Danger to security

Written in response to: Set your story in a post office.... view prompt


Fiction Suspense Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Mary Anne is a middle-aged woman working as a security guard at a post office. Late at night, Mary's long black hair sweeped across her forehead, the security room blazing hot due to the broken air conditioner. Mary waved a piece of paper in the air, trying to cool herself down, only making her arms tired and weak. Soon, Mary jumped up, remembering she didn't lock the doors to the main office. She got up and ran to the main office, seeing that the door was slightly open. Mary shut the door, going to investigate the rest of the building and slowly walking down the hall. Mary searched thoroughly to make sure the place was empty before heading back to her large microwave of an office. Mary grabbed her lunch kit, got her "crispy crunchy" spicy chips, and began to wolf them down one by one. Suddenly, the lights went out. Mary grabbed her flash light and went down to the boiler room to check out the issue. "Got darn it, this dang on light never seems to be working." Mary flicked the switch back and forth until the lights came back on as she headed back up the stairs. A gust of wind hits the back of her neck as a shadowed figure runs past. Mary turns around quickly, but nothing is there, so she continues on her way back to her hot box until she is knocked down, hitting her head on the ground and fainting. Minutes later, Mary wakes up in the bathroom. "What am I doing in here?" she says, scratching her head. She looks up at the mirror and sees the words, "GET OUT OF THIS POSTSAL OFFICE OR SEEK VARIOUS CONSEQUENCES." Mary gasped, standing upon her feet to get a closer look, realizing she was badly bruised and blood was rushing from her head. "WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?" Mary yells into the silence. A weary voice whispers, "Get out of here now before it's too late." Then the stall door slams, and Mary rushes out of the main office, tripping over the thick white chord lying in front of the entrance at a speed quicker than sound. A wind knocks Mary off of her feet as items from all over crash around the room. A lamp hits Mary in the back. The sound of pain and agony fills the air. Tears emerge from Mary's eyes. Silence fills the room before loud steps enter, but no one is there. The steps get louder and louder. A screeching sound echoes throughout the hallways, and a high-pitched scream comes from the security room. Mary saw a small, strong wind similar to a small tornado whistling and whimpering. Mary backed away slowly before bumping into something. Mary turned around and saw a tall brown-haired man with a mask covering the middle of his forehead down to his chin. He's dressed in all black, with nothing but his hands showing. He smiles and reaches his arms out as if asking for a hug. Mary stands there, staring at the guy. He grabs Mary's shoulders, pulling her closer and whispering, "Run." Before letting Mary go, she runs outside, stepping on a large piece of glass. Mary screams, blood dripping from her foot. She limps through cars in the parking lot before tripping on a stick. She picks up the stick and drags herself across the ground until something grabs her ankles, pulling her through mud, glass, and rocks. She cries in agony. She was flipped over and saw the man once again. He grabbed her kneck and slammed her into the ground before she swung her stick, striking him and causing him to let her go. She got up and struck him a couple of times before running as fast as she could to the pharmacy next door. She ran into the pharmacy and locked the door behind her. She was approached by a tall, dark-haired woman. As Mary began to speak, she heard scratching and humming. She turned around and screamed to the top of her lungs. She ran behind the counter and sat down. "He's there. Call the police, please. He's right there." The store clerk looked out the door and went behind the counter with Mary. She looked at her and took her hand. "Everything will be fine." The store clerk grabbed the phone and went to unlock the door before going into the room privately. Mary kicked, cried, and screamed at the man as he choked her. The store clerk came back moments later and watched as Mary struggled. "Help me, please." Mary said on her last breath. The man looked at the store clerk, then back at Mary, continuing to choke her. Soon, the ambulance approached the pharmacy. Four men come in and signal for the others to get Mary and handcuff her to the stretcher as he pulls the clerk to the side. "So she came in claiming someone was after her." He says the clerk peers at Mary, who is screaming at the men to let her go. The store clerk looks down. "Yes, I didn't know what to do, so I held her hand, and she was calm, but when I came back from calling you guys, she was attacking herself, asking for me to help her." The store clerk starts to cry, feeling sorry for Mary. "It'll be fine, maam. Well, fix her up and take her to a facility to find the cause of this outburst." The man smiles for assurance and goes outside after the ambulance pulls off. The man comes from the back, grinning as he hugs the store clerk. "We got another one, Delilah. Soon we'll get to the boss and take over that building." Delilah laughs as she wipes her tears and fixes her make-up. Steve, soon we won't even have to get the boss; he'll have to just quit and sell his place." Steve and Delilah go outside and watch as the ambulance pulls around the corner and begin to smile, feeling power and strength amongst all of the cons they've pulled.

August 21, 2023 03:13

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