
He was 18 she was 17. They met in high school. Joe was a jock and Celia was a wall flower. Their lockers were next to each other so they saw each other through out the day he always spoke first and had a nice smile. During lunch one day Joe ask Celia to join him on the front steps. They met on the front steps for lunch. Joe who was tall and strong picked Celia up and placed her on the hugh cement wall next to the steps surprising her. Celia enjoyed her lunch with Joe and some of his friends that came along. Joe carried Celia books and walk her to class. After school Joe caught up with Celia and asked her if she wanted a ride home. She accepted the offer warning Joe he would have to meet her parents.. Joe agreed. They talked all the way home. Joe was introduced to Celia's parents and he took Celia by surprise again by asking her dad permission to take her on a date. Celia's dad was impressed and gladly said yes.. . They had enjoyed an evening of pizza, bowling and a good conversation. Celia liked the idea of having someone to have a real conversation with. Other boys she had dated were not like Joe. The afternoon after their date Celia received a single rose with an energy bar attached from Joe he had remembered that she said she was allergic to flowers and how she liked the power four energy bars after a good run. How sweet she thought.

Celia learned that her whole state was mandated home quarantine. Celia was anxious all day wondering how this relationship would work out now that they were under quarantine orders. She friended Joe on face book and they chatted for a while and decided they could meet at the local grocery store in two days as Joe had to work the next day. So two days later Celia borrowed her moms car and with a list in hand drove to the local grocery store. She went in wearing the mandated face mask and began shopping and as she rounded the dry goods isle there he was. She thought she was going to faint. What do I say? She was very anxious? With butterflies in her stomach she approached Joe staying 6 feet apart she called to him. He turned around and she said hello he said hello do I know you. Celia was so embarrassed. She apologized as Joe walked around the corner laughing as the boy was his twin brother. Joe apologized it was not on purpose his brother needed somethings so he tagged along at the last minute. They had a brief visit and exchanged phone numbers. On the way home Celia got a text message she couldn't wait to get home to read it. When Celia got home Joe had asked her for a virtual date on friday night. Celia couldn't wait until friday . She text with Joe every day back and forth for hours. Celia was liking the conversations with Joe and liked what she was learning about him. He was kind, patient, respectful and a christian. What more could she ask for. Friday night came and she and Joe connected through social media. It was awkward at first but Joe broke the ice by playing and dancing to Knock three times on the ceiling Celia loved it she laughed and was impressed at how much Joe remembered the things they chatted about. She hand mentioned liking oldies and particularly that song. Even thou they are not conversations face to face he is listening intently. There date was filled with fun playing virtual Scrabble that Celia believes Joe let her win. Four Games of Yahtzee Joe won three to one. Then they just sat and chatted late into the night. After saying goodnight. Celia was overcome with emotions she yearned to be with Joe when was this quarantine going to be over she must see him again but how. She thought all night and came up with a plan. Now Joe worked at a bank as a teller so Celia decided to open an account at that bank. She had to make an appointment first since inside banking was by appointment only . She made her first deposit at Joe's drive through window. It was very awkward but she got to see him. Joe was flattered that Celia went through so much trouble to see him. She sent a note asking him to meet at the grocery store after work at 4. She was relieved when Joe answered yes. At 4 that afternoon they met at the grocery store chatting 6 feet apart. Joe stated that it just felt like they couldn't have a real conversation in the frozen isle. Celia agreed but added that seeing him was better that chatting Joe agreed.

Friday night came and Celia was so excited about their virtual date. They connected over social media and as they started it began to storm. Now Celia lived out in the country and the connection was lost. She tried texting but nothing . She was so disappointed. After the storm Celia tried texting Joe and after several attempts he responded. Everyone survived the storm no damage done. They agreed to try again tomorrow night. On Saturday night the virtual date was a success. They played music, checkers, and monopoly.

Joe was the winner Celia couldn't get a break but that wasn't import what was was spending time with Joe. Joe and Celia continued with meeting at the bank and grocery store occasionally but chatted daily and virtual dated frequently.

Celia longed just to be with him. To feel his touch to hear his voice in person and see his nice smile. Celia day dreamed about what her first embrace and kiss would be like with Joe. Would he want to kiss her? How much does he really like me? All this would be answered when the quarantine ended.

August 01, 2020 18:07

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