
"Veronica George, do you plead guilty to 3 charges of first degree murder,?"


My name is Veronica George and I am 18 years old. I had a week left at home before I left for college. To be honest I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I had an opportunity to be the main role in a new teen movie, but since my incarceration, they will probably choose someone else. My childhood best friend Dean and I wanted to spend this last week together. We decided to make plans and visit Las Vegas and play the slot machines in hopes of winning millions and not have to go to college. As you can see, none of our plans happened, but Dean and I did end up on national news.

Even though I am facing life in prison without parole, I wouldn't have taken any of it back. I had the best week of my life with Dean, I even fell in love with him. One thing I did learn is you can't trust anyone, not even the love of your life.

"The court may stand"

"In the case of Veronica George vs the United States Supreme Court, the jury has found Veronica George guilty of three counts of first degree murder of Dean Logan, Todd Grands, and Jeremy Roth". "The defendant will face a maximum punishment of life in prison without parole"

The judge bangs his gavel and exits the courtroom.

I turned around one last time to see the many cameras take my picture and paparazzi asking questions. I then met my mothers eyes and saw my cousins heartbreak as I was ushered away.

I didn't feel any emotions. I was numb. My soul had slipped from my body. What I did had to be done. In my mind I felt as if I should be off the hook and the murders were poetic justice.

On my way to Las Vegas, Dean and I were so excited. That night we played the slot machines and won $1,000. We blew that money on booze and drugs. I couldn't even recall what happened that night except that I woke up that morning in his arms on the roof of the hotel. I realized that we had slept together that night. He woke up and our eyes met. He kissed me with intense passion. I felt like I was alive for the very first time. He confessed his love for me. I felt relieved because I felt the same emotions for him as well. We spent the week playing poker and shopping at the local malls. Before we left he proposed to me in the desert, in our blue corvette. I cried. We drove to the we Pink Chapel and gravel road 233. We were going to tell our friends and family when we got back.

On our way back home, I noticed something was wrong in my gut. I asked Dean if he had truly loved me. He said he did, but he didn't look me in the eyes. We made our way to the palace motel to catch some sleep. There were two men in the room next to us, they stared at us as we came to our room and opened the door. Dean and I got ready for bed, I pretended to sleep to see what Dean would do. Dean got up and opened the door for the two men next door to step into our room. Dean pointed to me and said, "that's her"

The two men pulled out knives, chloroform, and bags. I felt a jump in my heart and got up fast. I found some rope under the bed and used it to my advantage. I stuck up behind the first guy, I tied the rope around Todd Grands neck, taking his knife and stabbing his eye. Then I used his body as a shield to slit the neck of Jeremy Roths throat. Dean was coming towards me. I have never seen the devil staring me in the face before. This was the man I fell in love with. He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me down. Tears fell down my face, my breath was taken away, luckily a knife was nearby, I stabbed him in the heart. I watched his face and his grip loosen. Even though he was stabbed in the heart, my heart was shattered.

The motel maid came in, due to the noise complaints, and found a blood bath. Her mouth dropped and she shouted and ran out of the room. Detectives and police surrounded the area, I left on an ambulance with handcuffs and a huge cut on the back of my head. I was convicted of my husbands murder, even though I was a victim of my husbands love.

It took me about 3 months to heal from my in juries and required multiple surgeries to correct my spinal cord. My husband had a knife and took it to the back of my head and stabbed me where the end of my spinal cord was. He broke my heart and hurt my spinal cord.

I found out that the reason he did this was if he married me and made it look like I was "kidnapped", he would get a huge payday because he was my spouse and would be able to pay for his dream college. He was never in love with me, but he used me. I fell in love with a person that used me for his own benefit.

National news caught wind of my "murders". They even gave me the nickname, "Killer Bride". "Woman kills husband and two men after wedding". How ironic, I would have been killed had I just lay there. I received lots of hate mail and plenty of fan mail. I became an icon in Hollywood. I guess my acting career just might pan out.

I plan on reopening my case very soon, wish me luck!

August 06, 2020 20:33

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