst fears climbed to the front of my mind. 

“ You can do this,” I told myself quietly when really I was blocking out my main question. What if I can’t? Sliding my hand onto the cold doorknob, I twisted it and opened the door. As I peered inside I saw but one window tied together with a ghost white curtain. The grey carpet perfectly matched my mood-lonely. As I locked the door and threw the key out the window I sat and waited for the sun to wake up. Listening to the branches smack against the window I rested my head on the floor and shut my eyes.

After countless hours of squirming and turning, I finally gave up so I decided to look out the one window I had. Looking outside the stars were magnificent; blinking like millions of fireflies while the moon giggled at me and my choices. Automatically tuning my ears to the rare skittering of squirrels sweeping past I looked at the corner of the sky and saw that the inky blue sky was starting to come back! Finally! 

But as the sun was rising from slumber I was heading into it. Feeling drowsy I laid my head on what I thought was the softest thing in the world and faded into my own universe.

Story 2

Amazing Haven

Waking up from my peaceful slumber on an early Sunday morning, with the sun yawning in the sky, Amelia hopped out of bed and slipped on her fluffy, fuzzy purple slippers. With her blonde hair in a mess, she started on her way to the kitchen. Smelling the aroma of pancakes and orange juice flowing through the air, Amelia sat down at the table and ate peacefully. 

The peace didn’t last long. As her mum came storming in, her voice echoed throughout the kitchen. “ NO! You can tell Mr Daisuke that if he wants me fired he can come to tell m-!” Beep, beep, beep went the dial tone. Her mum let out a long frustrated sigh. With her auburn streaked hair and gold-rimmed spectacles she picked up her green leather purse and strolled out the door not taking any notice of her daughter. Finishing her fluffy, golden pancakes she went back to her room and got ready for the day.

Amelia’s blonde hair was tied back in a neat ponytail and her black denim jacket and sky blue shirt perfectly matched her ripped jeans. Walking out the door into the bright daylight, she breathed in the fresh air and started on her way. The blazing orange sun was floating in the inky blue sky. Its rays of sunlight were scattered across the deep blue lake. Amelia’s black Nikes held her feet from hitting the rocks that were dispersed across the long gravel road leading to her haven. Luscious green trees surrounded her crawling up into the sky above. No one would find her unless she wanted them to. 

With her haven in view, she leapt over the muddy bank that kept her from her haven and from falling into the abyss, and as she stepped onto the other side Amelia let out a sigh of relief. Climbing up the sturdy wooden ladder, she went into her haven.

Story 3                                                           

As the sun was sleeping and the stars were still wide awake, my mum woke me up startling me and my dreams. Her voice sounded sweet and welcoming, the perfect way to start my day. I slowly dragged myself out of bed and in record time getting ready for the exciting day ahead. I got dressed in a fluffy jacket, a green t-shirt and some comfortable white track pants. Skipping breakfast, (not allowed to eat before surgery )throwing on some earrings, brushing my hair, saying goodbye to my mum and I was out the door sitting in the passenger's seat in the cold car.

 With the car's wheels rolling along the highway looking out the frosty window I saw a green and blue flickering light out in the distant hills. Pondering on what this was, the light flickered once more than vanished. Driving steadily through towns and mist. On the radio Dom, Meg and Randell chatted cheerfully talking about hilarious things like how Dom thought he was friends with a celebrity. My dad looked exhausted from waking up early and as the stars danced away the sun steadily walked into view. Close to arrival, I glanced quickly at my phone and it was only 6:24 am! Driving through Whangarei with the hospital popping into view, I rolled down the window and felt the chilly air on my face. I heard a bird in the distance and wondered, what kind of bird would that be? 

Entering the little room the doctors gave me some clothes and told me to get changed. They left so I slipped on the gown and sat on the bed. My dad took a little sleep as we patiently waited for the doctors to take me to surgery. I sat anxiously on the scruffy bed as the doctors gave me some warm blankets to doze off in. When it was finally time to go into surgery they wheeled me in and as I waited for what seemed like a millennium for the doctors to finish their meeting dad and I talked about it afterwards. “ After this, we’re going to grab a feed,” he said as his stomach grumbled in agreement. “ What do you feel like, “ I asked knowing the answer already, “ Well, since we’re in Whangarei KFC sounds nice.” I replied with “I’ll take anything as long as I get to eat.” We chuckled as the doctors finally came out. They slowly wheeled me in and talked calmly to me. A rush of adrenaline flow through my blood. They put stickers on me to check in with my heart rate and then they put a compression band on me to inject the sleeping liquid. It pricked a little and I felt a cold chill in my arm. It slowly crept up to my throat then the world disappeared.

My body jerked up as I awoke from my sleep. Dizzy and drowsy I slowly mumbled, “Where is my dad?” A voice beside me said, “ He is waiting in the waiting room”. A stinging pain shocked my ear. So I let it pass and slowly it faded away. The doctor asked if I was hungry so I asked for a sandwich. He kindly left to grab it and as he was gone I gazed at my surroundings. I was in the after-math room. This is where patients go after surgery. The lighting was dim and not much was for show but it had a ‘CONGRATULATIONS ‘ vibe about it. For what felt like centuries for my stomach, the doctor finally returned. Holding heaven in his hand I sat up and grabbed the sandwich. Munching the sandwich down and watching time fly by was pretty boring but when it was time to go they pushed the bed out to the waiting room.

May 27, 2021 22:32

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1 comment

22:33 May 27, 2021

These are 3 different trial stories. 2 fake, 1 real


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