The Best Firsts

Submitted into Contest #35 in response to: Write a story that takes place at a spring dance.... view prompt

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The Best Firsts 


I was so excited; I could hardly wait. I’ve been waiting for this night for months! I had started planning my dress, looking for it since the day after Halloween. It took me until boxing day to finally find it. It was beautiful light pink; the top was lace with a flowery design the bottom was floor length silk that felt so smooth on my legs. 

On November 1st when I first started searching for my dress, I did not have a date for the spring formal yet and honestly, I didn’t think I would get one. It’s not like I'm super ugly but I was born with a Cleft lip and pallet, so I was missing some of my top lip which makes me look like I’m always sneering or doing the Elvis look, and I also didn’t have the roof of my mouth so I had surgery when I was only a few days old. I’ve never had a boyfriend and I’m 16 years old. I think guys are afraid of what it would feel like to kiss me, but I’m finally going for surgery in February so I’ll look different for the April 18th dance. 

I’m not super super popular but I do have friends, (not many). I tend to concentrate on school and helping my mom around the house. You see my dad left when I was born because he couldn’t handle having a deformed daughter, so it’s just mom and I. She’s a nurse who works different shifts to make ends meet and I got a job at the convenience store down the street to help carry the weight. We get along just fine mom works her butt off to give me everything I need, she saved up for over a year to buy me a car for my 16th birthday. It was a Junker piece of crap Ford Fiesta that the doors didn’t lock properly on but I love it anyway. 

So, I got my surgery and after a few weeks home recovering I went back to school. To say I was nervous is down playing it. I was terrified, panic stricken I mean what would people think? I almost didn’t go that first day until my best friend Elijah showed up at my door that morning a big smile on his face. 

“Ready?” he asked 

“I was thinking about staying home a few more days” I answered 



“Nope you're going to get dressed and start moving, new day new you let's get going!” 

As he gave me a hug and kiss on the chick then pushed me towards my bedroom. 

“Fine!” When we got to school, I couldn’t believe it I had never been given so much attention in my whole life. I should probably mention that I live in a small town of about 1,100 people so there is only one high school. I got many compliments on my new look I couldn’t believe it I even got invited to a party before the Spring Formal! I could wait I had my dress already what could go wrong? I have to say that was one of the best days of my life. 

That night I couldn’t wait to for supper so I could tell my mom all about my day. When we finally sat down, I started rambling right away 


“Slow down honey I can barely understand you” she interrupted  

“Sorry, I was saying that I got so many compliments today at school. It was so weird.” 

“Oh, Shayla I’m so glad to see you so happy!” 

“I know it feels different also. Oh! I also got invited to a party before the dance isn’t that great mom?” 

“Ya, it is but it’s you first party please be careful” 

“I know I will I promise, don’t worry” 

The next two weeks flew by and people were still being so nice to me! Finally, the day of the dance arrived, I was so excited that I couldn’t concentrate in any of my classes. After school a few of my friends and I went to a salon and got our hair, nails and make-up done. I went home to eat and finish getting ready Elijah had texted me to let me know he would be picking me up at 6:30. By 6:30 I was ready to go I felt like a princess. I was sitting at the window when mom came home from work took one look at me and started crying. 


“You look SO beautiful Shayla!” 

“Thanks mom!” 

Finally, I saw Elijah pull up in the driveway, I gave my mom a quick kiss and hug and ran out the door. As I got into the car, he looked over at me and smiled “You look absolutely fantastic!” 

“So, do you” I replied and he did. He was wearing a dark navy-blue tux with a bow tie and white button up shirt, his hair was gelled to one side and you could tell he had recently shaved as I could smell his aftershave. I liked it. “We are also picking up John and Laura” 

“Ok, sounds good!” 

John and Laura were our two best friends. We’ve known each other since kindergarten and the two of them have been in love with each other since then. When we got to Laura’s house, they both came running out, Laura was wearing a deep bright red flowing gown with no straps. She could make it work as god had blessed her with gigantic breasts unlike me who had almost none. John was wearing a black tux almost identical to Elijah’s which isn’t surprising since they rented them together. They got into the car and everyone said how good everyone looked then we were off to my first party! 

