Inspirational Romance Happy

Love Never Fails

I was what you would call a workaholic. My job was my life. I loved my job as an engineer, I love to create and build different projects that I was assigned to, it just seemed to give me life! Yes, many times these projects would take up many hours in a day. I remember one project that took more than a year and a half to complete. It was a Cooling Tower Capacity, My crew and I had our hands full with that assignment. My job gave me skills beyond my own imagination. It also allowed me to make a good living for myself. I’m able to live in a nice four bedroom, two and a half bath with a two car garage home. I have cars, and I wear very nice clothes, every man’s dream! But I came to realize, none of these materialistic things really matter if you don’t have someone special in your life to share them with. Coming home every night to a big beautiful empty house didn’t feel good at all. But my busy lifestyle as an engineer made it very hard for me to find that special someone. One day as I was leaving a coffee shop, and ran into an old friend, we struck up a conversation, he asked, “How was everything going on with me?” I told him everything was good and my work was coming along just fine. He said, “so happy to hear that.” I asked him how things were going in his life. He said, “just great, I can’t complain.” “I have a wonderful wife of four years, and we are expecting our second child in June.” I told him I was very happy for him. He then asked me about my love life. I told him that I didn’t have one. I told him that I have a big house, two nice cars, and a career that provides a great living for me. But as for that special someone to share it all with, I don’t have that, I want it, but Because of my busy lifestyle, it’s hard for me to find it. My friend said to me, “That’s too bad, we all need someone to love.” So we exchanged phone numbers, and we promised to keep in touch. I went about my life, which was work,work, work. About two weeks later, my friend called me up and invited me to come to his home for a nice home cooked meal. I told him that my only off day was on Sundays. He said, “Great, my wife loves to cook Sunday dinners.” So we made arrangements for me to come over to his house that next Sunday. In the meantime I keep busy at work. Soon Sunday came, the dinner was at 6pm that evening. I arrived at my friend's house, which was very nice by the way. I rang the doorbell, my friend opened the door with a big smile on his face, he said, “glad you could make it, come on in.” He introduced me to his wife and his three years old daughter. He then introduced me to a beautiful woman named Linda. Soon as I saw her, I got butterflies in my stomach, I didn’t even know if a man could get butterflies. I just know it was a feeling that I can’t explain. As we sat down at the table to have dinner, Linda sat across from me, her smile lit up the whole room! I was mesmerized. Linda and I struck up a conversation, and came to find out, she too was an engineer! We talked and talked, The night couldn’t get any better. I walked her to her car, I asked if it would be ok to call her sometime and she said, “Please do, I’d like that.” I Thanked my friend and his wife for a great meal, but most of all for introducing me to Linda! That next day, While on my lunch break, I called Linda, we had a good conversation, in fact it was so good til I went over my hour lunch break! I asked her if I could take her out to eat sometime, she said, “sounds good.” We went to a great restaurant, and we talked the night away! Linda was just what I needed. The restaurant began to shut down, time had really gotten away from us. I took Linda home, and we had our first kiss. On my way home, I couldn’t get her off my mind. What a woman, I kept saying. I asked myself, could she be the one? That special someone that has been missing in my life. Only time will tell, I said to myself. Over the next few months Linda and I spent quite a bit of time together, which made our feelings for one another grow stronger and stronger. Yes, I had finally found that special person to fill that empty part of my life. I was happier than ever, life just couldn’t get any better, and if what I was feeling was a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up. One day I decided I wanted to surprise Linda, by taking her favorite food to her on her lunch break, which was chicken and dumplings. I found a restaurant that made the best mouth watering chicken and dumplings ever. I just couldn’t wait to see the look on her face! As I arrived at Linda’s workplace, my heart dropped, the building was in smoke, I couldn’t believe it! My heart started pounding, my mind started racing, my legs got weak, it felt like I just wanted to throw up! I was so scared, and I didn’t know what to do! The woman I loved was trapped inside of that burning building! I felt helpless, I told myself, I just got to do something, Linda is inside and I don’t want to lose my new love, I just can’t! The streets were filled with police, fire trucks, rescue trucks, and people were running out of the building screaming and hollering. But Linda was nowhere in sight, where could she be! I kept saying to myself. I need to do something, but what could I do? The suspense was killing me, in my mind, it seemed like no one was doing anything! They weren't working hard enough or fast enough for me. Because Linda was nowhere to be seen! Without even thinking about my own life, I ran inside of that burning building, and all I could think about was getting to the woman I loved. I called out at the top of my voice Linda, Linda, where are you?! Please answer me. There was no sound from her, the smoke was getting thicker, and the fire was blazing more and more. I couldn’t see a thing, the whole building was dark, and filled with a blazing fire! I was terrified that I wouldn’t see Linda ever again! Just when I was about to lose all hope, I heard voices, saying help! help! We’re in here! Low and behold for some strange reason, this room that they were in did not catch fire! At this time one of the firemen was right behind me. He was able to prior open the trapped door, I saw Linda, my heart was overjoyed, and even though I was black, and smutty, I gave her the biggest hug ever! I took off my jacket, put it around her, and by this time other firemen had come to the rescue as well, they escorted everyone to safety, and to my surprise, I walked away with a few minor burns, nothing major. As for Linda, she didn’t get any burns at all, she was just shaken up a bit. That’s a day we’ll never forget! Six months later Linda and I were married, and a year later, we welcomed our first son whom we nicknamed Blaze.   

October 24, 2020 00:10

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