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Drama Fiction Happy

A young woman the age of 23 was just about to have a big change in her life. The whole rest of the year! Her name was Katrina and she wanted nothing more in life than to have her own place to live with her husband .. and to get a job in the career field she decided she wanted to do with her life, a desk job.

You see Katrina , went to school for dental assisting, the only thing missing was actual experience in a externship...that her school scholarship at her college canceled on her .

Since she didn't have extern experience, none of the dental offices would hire her. Katrina tried to apply at all the near by dental office but no one seemed to want to give her a chance.

After a couple of years of trying ... She eventually have up on the idea of being a dental assistant and pursued other jobs. Meanwhile during the past couple of years she had previously met a guy in college named Lewis . He was always encouraging her to try to get a job that would make her happy.

Now Katrina has been married to Lewis for almost two years. Working at a fancy restaurant washing dishes just to get by .

They both lived with Lewis parents at the time and was working on finding a way out to a new life.

When Lewis brother came to visit he gave Lewis and katrina both the support they needed to do something about their situation.

Katrina was so encouraged that she applied to a desk job add online that she didn't know if she qualified for .

During the interview katrina actually said " I apologise I am nervous " . A day or two later she received a phone call from the H.R. Direct boss from the hospital the company she applied for. And she was so stunned to find out she was offered a job that she had to calm her self down and say "I'd love too".

She then made arrangements to train for the desk job.

Katrina was so excited! This means she can tell Lewis and she can finally quit her dishwashing job .

Sitting at a desk all day and being paid for it sounded way better than running around with heavy stacks of dirty dishes ... And getting home most nights at 11:30 pm or later.

Katrina knew this would be the perfect time to tell everyone about her new job. Lewis brother came to visit from another state so everyone was in a good mood. Even her mean mother in law wouldn't dare try to start making a scene in front of everyone.

Later when katrina told Lewis about her new desk job ... He was so happy for her that he took her out for dairy queen .

Then a couple months went by and they finally found their very own small old and ugly apartment! It was small old and not perfect but they were on their own and happy. Things were great when they got moved in... All up untill a week later ...

Katrina's mother in law started making up more lies about her and convcied Lewis that Katrina was being mean. Katrina stated that she never said or did mean things. So when Lewis relisies the truth , he apologized for everything that has happened . Then Lewis stopped talking to his mom.

After getting used to living on their own with their tiny dog chihuahua, things were going great. Katrina started to be geninuly happy for once.

Not having to pay for all her parent in laws wants and needs anymore was great. With Katrina's new desk job she can learn to budget for her and her husbands life.

It was nice paying for all your bills and still having money left over for buying things you want such as going to eat at a restaurant.

Katrina knew her new desk job was temporary at first because she accepted the job knowing this.

However, she thought just because it is a temporary job doesn't mean she should slack off. Katrina wanted to get a raise or more than anything else get a permanent position with the new job at the hospital.

So she would study books in general and she would take online classes and she received a few online certificates .

Everytime katrina had an upset person she knew she had to do her job regardless. Due to the covid virus of 2020 her job was now a new career field. The hospital needed someone to ask covid symptom questions and take temperatures.

Katrina's life was great ! She had her dream desk job and Lewis and her had their own place. Life couldn't get any better she thought.

One day out of the blue her boss had called her to her office to have a meeting. Her boss has a meeting about being short staffed in the hospital cafeteria and offered katrina a help position fill in. To assist with phone calls .

Well a week or two went by and there was no update about working in the cafeteria. I mean working in the cafeteria as a fill in and if she volunteered to work where she was needed that would show great unitive. She wanted a permanent job.

Then she went to work to find a new desk to work at. This was awesome . She was so happy about her new desk that she shared the news with a few other people. An hour later of being at work Katrina's boss came to visit her.

She explained that the state inspection thought the door attendents didn't get paid enough for the amount of work they did. So katrina received a 3$ raise!

Katrina was stunned because she never received a raise before!

She spent the rest of that work day thinking of how she was going to tell her husband Lewis. So she made a Christmas song. Which goes like 12 days of Christmas but instead it is 12 dollars an hour.

So they celebrated and life couldn't be more happy.

Who knows what will happen in Katrina's future. All katrina knows is that sometimes it does pay to try things you never tried before. It sometimes does pay to put in the extra hard work.

December 17, 2020 00:19

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1 comment

Kaci Rigney
17:50 Dec 24, 2020

Hi Shadow, I would suggest that you get free Grammarly. It will help with redundancies, grammar, and spelling. It will also help with passive voice, i.e., was, had, has been, would, etc. Also, reading your story aloud, or having someone read to you is helpful as you can hear what you should change. If you are serious about a writing career, take some writing courses online, or join a writer's guild. Good Luck!


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