We got there just before 7pm and there was already so many people, I would swear the whole school showed up. The party was at Sam’s house one the richest boy’s in town so it was gigantic. We walked into the backyard where it seemed most of the kids were hanging out. Almost everyone was drinking and I assumed Sam’s parents has bought it as I always hear about the parties at this house. I saw two kegs and heard someone say there was another in the kitchen. 

Elijah asked if I wanted a drink but I turned it down, I'd never tried alcohol before and didn’t want to start tonight I wanted a clear head so I could remember the whole night. Elijah wasn’t drinking either as he was driving but John and Laura went and got cups of beer. We walked around and talked to our classmates, lots of people said how beautiful I looked, one person even said Elijah and I made a great couple so I had to tell her that we weren’t. 

We stayed just over an hour then left for the dance when people started trickling out. As we got to the car I looked around and noticed 3 limos parked along the street. Maybe one day I will get to ride in one I thought to myself as I got into the car. Sam’s house wasn’t far from the school so it only took 2 minutes to drive there. John and Laura giggling from their buzz the whole way. 

We walked into the gym and my jaw dropped, it was beautiful the committee has done such a wonderful job decorating. There were pink and white streamers' all over the ceiling, a sign above the stage were a live band played read “Welcome to the Spring Formal!” in bold pink letters. There were tables set up in a circle around the dance floor with pink table clothes and white napkins with a vase on each one with one pink rose. I guess pink and white were the dances chosen colors. The band was playing a song we didn’t know so we went and got some punch and found a table to sit at. We chatted amongst ourselves as we watched people dance, finally after three songs the band started playing one of Laura and mine favorite songs so we left the boys and went to dance. Five songs later panting and laughing we made our way back to our table. I couldn’t believe how much fun I was having it was beyond my wildest dreams. 

There was food next to the punch so the guys went to get us some while we caught our breath. As we sat and snaked people would stop by to talk then head off for food, punch or the dance floor. The conversations were all the same “I can’t believe what a great job they did” “We now it awesome!”, “Are you having fun?” “Ya ,we are”, “Are you coming back to the party after?” “We don’t know yet” 

About an hour in another slow song came on and John and Laura got up to dance, I watched them go wishing I has someone to dance with. Just then Elijah lend over 

“Wanna dance?” 

To say I was shocked was an understatement but I nodded and said yes. We got up and went to the dance floor, I put my arms on his shoulders his went to my waist. We awkwardly stood at arm's length apart and moved from side to side. 

“You know someone at the party earlier said to me that we make a cute couple” He said 


“Um, ya someone said it to me too. What did you tell them?” 

“That we weren’t a couple...yet” 

I froze “What did you just say?” 

“That we weren’t a couple yet” he replied 

“I...I...I... don’t know....” I stared stammering 

“Look Shayla I need to be honest. I have had a crush on you since first grade after we become friends and saw what a sweet caring person you were. As we got older that crush grew with us and turned into love.” He took a deep breath and continued “I’ve wanted to ask you out for so long but you always said you wanted to concentrate on school so you could leave this town. But I’ve thought about it a lot lately and at the end of next your you’ll be going off to college. I would hate myself if I didn’t at least try. So here goes will you go out with me?” 

I was in stunned silence for what felt like an eternity but was more like 5 seconds. 

“I need to be honest too, I have felt the same way but was afraid to so anything because of the way I looked. I didn’t think you would want a girlfriend that looked like me” 

“I never cared how you looked you were always beautiful to me our whole lives” 

“Yes, Yes, Yes, I will go out with you!” 

That’s when he pulled me closer and kissed me, after the kiss I put my head on his shoulder as he held me and we danced like that the rest of the night. That’s how all in one night I went to my first party, my first dance, got my first boyfriend whom I’ve loved my whole life and finally got my first kiss! 

By Timea Patient

April 02, 2020 20:33

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1 comment

Abeer Khan
10:06 Apr 10, 2020

Dear Timea Patient, I really enjoyed your sweet spring dance story. Stay creative!


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