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Drama Holiday

The frigged rain drenched his mousy brown hair but he didn't hesitate even for a second. He kept on walking, it was cold but he trudged on anyway. His dark red converse is soaked. He arrived at a small house, it was pleasant and welcoming. He knocked on the door, it was rough and sandy. 

The door flung open. The boy jumped back, he almost wasn’t expecting it to open.

“Leo? I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” Bianca's face was kind, Leo hadn’t known her for long so it was a bit odd he chose to go to Bianca's house but it was the first place he could think of. “Come in!” Bianca signaled to Leo. 

He hesitated but entered. He felt bad intruding but he had nowhere else to go.

Leo stepped into the house and a rush of warm air came over him. It was wonderful.

“ You're soaked, C’mon you can wear some of Fred's old clothes.” 

Leo agreed and followed Bianca’s movements, he even tried to synchronize his steps to hers.

The room was dimly lit by a small lamp. He changed into the clothes, they were not particularly soft. Bianca encouraged him to stay the night but he wasn’t sure. 

Bianca was one of his mom's close friends and she always tried to help him when possible. His mom wasn't a very responsible person, they lived in a small RV. His mom took the RV out tonight though he wasn't sure where she went, this wasn't the first time she ran off. Leo is only 10 years old so he was old enough to understand his mom very irresponsible.

He must have fallen asleep at Bianca’s house because when he awoke he was greeted by the scent of bacon and eggs. Bianca must have carried him to the guest bed because the last thing he remembered was falling asleep on the soft carpeted ground.

“Finally you’re awake!” The voice Leo heard was unfamiliar and rough, Today he was not greeted by Bianca's soft pleasant voice he was greeted by her father’s. Leo always admired how Bianca’s family could act so kid to each other despite their differences. 

Leo immediately began eating his warm eggs, eggs had always been a rare treat for Leo because his mom usually brought home junk food or other cheap meals, but he appreciated the food none the less. 

“Whoa slow down there or you are going to be sick!” Bianca’s father took some of the eggs off of Leo’s plate as he spoke. Leo ate, he wondered 

“What are you dressing up as?” Leo gave her a puzzled look. “For Halloween…” Bianca responded to his puzzled look with an even more confused look. “You’re a kid all kids should get to enjoy Halloween!” her face was scrunched up and he could hear her mutter something under her breath but he couldn't make out exactly what it was he said. 

Leo had never dressed up on Halloween because his mom was never home and she always instructed he stayed inside. 

“C’mon let's get you ready.” They both prepared for Halloween and a few days had passed, Leo waited but his mom hadn't returned. Bianca did a good job keeping his mind off of his mom and he understood that she was just trying to distract him but he appreciated it all the same. Halloween drew closer with every attempt at making his costume. They had decided on the tin man from Wizard of Oz, Leo had read Wizard of Oz lots of times he even knew the name of the tin man, Nicholas Chopper. He was proud to be so knowledgeable about a subject, even if it was just a book.

He knew Bianca was just trying to keep his mind off of his mother but the more they worked on the tin foil costume the more joy he got out of it. Bianca was always trying her best and that always inspired Leo to do his best too.

Finally, Halloween had come! At this point Leo could barely contain his excitement, to get to participate in the activity he longed for for years was almost surreal! As they walked Leo noticed the rain had stopped and the sky was once again beaming with beautiful rays of light, even though it was already 8’oclock. 

“It's rare to see the sun still out so late in October.” Leo agreed and they both smiled at each other and hurried down the humid streets and rang every doorbell they could find. Leo’s pillow sack was overflowing with candy and he conveyed the pure delight only seen on a 10-year-old’s first Halloween.

the evening flew by and Leo remembered something Bianca had said to him: "time flies when you are having fun." And she was right! he had so much fun that night he could barely get himself to leave! but of course, all good things come to an end.

As Leo walked home he wondered if the RV would even be there. He arrived at the grassy patch where the RV usually was, and sure enough, it was back in its rightful place. His mom rushed outside and Yelled. She looked tense and her eyes were strained, it looked as though she hadn't slept in days.

 “WHERE WERE YOU!” Leo jumped back in surprise, if she was so worried she should have called Bianca even if she tried to avoid her. 

“I thought something happened to you!” Leo knew she was faking but played along.

“It's okay, I am fine.” He began to walk back inside wondering why she was acting so concerned but he soon found out. 

“Hey, champ!” Leo jumped back, so startled he knocked over the new candle, and the glass shattered everywhere. A large man towered over him and laughed at Leo’s mistake.

 “Are you going to pick it up or not?”  Leo was surprised by the comment, “well you were quick to show your true colors.” he muttered. Leo looked up at the man who loomed over him ominously, The man looked infuriated and Leo immediately began cleaning.

October 29, 2020 18:14

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18:16 Oct 29, 2020

Sorry if the grammar isn't great, I'm a kid so I don't have enough money for an editor. I hope you enjoy!


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